
18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

Hello, hello everyone, here is "Horses Talk About Emotions", pay attention to me to learn more emotional stories, so that every heart that needs warmth can be comforted, I hope that everyone can get a moment of ease and ease here, and better face the emotional life.

When every couple in love enters the marriage hall, the celebrant will wish the couple at the wedding site to be married forever and stay together for a lifetime.

Identifying the person you love and living with each other for a lifetime is the greatest wish of the newlyweds in every marriage.

But in real life, too many people can't resist the temptation of the outside world, commit the mistake of being sorry for their partners, and make the marriage come to an abrupt end.

Han Sugui has experienced such a marriage, and her husband has also made a lifelong agreement with her, but in the end he cheated on the young and beautiful Little Third.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

Unlike other errant husbands, Han Sugui's husband not only did not reflect on his mistakes, but became the party who forcefully filed for divorce, taking most of his property and even abandoning his two children to han Sugui's care.

For a time, the lives of Han Sugui and her two children collapsed, and after the husband who was the pillar of the family left, the family had an extremely difficult life.

To make matters worse, as Han Sugui's son grew up, he not only did not understand his mother's difficulties, but instead became tainted with some vices in the ear and eye that he had lived with his father since childhood, which made Han Sugui often sad.

Even so, Han Sugui did not choose to remarry, and has always insisted on supporting the family, so after 18 years, he finally kept the clouds open and saw the moon.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

Han Sugui was born in a rural family that was not rich, with seven sisters, which was considered a big family, but life was not very satisfactory.

In that era, people still retained some patriarchal concepts, and when rural families farmed and did manual work, male offspring could indeed bear more labor than female offspring.

In addition, in the traditional concept, it is more important for women to marry a good family than to break through a career, so Han Sugui did not go to school for a few years, and had to drop out of school at home to help her parents do what they could.

Sometimes it's housework, sometimes it's farm work, and sometimes I go out with a few sisters to help people do needlework to subsidize the family.

After more than ten years of such a day, Han Sugui's sisters gradually grew up, entered the marriageable age, found a suitable husband's family, and married out one after another.

Even her younger sister, who was younger than Han Sugui, was also relatively fixed because of her disability, and soon found a husband who was willing to marry her home.

However, Han Sugui has not been married, on the one hand, because he has not met the right person, on the other hand, because after the sisters have successively married, fewer and fewer people have helped their parents to do housework and farm work, and the burden on Han Sugui has become heavier and heavier.

It can be said that before getting married, Han Sugui did not have a good life for a few days and dedicated all his youth to the original family.

It was not until the age of 30 that Han Sugui met her later husband under the introduction of a matchmaker and married her husband far away, which freed herself from the various labor obligations of the original family.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

In that era, rural girls were likely to marry at the age of eighteen or nineteen, and if they did not marry at the age of twenty-five or six, they would be called old girls.

Han Sugui's marriage at the age of 30 is already an extremely extreme case in the local area.

Many old people in the village who have watched Han Sugui grow up feel very relieved to learn that Han Sugui is married to another country, thinking that Han Sugui has finally found his own happiness and can have a new life.

What they don't know is that Han Sugui, who married into her husband's family, still hasn't gotten rid of the fatigue of the past.

Han Sugui's husband has four brothers, and her mother-in-law died at an early age, and several big men do not pay much attention to life.

After Han Sugui married in the past, it can be said that the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, and she is also a father and a mother, not only taking care of her husband, but also taking care of her husband's brothers, and the housework of the father-in-law's family and the farm work in the field are also on Han Sugui's shoulders.

Only this time, these jobs were not Han Sugui's own family, but her husband's family.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

In this way, Han Sugui contributed almost all of his life to the two families, and the career that modern women attach great importance to is like a fantasy for Han Sugui.

However, Han Sugui did not shout bitterness, she herself believed that the hard work before marrying was to honor her parents, and the hardship after marriage was the obligation of marrying a woman, as long as her husband was good to her, she was already satisfied.

Who knew that even such a simple and simple dream could not be achieved in the end.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

In the first few years of marriage, although Han Sugui was still hard, her material conditions were much better than before, because her husband was an electrician.

Electricians in that era were scarce talents, and Han Sugui's husband was responsible for all household electricity and agricultural electricity in the village, which can be called a full responsibility for the local electricity business.

Electricity is an indispensable energy source in modern society, so Han Sugui's husband is very popular in the village, not only respected, but also has a lot of income.

No matter what fresh electrical appliances appeared on the market at that time, no matter how expensive, Han Sugui's husband was willing to buy them back for research.

Partly out of his own interests, but also because these things were really useful, such as radios, tape recorders, and later black-and-white televisions.

Han Sugui's home was the first in the village to use these expensive electrical appliances, and was often envied by the whole village.

During this period, Han Sugui also gave birth to two children to her husband, a son and a daughter, which made her husband very happy, especially her son Wang Liwei, who was very favored by her husband since she was a child.

The relative wealth of his family made the young Wang Liwei the envy of many children of the same age in the village, and for a long time, he developed a slightly conceited personality.

At the same time, because of the favor of Han Sugui's husband, Wang Liwei was also greatly influenced by his father from an early age, laying the groundwork for some of his later actions.

Wang Liwei, who was still well-behaved in childhood, gradually changed his temper as he grew older.

Since elementary school, Wang Liwei has been unwilling to calm down and study, preferring to go outside to play with friends, and his academic performance is a mess.

His parents had also disciplined him, but because the two people did not understand the scientific method of raising him, the results were minimal.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

When Wang Liwei was in the fifth grade, his father thought that his son could not continue like this, so he found a close friend and contacted a sports school in Shandong to send Wang Liwei to the sports school to practice martial arts.

When Wang Liwei heard this news, he did not feel sad because he wanted to leave the school, but longed for the life of the sports school.

Wang Liwei studied in sports school for three years, because he often skipped class to play games with other friends.

After three years, he was unable to complete the tasks set by the coach for him, which can be said to be a complete failure, and the sports school also notified his father countless times because of Wang Liwei's violation.

In desperation, Wang Liwei's father had to transfer his son to another sports school and let him study sanda to see if there could be a breakthrough in a different direction.

Wang Liwei is quite talented in Sanda, and after about three months of studying in school, he has already achieved some success.

Just at that time to hold a game, Sanda coach helped Wang Liwei register, Wang Liwei won a good result, which was a great encouragement for him, so that he was confused for more than ten years to find the goal of life for the first time.

But at this most important moment in Wang Liwei's life, his parents divorced.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

Later, once on the show, Han Sugui talked about this divorce and couldn't help but shed tears, and the host tu Lei on the scene was also very speechless after listening.

Han Sugui said: "I have done everything a woman can do, and I still can't keep him." ”

It turned out that with the gradual development of China's economy, the life of rural society was getting better and better, and Han Sugui's husband was originally richer in the village, and at this time he also became richer.

"When a man has money, he becomes bad" is an extremely one-sided sentence, but it is very consistent with the specific case of Han Sugui's husband.

After having money, Han Sugui's husband came into contact with all corners of the flower world, met more young and beautiful women, and gradually became dissatisfied with the wife around him who was facing the loess and facing the sky.

The married life of two people is no longer as happy and happy as before, but is full of all kinds of contradictions.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

"What are you doing here with your broom!" Put it back in place! ”

Even if Han Sugui is just doing ordinary housework, her husband will feel that her hands and feet are too slow and her work is not good, as if she is deliberately provoking contradictions.

Han Sugui has an introverted personality and tolerates all this, and does not argue with her husband, but her husband has become more intense, and even sometimes does not return at night.

Over time, Han Sugui also knew that her husband had someone outside and had confronted her husband, but Han Sugui had always had a simple insistence, that is, the most important thing for the family was reunion.

She herself said: "Children come home and see their parents, they are happy." ”

Because considering that his two children are still in school, Han Sugui is unwilling to make a big deal with her husband, and chooses to calm things down and not hold her husband responsible for cheating.

As a result, the husband not only did not reflect on his mistakes, but soon after proposed to divorce Han Sugui and wanted to live with a third party.

This made Han Sugui feel struck by lightning, and she did not expect that her husband would be so determined, even regardless of the feelings of her two children.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

So Han Sugui made a choice that made people sigh: as a no-fault party, Han Sugui actually insisted that he did not want to divorce and wanted to keep her husband who was the wrong party.

The night her husband gave her an ultimatum, she begged him desperately: "What if you leave the child?" Think of them! ”

But no matter how hard Han Sugui communicated with her husband, her husband had already decided, and the marriage was finally divorced.

What is resentful is that Han Sugui's husband is the cheating party, but he did not give Han Sugui enough financial compensation, leaving only 10,000 yuan, and he fled away with the young woman who was 18 years younger than him.

This family, which was originally quite happy, was about to collapse because of the departure of the pillar.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

Han Sugui, who had not read too many books since he was a child, and did not have a skill, fell into autistic emotions for a while.

At the same time, the eldest son, Wang Liwei, who has just achieved some results in school, is also under great pressure, and he is forced to drop out of school and return home to live with his mother, and his mood is also very depressed.

Fortunately, relatives and friends learned of the difficult situation of Han Sugui's life with two children, and they came to visit, communicate with this family, and relieve the bitterness in their hearts for them, so that Han Sugui and the child could regain their strength.

Later, for a period of time, Han Sugui could only rely on farming for a living, barely providing food for a family of three.

At this time, the eldest son Wang Liwei, who was 18 years old, failed to solve his mother's worries and difficulties, but because the depression in his heart could not be cleaned up, he often blamed his mother in life.

Sometimes when he returns from a trip and sees his mother working in the fields, Wang Liwei is upset and will shout to his mother: "How did you put this hoe?" "Just like his father used to do.

Later, recalling that past, Wang Liwei also regretted it very much, he thought that he had been greatly influenced by his father from childhood to adulthood, so that in the face of pressure, he even pointed out the ordinary behavior of his mother's daily life like his father, and even criticized his mother's posture of working in the field.

For these seemingly rebellious and filial piety actions of his son, Han Sugui was a little sad at that time, but still tolerated it, feeling that the child was still young at the time, he was divorced again, and he could not give the child a complete home, and his heart was full of guilt.

Fortunately, this dilemma did not last too long, because the income provided by farming was too small, Han Sugui had the idea of running a vegetable greenhouse in his heart.

This idea was also endorsed by Wang Liwei, and the mother and son began to seek a new way of income together.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

It was necessary to have money to run a vegetable greenhouse, but at that time, Han Sugui had already spent the only 10,000 yuan left by her husband on the living expenses of a family of three.

Reluctantly, Han Sugui had to find relatives and friends with his son to piece together, and he managed to scrape together 15,000 yuan, built a vegetable greenhouse according to the instructions of well-wishers, and began to grow vegetables.

However, because the two people did not study much, there were problems with the way of doing business and the way of growing vegetables, and they were busy in the first year, and finally they did not make much money.

At this time, Han Sugui's body had another problem.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

Because of the perennial fatigue from a young age, coupled with the blow of her husband's departure and the hard work of raising children, Han Sugui's physical fitness plummeted.

On a trip to work in a vegetable greenhouse, Han Sugui's lumbar spine was injured, and after going to the hospital for examination, the doctor thought that surgery should be carried out at least 20,000 yuan.

At that time, the family had already bet all their hopes on the vegetable greenhouse, and although the vegetable greenhouse did not lose money, it did not make money.

At this time, they were still carrying 15,000 yuan of debt, but they were facing 20,000 yuan of medical expenses, which almost crushed Wang Liwei.

Under great pressure, Wang Liwei lost his mother as a backing, and had to find a way to get through the difficulties himself.

He borrowed all his relatives and friends, and only borrowed a few thousand yuan, and finally ran to a familiar relative's house and asked for a loan from his relatives in an almost kneeling way.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

At that time, Wang Liwei was not very old and had no qualifications for loans, so he could only write IOUs to relatives and ask relatives to help loan his mother to treat his illness.

Afterwards, Wang Liwei worked hard to repay his relatives' loans and interest.

Being able to think of such a method was already a quick wisdom for Wang Liwei at that time, so that he got enough money to treat his mother.

This incident changed Wang Liwei, he realized for the first time that his mother had paid too much for this family, and as the eldest son, he needed to bear the responsibility that he should bear, and being able to solve this problem independently also meant that he had the ability to be responsible.

So during Han Sugui's illness, Wang Liwei took care of the vegetable greenhouse alone, and was willing to work hard to study the relevant technical knowledge.

After Han Sugui's illness was cured, Wang Liwei also tried to let his mother rest more, and the hard work was done by himself.

Looking at his son who understood things overnight, Han Sugui was very relieved - the suffering over the years had not been eaten in vain.

18 years ago, the rich husband and the new huan left, leaving 10,000 yuan and 2 children, and the 64-year-old wife has not remarried

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and the vegetable greenhouses of the mother and son have been on the right track, with higher and higher incomes year by year and a well-off life.

Life was much easier, but 64-year-old Han Sugui never remarried.

Over the years, it is not that no one has introduced her to the object, but Han Sugui has not chosen to rebuild the family for the sake of the life of two children.

She later said that even if the two children were to start their own families, she would keep the family and stay with them at all times.

The mother's choice touched the two children.

Looking back on Han Sugui's life, although he has suffered a lot since he was a child, her husband chose to divorce after having a new love, and his life once fell into darkness.

But she persevered, took her two children through the most difficult time, and used her words and deeds to teach the two children on the right path, and also made this broken family that lacked a corner become complete again.

Han Sugui's selfless efforts may not be achieved by everyone, but her persistence and tolerance, as well as the courage to move forward without fear in the face of the suffering of fate, are worth learning from each of us.

Well today's story is here, the horse hopes that each issue of the story can bring friends a little emotional thinking, like the horse, please pay attention to me, give the article praise collection recommended Oh, thank you we will see you in the next issue ~

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