
As the saying goes: "A man has three unrelated, uncle and uncle", who is the other one?

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As the rural saying goes, "A man has three unrelated, uncle and uncle", and who is the other one? You might not think of it. There is a word called "blood is thicker than water", in ancient times, relatives were lost, often using the way of blood to recognize relatives.

If there is a blood relationship, the dripping blood will break through the barrier of water and merge together.

All feelings between people are like water, while parents' feelings for their children are blood.

Blood is thicker than water, so the love of parents is unparalleled in the world, and it is usually a metaphor for the inseparable between flesh and blood.

People who are related to themselves by blood will naturally be very close, which is a kind of "family affection".

And in the process of growing up, it will also accompany you and witness good times in the public.

And people who are not related by blood can also become "relatives", that is, through the bond of marriage.

Marriage connects two people who know each other and then two families together.

Subsequently, everyone was referred to as "relatives".

However, among many relatives, there will also be people who are not close, but they will meet at family gatherings and rarely contact each other on weekdays.

I still remember that my grandfather said a sentence in Sichuan: "One generation of relatives, two generations of cousins, three generations and four generations cannot recognize it."

The meaning is very simple, the first generation is very close, when the children are born, the children of both sides are not so close, can only be measured by the old watch, and then, basically do not contact, do not move.

Relatives are also over, so relatives have to move around often before they kiss.

For the interpersonal relationship among relatives, there is also a saying: "People have three unrelated, uncles and uncles", and there is one of them, which few people think of at the first time, that is, aunt.

Uncles, uncles, and aunts are three people who are not very close.

Uncle, there are two different meanings.

The first is the sister husband of the wife, which refers to the wife's brother-in-law/brother-in-law, that is, the husband of the aunt.

Because there are two kinds of sister-in-law: big sister-in-law and little sister-in-law.

Therefore, the husband of the aunt also has the distinction of a great uncle and a little uncle.

The second is the mother's sister-in-law, which refers to the mother's brother-in-law/brother-in-law, that is, the aunt's husband.

Because there are two kinds of aunts, aunts and aunts.

Therefore, the uncle's husband also has the distinction of a great uncle and a little uncle.

The uncle is the husband of the father and sister, also known as "uncle", "uncle", "uncle", "uncle", in the south also called "uncle", "aunt".

The aunt is the wife of the uncle, the mother's brother is called uncle /uncle, and the brother and sister-in-law are called uncle/uncle/concubine/concubine.

Some areas (for example, North China, Southern Fujian) are also called yuma.

As the saying goes: "A man has three unrelated, uncle and uncle", who is the other one?

There is one thing that uncles, uncles, and aunts have in common, that is, through marriage, they become a family.

Their previous lives were completely separated from this home.

Uncle, uncle did not know us until he met the aunt and the aunt meeting.

There are no childhood memories between each other, no common memories, and naturally they will not be very close.

Therefore, this saying is sometimes said: "A man has three unrelated, uncle and uncle, uncle's daughter-in-law."

The ancestors said this sentence in response to a universal phenomenon, but it is not absolute.

Because families have difficult scriptures, each family has the specific situation and character relationship of each family.

Just like the headache of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in ancient and modern times, most of them are difficult to get along harmoniously, because their concepts and living habits are different, they are two people who do not know each other, and they only become a family because of a man.

But there is also a model mother-in-law relationship, just like the biological daughter and the mother, and the feelings between each other are still very deep.

Uncles, uncles, and aunts are actually the same, just as the so-called family is not a family, do not enter the door.

Since they have become a family, what is missing is not family affection, but mutual communication and understanding between each other.

After constantly running in, feelings will naturally arise.

And in this process, you need to be more active, after all, as a member of the family, there will always be a return after paying

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