
I have been lending a hundred thousand to my colleagues with an annual interest rate of ten thousand, and it has been four years. Every year when it comes to the interest time, I remind him, but I always push the resignation and do not give well. One year, he deliberately deposited money through the bank

author:Rahul nagged

I have been lending a hundred thousand to my colleagues with an annual interest rate of ten thousand, and it has been four years. Every year when it comes to the interest time, I remind him, but I always push the resignation and do not give well. One year, he deliberately paid interest through bank deposits, feeling that he was a little reluctant to pay back the capital. The IOU was written early, and it was not replaced in time, so I chatted on WeChat and sat down to confirm the loan relationship. Last year, through WeChat payment of six thousand, bank card transfer of four thousand, I feel that he still has a little tweet. He was the head of the unit, and most of his relatives held important positions in government departments or invested in the mineral business. Years ago, he poured out private lending and invested in financial companies, hotels, coal mines, oil and other once quite profiteering industries. Colleagues have lent him a lot, but when it comes to recovering the principal and interest, it is more difficult, once a colleague chased after the debt, there were thousands of interest did not pay, and finally did not go away. Next year, he will retire, and I think I should end the loan relationship early and recover the principal and interest as soon as possible. Otherwise, as soon as he retires, he will be in trouble asking for money, and I will not be able to collect a debt and go to court.

Ten years ago, the local economy was prosperous, and overnight, rich people sprung up like mushrooms, private lending was prevalent, and financial companies were scattered all over the street, thriving, and all of them were soliciting investment. The monthly interest rate of borrowing between the people is one-fifth to two points, and the monthly interest rate of financial companies and investment companies is two-points to three-fifths, and even more five points. There is suddenly no affection between relatives, only monetary interests, why take money and talk about things. Borrowing ious between father and son is not a joke, but a fact. Some bold people see business opportunities, but also play usury, with high interest rates as bait, under the guise of related investment in mineral real estate, hoodwink the people, solicit millions of dollars, buy cars and buy houses, eat and drink, dashing and sprinkling, the situation is very hard. A few aspiring borrowers buy land, build houses, rent, invigorate the economy, and make a lot of money. Most of the superficial strength is strong, in fact, can not play for a few months, demolition of the east wall, supplement the west wall, follow-up capital chain breakage, play missing, anyway is not their own money, lice are not itchy, debts are not worried, who wants money, borrow by ability, resolutely do not pay back. Among my classmates, there are only a few who play loan sharks and are chased online. One classmate was fooled by other students for three hundred thousand, more than ten years, not a single point, make a phone call to ask, the other party is tantrums, stink a meal. There are also civil servants playing with loans, the leading secretary of a county party committee resigned directly from the government department, the private interest of three-five cents as bait, more than two million yuan, buying a car and a house, flaunting the might, all of them themselves. My colleague is a second-tier peddler who appeared during the period of economic blowout and distorted development, borrowing and borrowing backwards to earn the difference, and at the same time, investing in mineral hotels and so on through relatives. In a year, pour two million among colleagues and friends, in just a few years, Bought four apartments, and the house prices were low in those years. At the earliest, I gave him a loan, and the annual interest rate was considerable. Three months before the economic crisis, I received inside information, lost some interest, and ended my lending relationship early. At that time, colleagues took the reason that the business was not good, and wanted to reduce the interest rate by a large amount. I told him that during the period of huge profits, he did not give me more income, the business was good or bad, and the profit margins could not be thin, looking for me to make up for the difference.

In short, most of those who use private lending as a way to get rich have no pants left. Folk masters have produced a variety of passages, which appropriately describe the loan results of rich people to negative men. Of course, there are many examples of friends who have no money when they have money, or who are white-eyed wolves. When a few billionaires had money, they often borrowed money from friends without blinking an eye, and one of them borrowed two debts, one twelve million and one eight million. Later, when he went bankrupt and was chased for debts, his mobile phone turned off, ran to Xi'an to find a friend who owed him twenty million yuan for money, and waited at the door of his friend's villa, the dogs were not as good as the dogs, and the friends were in and out of luxury cars all day, and they did not bird him at all. It was also published in the newspapers.

Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well rope. After everyone borrowed money and suffered losses, they all became extremely cautious. Local financial companies have collapsed as early as the economic crisis, the economy is depressed, in the past two years, private lending monthly interest rate of one cent, but everyone would rather deposit banks than easily lend. After all, if you lend it out, you may not be able to get the principal back. Like I still have to think of a son and a colleague to get back the loan.

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