
No matter how good a man is to you, if you can't give you 5 things, don't continue to love!

Sometimes I meet someone, hold his hand, and think it will be a lifetime, when in fact, it's just a passer-by in life.

Once we know the reality, all we have to do is let go. True love cannot be forced, but is willing to love and give, but true giving must be given to those who are worth paying.

Because everyone's attitude towards feelings is different, some people love with their hearts and prove with practical actions that some people only see love as a game to eliminate loneliness, and in the end it is just a game and a dream.

Therefore, when a woman is in love, she must polish her eyes and identify people's hearts with details, no matter how good a person is to you, if he can't give you these things, no matter how much love, how happy, she should stop, let go early, complete others, let go of herself.

No matter how good a man is to you, if you can't give you 5 things, don't continue to love!

01, can not give a name

A relationship, if it begins unclear and not white, it will only result in unclear and unnamed love, unjustified, and unsmooth speech.

A man who can't even give you an innate right is either not in love with you or you're just a spare tire.

Normal love should be just bright, as long as the relationship is stable, it can be open without anyone caring. In fact, the man who really loves you is already in love with you, and he hopes to reveal your identity sooner, so that people all over the world will know that you belong to him, and with a full sense of happiness and pride.

If a man can't give you even the most basic rights when he's in love with you, then there's no need for you to continue talking about love because he doesn't love you at all, he doesn't want others to know about your relationship and doesn't want to be public. Therefore, for men who can't give you a name, don't pay without complaint or regret, and wake up early.

No matter how good a man is to you, if you can't give you 5 things, don't continue to love!

02, can not give you respect

True love is built on equality and respect. Two people need to encourage each other, respect each other, and give each other enough space and face.

Good love should be based on mutual need, mutual restraint, and mutual respect for each other's ideas.

Emotionally, a man can't even give you a little respect, only that he doesn't love you at all. The more he loves you, the more he will care about you and respect you, and he will actively adapt to your lifestyle, rather than blindly asking what you should do and what you should not do, and he will like it until you change yourself.

If a man insists on making you what he likes instead of the way you are now, then sooner or later such love will be let down.

No matter how good a man is to you, if you can't give you 5 things, don't continue to love!

03, can not give you loyalty

Love is always selfish. The man who truly loves you only has you in his eyes and only wants to be with you, he will automatically reject ambiguity, keep his distance from the opposite sex, be absolutely loyal to you, and love you wholeheartedly.

If a man is with you, although he is nice to you, he is also very enthusiastic about other members of the opposite sex, he is always standing on this mountain and looking at that mountain, and he has ambiguous relationships with other members of the opposite sex. He doesn't care how he feels about you at all.

He makes you sad, makes you sad, doesn't give you a sense of security, and always teaches you. This kind of person can't even give you loyalty, you still leave early and stop the loss in time.

No matter how good a man is to you, if you can't give you 5 things, don't continue to love!

04, can not give you company

Really like a person, even if very busy, will take time to spend time with you, people who don't love you always have hundreds of excuses to be busy. Although men always attach great importance to their careers, when he is busy with work, they will come to accompany you immediately, even if it is only a quiet moment, the heart is very satisfied, very comforting.

If a man is with you, even though he is materially nice to you, he will never be able to give you companionship. Whenever you need him, he always has no time to accompany you, and his busy work will have all kinds of excuses and reasons, and these will not appear in front of you. Such a man doesn't really love you, so it's not too late to think about it.

For the sake of life, for the sake of ideals, a man cannot stop the pace of struggle, but he will not ignore your presence, your feelings, the person who does not want to be with you, is not worth your continued love, nor is it worth your efforts.

No matter how good a man is to you, if you can't give you 5 things, don't continue to love!

05, can not give you material and money

The economic base determines the superstructure. Solve the problem of food and clothing, in order to have love. Therefore, a woman can choose to marry a man whose family environment is not very good, but is very motivated, however, you better not marry a man who has no money and is still reasonable and content with the status quo.

A man who truly loves you will volunteer to give you everything he has and feel like he's not giving you enough. Only when men don't love you will they be afraid that you care about material life and pursue money.

True love is being good to you in every way, willing to give you money, giving you everything you want. Men who don't love you will only abandon you for material things, worship money, don't want to spend money on you, don't take the initiative to give for your materials, to put it bluntly, that's not love.

Love should be given to each other. Women should also understand that men can't be used as ATMs, but at the very least, men should be proactive and willing to spend money for you. Otherwise, this love will have no point in continuing. There are thousands of reasons why men want to spend money for women, but they are reluctant to do so, and there is only one reason, that is, they do not love. Know that people who can't give you material things are doomed not to give you a future.

No matter how good a man is to you, if you can't give you 5 things, don't continue to love!

In the world of feelings, women should stop listening to love talk. True love is not a heartbeat, but an action, and doing it is true love. You shouldn't care about a man's sweet words, you shouldn't care about a man's vows of eternal love, but you should look at the actual actions he gives you.

Good love can make people better, feel stable and determined. If a love makes you feel like you're wasting yourself, insecure, disrespectful, distrustful and materialistic, then the man in front of you is not sincere with you.

Perhaps, because of a moment of loneliness, or just coveting your giving, or just using you as a spare tire, this kind of man is not worthy of your continued love. Only when women recognize reality can they be worthy of love and worthy of themselves.

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