
#儿媳妇要生孩子了, should the mother-in-law come to serve # The mother-in-law has the heart to serve, and if the heart is unwilling, don't come, save the unwilling, make everyone unhappy. already

author:Piglet Mark Yin

#儿媳妇要生孩子了, should the mother-in-law come to serve?

The mother-in-law has the heart to serve, and if the heart is unwilling, don't come, save the unwilling and unwilling, and make everyone unhappy. Since you choose to serve, you will serve well, and the daughter-in-law who knows how to be grateful and cherished will remember the kindness of her mother-in-law and will treat her mother-in-law well in the future. But if you don't come to serve, please also care about your daughter-in-law, don't really ignore it, otherwise when your mother-in-law needs a daughter-in-law in the future, your daughter-in-law will also ignore you.

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