
"If the mother-in-law doesn't help with the child, should she be supported in the future?" This is the most plausible explanation I have ever seen

Uncle Lover's Introduction:

As the saying goes: "ten years to see the mother-in-law, ten years to see the daughter-in-law", the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law is always mutual, so don't always think that the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law is difficult to deal with, you just need to understand a principle. If you have received help and favors from the other party, then learn to be grateful, and if what you get is helplessness and grievance, then you should not pay attention.

Many women are reluctant to have children because the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not easy to handle, and no one helps after they have children. The question of whether the mother-in-law will bring children is really a problem, and women often struggle with whether to have children because no one has children.

It is not easy to have children, it is even more difficult to have children, if women take children full-time, it means that there is no job, and it also means less communication with the outside world. Not all women are lucky to have a mother-in-law willing to take the initiative to help. If the mother-in-law does not help you with the child, don't always complain, you have to do these two things.

"If the mother-in-law doesn't help with the child, should she be supported in the future?" This is the most plausible explanation I have ever seen

Maintain and improve their working ability, economic ability

The mother-in-law is not willing to bring you children, and the daughter-in-law should not interfere, after all, this is the old man's own choice. If your life is difficult, your mother-in-law is not willing to help you, there is no material help, there is no labor help, this will of course make women embarrassed, but you still can't change the problem.

What you have to do is not to count the mother-in-law, and do not complain about the mother-in-law in front of the husband, you have to do one thing, while taking care of your children, you have to keep yourself working, it is best to be able to achieve economic independence.

Many mothers find it difficult to take care of their children and maintain financial means that it is almost impossible to do. But you have to know that in this society, as long as you want, you can always improve yourself.

Even if you temporarily lose your job and have no source of income, you have to use your free time to improve your ability, children are important, but you should be yourself, your children also need a brave, excellent mother.

Mother-in-law does not help you with children you have to learn to think of your own way, you can go out to work to earn money for your mother to bring, you can also take your husband's money to ask for a nanny, conditions do not allow you to take the child to do some small part-time jobs, in short, do not let yourself lose value.

"If the mother-in-law doesn't help with the child, should she be supported in the future?" This is the most plausible explanation I have ever seen

Communicate with the in-laws and husbands in advance about the mother-in-law's old age

It is a good thing that the mother-in-law is willing to take the child, as the mother of the child, do not take it for granted, you must learn to be grateful. If the mother-in-law is not willing to take the child, you must understand why the mother-in-law has such a practice, and then communicate with the family in time, and you must explain the problem with your husband.

If you need to resign and have children, then your husband must hand over the financial power of the family to you and have the ability to take care of the family's material life. If the husband can't do it, and the mother-in-law doesn't help, then you have to communicate with the in-laws and the husband about the mother-in-law's old age.

Some things please don't be afraid to put on the table to say, to explain clearly is actually good for everyone, if the mother-in-law has the ability to take the child but does not care, then you can responsibly tell her and your husband, then the mother-in-law's old age problems you yourself will not intervene. It is right for the son to support the mother, but he will not contribute, but he does not oppose the son's appropriate financial help.

"If the mother-in-law doesn't help with the child, should she be supported in the future?" This is the most plausible explanation I have ever seen

Uncle Epilogue:

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should make the words clear, how you treat me, how I treat you, this is the best way to get along. Everyone is a person for the first time, and no one wants to wronged themselves. Mother-in-law help you, you have to remember the kindness, in the future more kind. If your mother-in-law doesn't help you, you don't want to resent, and you don't have to worry about her in the future.

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