
Which wedding dress do you like? Find out your personality and hobbies. You are a sober person, not selfish, honest and kind, always willing to contribute to helping others, so you are easily moved.

author:Liu Liu 666

Which wedding dress do you like? Find out your personality and hobbies.

You are a sober person, not selfish, honest and kind, always willing to contribute to helping others, so you are easily moved. You will often be moved to tears by a touching TV series or a song, and it is easy to be hurt in the face of feelings, especially those who betray you but believe. However, although there are many friends, there are also many villains who want to take advantage of you because of your kindness. You can't play with other people's feelings, but you're the most vulnerable. You don't know how to protect yourself. You are always scarred.

You are friendly, tolerant, responsible, and almost nothing can beat you. You can attract all kinds of people. They are very intelligent and overly cautious in their dealings with people. Moreover, there are some things you are indecisive about. In fact, you love face a little, don't like to compare with yourself, be strict with yourself, and are afraid of doing the wrong thing and failing. Want to prove your abilities to others.

You are a charming person and a bit mysterious to people who don't know you. You are both intelligent and eloquent. But you're introverted, so your talent is always wrapped up. You don't like to chat casually with strangers, but there's almost nothing to say between you and strangers. However, this does not affect your ability to deal with the problem. You do things rigorously, rarely make impulsive decisions, do things cautiously, and keep secrets. Regardless of your strength, you are very low-key. However, you are a little too conservative and timid. Your feelings are less active. You often miss out on a good love affair because of hesitation and passivity.

You are a very talented person, thoughtful, confident, but humble and curious. Some fickle and playful people are pistachios in the eyes of friends. However, when you need someone, you're also very good at dealing with problems. Anyone can walk into your heart. Emotionally, you are free and care more about the attitude of the other party. If he's not proactive enough, then you won't be proactive.

Which wedding dress do you like? Find out your personality and hobbies. You are a sober person, not selfish, honest and kind, always willing to contribute to helping others, so you are easily moved.

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