
#Shenzhen Headlines #For scar literature, what exactly is scar literature? It is a particular group of people's talk about a particular era. They stand in their own shoes to identify this

author:Moonlight sprinkles mirrors

#Shenzhen Headlines # A few words for scar literature

What exactly is scar literature? It is a particular group of people's talk about a particular era. They identify this era from their own point of view, they think that because of this era they have been hurt, so they pour out. Everyone who came over knew what kind of injuries were inflicted and what kind of scars were left behind in that era. Those who were reborn from the baptism of blood and fire, even if they were severely damaged, would gently stroke to cover the scars and start fighting again. There are still those who, with only a little grievance or a little fright, who talk about scars incessantly; who do not face that era objectively and do not care about the safety of the republic, but only weigh their own gains and losses, and they do not thank leaders and heroes for thinking that they are the saviors.

I watched part of The World, and I don't think I've seen a complaint about that era. After all, Governor Hao braved the rain of bullets and bullets to walk through the 25,000-mile Long March during the revolutionary period, and even lost his two sons, and after being impacted, he was still a policy principle and worked conscientiously for the party and the country. For the impact of that era on them was far less than the sacrifices they had made during the Revolution. That's what we're going to look at.

The evaluation of that era should also be faced objectively and calmly. Should it be done? What should I do? Why did it become like that? After all, at that time, the Communist Party found a solution from chaos and found a direction from confusion, and the development situation of national construction advanced by leaps and bounds. All processes are carried out under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. For the first time, everything the Chinese Communist Party has done to lead China to turn itself into a liberated country, from a poor and white start to a well-off and affluence, is it not even the right to explore and choose? Is the slightest mistake in exploration and choice relentlessly attacked? Mistakes can be denied, and leaders must not be denigrated.

Literature has the function of exposing darkness, but does not have the right to denigrate the times.

"The big things in the hearts of leaders and civilians are not the same"

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