
The best "tonic" for marriage is emotional stability

When I went online a few days ago, I saw such a question: What kind of man is most worth marrying?

As the saying goes, turnip cabbage has its own love, everyone's aesthetics and preferences are different, of course, there will not be a fixed standard in the matter of mate selection.

Some people have face control and like a good-looking face;

Some people like to enjoy, so the material requirements should be a little more;

There are also people who pay attention to feelings, as long as they feel that everything is not a problem;

But marriage is different from being in love, you can not know what you want, but you must know what you don't want.

Choosing the wrong man is not only the current happiness is not guaranteed, but it is more likely to affect your family and even the rest of your life.

There is such a man, no matter how good the conditions, no matter how deeply loved, do not marry.

That's the emotionally unstable man.

Emotionally unstable men are the biggest time bomb in marriage, you don't know what he's going to explode, living with such people, every day is a kind of ordeal.

The best "tonic" for marriage is emotional stability

Heard a real case:

There is a couple who have been in love since they were studying, but when they met their parents, they were opposed by the woman's parents.

There are several reasons for the woman's parents to oppose, the most critical point is that the man is too careful to open his eyes, can't think about it, and is worried that the girl will be angry after marrying.

The girl does not understand the pain of her parents, thinks that her parents are poor and loves rich, says that she wants to marry the boy, and in order to get her parents to agree, she has a big belly before she is engaged.

Her parents had to agree, and the two families negotiated at the hotel.

The woman's parents did not ask for more, meaningfully proposed the bride price of 8888, and the boy became angry, crying about the difficulty of his parents, while secretly accusing the girl's parents of power.

The girl's parents are not happy at the moment, 8,000 yuan, that is, the boy's salary for more than a month, and the daughter who has raised herself for more than 20 years, is it not even worth a few thousand yuan?

What's more, after this money is married, we will double it for you to add back, can we get such a snotty tear?

The parents look down on the boy even more, but the daughter insists on marrying.

The best "tonic" for marriage is emotional stability

But they had been married for less than a year, and her parents had responded to what they had said before.

After the birth of the child, she is inevitably a little negligent to her husband, the man not only competes with the child for favors, but even if he is unhappy, she is of course unwilling, and the result of the quarrel is to beat her.

The first time the man knelt down and said that he was a ghost, she chose to forgive, and the result was that the man became more and more excessive, and each time he said less than two words, he began to drop things and scold her.

Angry, she mentioned divorce, and the man took a kitchen knife to cut her parents, frightening her to never dare to say divorce again.

But she didn't dare to say these things to her parents, because her husband was really the kind of person who could do whatever he said.

When it was good, he took them out to eat, drink and have fun, saying that he didn't care about anything, but once his temper came up, it was like he couldn't control it, and everyone hurt.

It wasn't that she didn't want to go away fiercely, but she was really afraid of affecting innocent relatives, so she could only continue to suffer.

After a few years of marriage, she has no social networking, looks a generation older than her peers, and sometimes marries the wrong person, and there is really no way back.

Many girls before getting married, with a lonely courage, no matter how others object, they refuse to listen, but they don't know that some men are like poisonous plants that can't be shaken off, stained with you can only be slowly consumed by him.

Emotionally unstable men belong to this.

They are often moody, uncertain, and want to take revenge on society when they are not satisfied, and they fight with the people around them at every turn.

The best "tonic" for marriage is emotional stability

The rarest tonic for marriage is emotional stability.

Whether it is a man or a woman in this society, it is not easy to live.

Maybe everyone has a lot of invisible pressure in their hearts, so many times, we all hope that we can be relieved in a relationship, but a partner who has negative energy all day and can't control his bad emotions is never a qualified lover.

Truly mature people, who know how to positively explain the demonstration, they will not think that their lovers and children are their own private goods, and they will not think that others should be good to them.

Emotionally stable men, like the little sun in winter and the little wind in the summer night, make people steady and relaxed.

They are tepid, impatient, the treasure of our ordinary lives, and the decompressants in our long marriages:

Life is already so difficult, why should we embarrass each other again?

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