
The mother-in-law is partial to the younger son, helping the child to find the eldest daughter-in-law after 10 years of illness: it is your turn to serve the elderly

Selfish people often only see themselves, but they can't see others. Selfish people, on the other hand, are mostly extremely thick-skinned and completely self-aware. Such a person, who meets who is unlucky.

Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the most annoying thing is that the face is big and there is no self-awareness. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the first ten years to see the mother-in-law, the next ten years to see the daughter-in-law. If the mother-in-law has not been kind to the daughter-in-law in the first ten years, then in the next ten years, do not expect the daughter-in-law to repay the favor.

People are heart-to-heart, you hurt me is not easy, I will also appreciate your efforts. If you have not treated me well, why do you have the courage to ask me to support you?

The mother-in-law is partial to the younger son, helping the child to find the eldest daughter-in-law after 10 years of illness: it is your turn to serve the elderly

01, when the mother-in-law was young, she was only partial to her younger son

As the saying goes, the emperor loves the eldest son, and the people love the son. This is the most appropriate thing to say to Mother-in-Law Rosie. Because, Brahma's mother-in-law, whether in her youth or in her later years, is as eccentric as ever to spoil her younger son.

When Rosie married her husband, her in-laws' savings had already bought a house for her younger son. Therefore, when the eldest son got married, the mother-in-law said that "the children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, do not be a cow and a horse for the children and grandchildren, you can no longer nibble on the old" perfunctorily explained the past, and not a penny was paid.

When Rosie gave birth to her daughter, she asked her mother-in-law to take care of confinement and the child. The mother-in-law pushed three or four, saying that the younger son had two children, and she wanted to help the younger son with the child, and she was tired of skills, so rosie went to find her mother-in-law's parents to serve the confinement.

After being rejected, Rosie, who was so strong, never whispered to her mother-in-law, because she knew that the patriarchal mother-in-law would not feel sorry for her, let alone leave her two sons of the little uncle to help her with her daughter.

Since then, Rosie has quit her job as a stay-at-home mom. But even when she was most painful and helpless, she never asked her mother-in-law. Because she understands that the more you show weakness and ask for help, the more your mother-in-law looks down on you.

The mother-in-law is partial to the younger son, helping the child to find the eldest daughter-in-law after 10 years of illness: it is your turn to serve the elderly

02, help raise a child after 10 years of illness to find the eldest daughter-in-law: it is your turn to provide for the elderly

But this is such a person, when he was young, he only favored his younger son, and his mother-in-law, who single-mindedly contributed money and helped his younger son raise a child for 10 years, was rejected by his sister-in-law when the pain of illness struck in his later years.

At the beginning, when the mother-in-law's health was not too bad and she could still help with the work, the sister-in-law began to be a little dissatisfied. But as the mother-in-law grew older, she could no longer control her years of illness. At this time, the child grows up and goes to school, and there is no need to worry much.

The sister-in-law urged the mother-in-law to return to her hometown, saying that the child was older and needed to arrange a room, and there was no room for the mother-in-law to live in the family. Although the mother-in-law who was driven away was very sad, at the instigation of the little uncle, the mother-in-law still decided to go to the eldest son and daughter-in-law for the elderly.

Seeing her mother-in-law who came to her with a body of illness to provide for her retirement, Rosie's first feeling was anger and unwillingness. In particular, the mother-in-law was kicked out of the house by her sister-in-law, but she still asked Rosie so bluntly: It is your turn to retire.

While the mother-in-law cried about the ruthlessness and filial piety of her sister-in-law, she also morally kidnapped the eldest daughter-in-law for the elderly. Rosie looked at her crying mother-in-law, and the little pity she had at first was gone after hearing her mother-in-law's words. Because some people, who are self-inflicted, do not deserve sympathy.

The mother-in-law is partial to the younger son, helping the child to find the eldest daughter-in-law after 10 years of illness: it is your turn to serve the elderly

03, 10,000 yuan to send away the mother-in-law

Her husband was next to persuade her not to worry, her parents, when she was young, she wanted to help whoever she wanted to bring her children, and she was not qualified to accuse her children. But when parents fall ill in their later years, their children cannot ignore them and have to assume the obligation of support.

Rosie looked at her husband and didn't say a word. In the past years, my husband had not experienced the pain and hardship of dragging himself out, and there was no way to feel her anger and unwillingness at this moment.

Rosie did not agree, but transferred ten thousand yuan to her mother-in-law, telling her that this ten thousand yuan was her attitude and position. She will not stop her husband from filial piety, but she will not serve her mother-in-law, because she has not been treated kindly, and her mother-in-law is naturally not entitled to enjoy her service.

While taking the money, the mother-in-law also cried and cried and accused Rosie of being ruthless, the little daughter-in-law drove her home, and the eldest daughter-in-law also drove her away, she was so old, but finally ended up with an old and helpless end.

The mother-in-law's words made her husband feel bad. But Rosie was indifferent, if the mother-in-law had known how to level a bowl of water, maybe there would be no old and unsupported today.

And all this is completely her own fate, Rosie sympathizes with her, but will not take care of her. This is also the last bit of bottom line and dignity for her as a wife and daughter-in-law.

Today's Topic:

Do you think Grandma Rosie is self-inflicted?

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