
Whether a man is blessed or not, look at his wife will know

Whether a man is blessed or not, look at his wife will know


Taking a wife is a man's second reincarnation

Marriage is the biggest choice in a man's life, and whether a man is blessed or not, you can see what kind of wife he marries.

The mother gave the man a first life and the wife gave the man a second life.

Buffett, the stock god, said: "The most important investment in my life is not which stock I bought, but who I chose to be my partner." ”

The importance of a wife to a family is self-evident.

It is true that choosing a good wife will make you born again, and vice versa, it is the depths of the water.


The wife is a blessing for the family, and the husband is a blessing for the wife

We all say "home and everything is happy", a family is harmonious, everything will be good.

But the root of a family's happiness and harmony is the husband, how you treat your wife, what kind of family you harvest.

The husband is good to the wife, the wife is good to the family, and only when he is happy and harmonious will he be happy and satisfied.

The husband hides the blessings of his wife, and the wife hides the blessings of a family.

I saw a very classic quote:

When you put down your face and be nice to your wife, it means that you have become a real man.

When you give your wife enough face, it means that you have succeeded.

When your wife will give you face at any time, it means that you are already a character.

When you are still there selfish, playing tricks, playing uncles, asking your wife to serve, you can't give your wife anything, you only know how to be self-centered, it means that your life is like this.

Whether a man is blessed or not, look at his wife will know

It is true that men who "only say they won't do" in marriage will not be very good in their careers or as people.

Many people do not attach importance to marriage, but who has thought that if there is no wife busy before and after, where will you be bright and beautiful outside?

Some people say: a woman's beauty is pained by men, and a woman's gentleness is what men are accustomed to.

Good men use their love to raise their wives into good women that everyone envies, and bad men use selfish indifference to turn their wives into poor bitter women for everyone.

So in fact, it is not that women do not understand things, but she needs a man who knows how to hurt her and love her.

After all, home is not only the umbrella that the husband holds up for his wife, but also the port of call built by the wife for her husband.

When you become the pride of your wife, she will shine to illuminate your life, and even change your family fortunes and prosper your family.


The wife is the feng shui of the family

As the saying goes: "There is a good wife in the family, and three generations of prosperity."

Therefore, marrying a wife is a very important thing, it is related to the harmony of the family and the prosperity of the family.

A person's best feng shui is his personality, and a family's feng shui lies in his wife.

There are a pair of brothers, both married and have children. But after getting married, the two have different lives, the more the eldest brother looks better and better, and the younger brother gets older.

The wife married by the brother is kind and generous, filial piety to the in-laws, and the two are very affectionate.

The younger brother's wife always wants to take advantage of the in-laws, seeing herself and the in-laws as opposing, so she always quarrels because of a little trivial matter, so that the two have a very unpleasant life.

It is said that if a man can find the right woman, he can struggle for 20 years less, but if he does not find the right one, he will destroy more than 20 years.

Whether a man is blessed or not, look at his wife will know

A man marrying a wife is never a casual thing, nor can it be a whim, from the beginning of marriage, your life will begin to change because of the woman around you, good or bad, a large part of the impact your partner brings to you.

Women handle the details of a family, and quantitative changes produce qualitative changes.

Many men regret not thinking about the impact a woman has on themselves after marriage.

We all know that investment needs to be cautious, and marrying a wife is not an investment, even an investment in the second half of our lives, and the chips are ourselves and the family behind us.

Marriage needs the irrigation of men and the care of women in order to grow from small shoots into towering trees, and then spread their branches and leaves and harvest fruits.

The root of this big tree is that the husband respects his wife, and the wife loves and cares for her family, loves each other, and cherishes each other.

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