
The best way to enrich oneself is to over sixty: exercise

Life is in motion.

Many people, when they were young, were busy like a gyroscope; after the age of sixty, they quit the workplace and immediately became idle, doing nothing all day, and the door did not go out, and the second door did not go.

There is a saying on the Internet: "If you want to abolish a person, let him be idle and idle all the time." ”

Smart people think of sixty as a beginning, not an end.

Continuous exercise, starting again and again toward new goals, is the best way to enrich yourself.

The best way to enrich oneself is to over sixty: exercise


Exercise the body, health and longevity.

The medicine king Sun Simiao wrote in the "Thousand Golden Fangs": "The flowing water is not corrupt, the household hub is not beetle, and it is also due to its movement." ”

When a person insists on morning exercise, life will be more regular. The plan of the day lies in the morning, and if you can make good use of the time, then every day will truly belong to yourself.

Sleeping until three o'clock in the morning, it seems elegant, but it is actually a waste of life.

If you have the opportunity to participate in some suitable sports and join some sports-loving groups, life will be more flavorful.

"China Today" has such a message: in Beijing, there is a floating dance art troupe, the average age of the members is more than sixty years old. They all began to learn to dance from scratch, and in just a few years, they became professional dancers. When they danced the ballet , "Chasing the Swan Lake", there was a burst of applause from the audience.

Guan Jinhong, the leader of the group, said: "Each dance has its own characteristics, since we have chosen to dance, we must choose the most elegant and challenging to dance." ”

In the eyes of this group of elderly people, exercise is to show their most beautiful side, not only physical health, but also mental health.

Let yourself move, and you will be full of vitality.


Exercise the brain, learn to think.

For a while, I asked my mother to learn to use a smartphone.

As soon as the mother opened her mouth, she said, "I can't learn, it's good to have an elderly mobile phone." ”

Later, the elderly in the community did not use the elderly mobile phone, and the mother asked me like a child: "Or do I change the mobile phone?" ”

Wear reading glasses to read the instructions, take small videos with elderly friends, and watch square dance videos. Since such a scene, into the life of the mother, laughter and laughter have naturally increased.

As the saying goes, "The older a person gets, the more stubborn he becomes." ”

Many people, think that when they are older, this will not be, that will not be, it is natural. In fact, learning is regardless of age, even a hundred-year-old person can seriously read books and newspapers.

Practice has proved that the human brain has a high degree of plasticity, love to learn, diligent brain, can prevent Alzheimer's disease, so that the spirit becomes rich.

The best way to enrich oneself is to over sixty: exercise


Sport emotions, life warm.

There are some elderly people who rarely take the initiative to contact the juniors, but expect the juniors to be able to greet themselves often. They see themselves as "elders who must be respected."

If the younger generations do not care about them, they will complain that the young people of today really have no filial piety.

In fact, feelings are "mutual" and need to be managed.

Sitting at home and waiting for others to take care of yourself, it will be very chilling. Because the times are developing and the pace of life is accelerating, young people are really busy, especially middle-aged people.

Uncle Liu, who lives in the same neighborhood as me, retired and studied recipes with his wife.

Once, he learned to make meatballs and made a big pot as soon as he was happy. When it was done, he drove the meatballs to his son's house a hundred kilometers away and mailed some to his daughter.

Someone said: "Uncle Liu, if you drive meatballs, I'm afraid the fuel cost is more expensive than the thing." ”

Uncle Liu said: "Feelings are priceless and cannot be compared. ”

Bi Shumin wrote in "Filial Piety is Priceless": "Filial piety is a fleeting attachment, and filial piety is a happiness that cannot be reproduced." Filial piety is a past that has been lost into thousands of years of hatred, filial piety is the chain at the junction of life and life, once broken, there is no connection. ”

Filial piety, which seems to be the child's reward for their parents, can actually be the grace that parents continue to give to their children. Through the interaction of feelings, let the family be more harmonious, so that the children who go out away know the news of their parents all the time and feel the beauty of life.

The elderly can worry about their children, give social care, and pay attention to vulnerable groups. Throw your feelings into the crowd, your own value will be magnified, and your soul will also be warm.

Enrich yourself, not waiting for the society to care for itself, doing so, too selfish, to adhere to selfless dedication, talent noble.


Sport life, precipitate the past.

I like a sentence: "We were so eager for the waves of fate, and only then did we find out in the end that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calmness and calmness of the heart." ”

Everyone's life is a scenery, but many people, hurrying to walk, desperately rushing to the end, missing all the scenery.

Many elderly people like to travel, but they just follow the crowd, slowly flowing, following the tips of the tour guide, what to see, to think. After the tour, leave a lot of photos to prove that you have gone somewhere.

In fact, the scenery is not appreciated in this way, but to feel a period of time with your heart, to experience a certain taste.

For example, talking to a historical object, feeling the vicissitudes of time, to understand the story behind it.

Connect your own life with everything in the world, find the meaning of life, summarize the past into experience, comb through the connections, moods, and families, filter out the bad ones, and leave the good ones behind.

Aesthetician Zhu Guangqian said: "All the beauty that needs time to precipitate is worth waiting for us to be patient." ”

When you get older, you have precipitated the beauty of life, and your life will be calm and relaxed.

The best way to enrich oneself is to over sixty: exercise


Everyone wants to be richer and richer, but "rich" is really not spending money, but enriching spirit, feelings, temperament, mentality, etc.

When I was young, I wanted to do everything I did and be recognized by others, even if someone said flattering, I would like it very much. When people are old, slowly fade out from the bustling places, they will find that doing a good job of themselves is the most important, and whether there is anyone who likes it is not important at all.

Whether the life is good or not is not for others to see, but for one's own real experience.

May you, may I, with my heart and with my heart, live the rest of my life.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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