
All we ask for in our lives is a book by the pillow and love at home. Half poetic and half fireworks are the most beautiful things in life. No matter how busy you are at work, remember to read, don't neglect the soul; life again

author:Head think tank

What we have asked for all our lives,

But there are books by the pillow and love at home.

Half poetic, half fireworks,

It is the most beautiful way of life.

No matter how busy you are at work, you must remember to read,

Don't neglect the soul;

No matter how tired life is, you must know how to accompany,

Don't neglect your family.

In the new year, may you make reading a pleasure,

Cherish the efforts of your family,

Run your life well.

All we ask for in our lives is a book by the pillow and love at home. Half poetic and half fireworks are the most beautiful things in life. No matter how busy you are at work, remember to read, don't neglect the soul; life again

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