
"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

Recently, the hit drama "The World of Man" has frequently exploded on the Internet, attracting hundreds of millions of netizens to discuss.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

The most touching thing in the play must be the marriage of the three children of the Zhou family in the "light word film".

The eldest brother Zhou Bingyi and his wife are not in the right household, the second sister Zhou Rong and her husband boldly "elope", and the younger brother Zhou Bingkun falls in love with a poor woman with a child alone...

Their feelings arise from causes, and marriages arise from love, but they have different endings.

Some people warm each other and spend their lives together, and some people walk and disperse.

Every relationship in the world is not easy to come by, even if the romance is full of wind and snow in the early days, it will eventually fall into the trivialities of a lifetime such as eating and dressing.

Behind all the marriages that choose to accompany them, there are these 3 heartfelt truths.

The Zhou family in "The World of Man" has three children.

Eldest son Zhou Bingyi,

From an early age, he is smart and studious, and has an opinion.

Whether it's school,

Or be a soldier,

They are all the best in the crowd.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

Second daughter Zhou Rong,

Beautiful and talented,

From childhood to adulthood, he is a bully.

She has firm beliefs, dreams and pursuits in her heart.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

The third son, Zhou Bingkun,

Reading from a young age is not bright,

The grades are far inferior to those of my brother and sister.

Coupled with a thick and honest personality,

His brothers and sisters thought he was "stupid."

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!


We may all think that

Excellent brothers and sisters will be the future protection and dependence of the Zhou family's parents.

But the reality is:

The eldest son, Zhou Bingyi, and the second daughter, Zhou Rong, left their hometown very early in order to pursue the life they wanted.

Only Zhou Bingkun, who looked stupid, stayed with his parents.

Especially after the resumption of the college entrance examination,

My brothers and sisters all have to take the Peking University entrance examination.

And at this time,

Mom suddenly suffered a stroke and was paralyzed in bed.

In order not to worry about the father who is outside to support the construction, the brother and sister of Kao Peking University,

Zhou Bingkun took care of his sister's daughter,

While taking care of the paralyzed mother in bed.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!


My brother was transferred from the top of a state-owned factory to the top of a certain city.

And then work in the central organs,

Unlimited scenery,

But it is difficult to have time to spend time with parents.

My sister went from university professor to France for more than 10 years.

It's even harder to meet your parents.

Although the third brother Zhou Bingkun has always been just a small worker,

I have not been able to fight for the face of my parents,

But he was kind, benevolent, industrious, and generous.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

When Mom and Dad are in trouble,

Only he can saddle up before and after the horse,

Meticulous care before and after running.

The absence of older siblings,

He never complained.

Take care of Mom and Dad,

He also never cried tired,

Didn't steal laziness.

He did not have great pursuits and ideals,

Obsessed with taking care of parents, wives and children,

Make simple days better and better every day.

He used his kindness and kindness to complete the wonderful life of his brothers and sisters,

Prop up the whole family,

Gave the parents a stable and happy old age.

See here,

Suddenly there is an irrepressible sadness,

Or rather, the emotions came to mind,

Let my mind continue to replay the images of criticism and demeaning of my son in the past,

How uncomfortable should he be?

I thought about it for a long time,

Gradually, he was relieved of his ordinaryness and stupidity:

Yes, good grades, excellent children,

In the future, you may go to a big city or go abroad to show your ambitions.

Children with poor grades and not good enough are likely to stay with us and let us truly enjoy the joy of parenthood.

Marriage depends not only on love, but also on liver and gallbladder

I like a quote:

"Marriage needs another kind of bond besides love, and the toughest one is not children, nor is it profit and money, but the righteousness of liver and gallbladder." 」

The so-called righteousness between husband and wife is that no matter what ups and downs they encounter, they are willing to accompany each other.

Do not forget the original heart and share the glory when the times are good; when the adversity is not abandoned, we will share weal and woe.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei in the play are exactly like this.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

They were classmates, but they were not in the right household, one was the son of a construction worker and the other was the daughter of the vice-governor.

Hao Dongmei never cared about Zhou Bingyi's origins, took the initiative to confess his heart to him, and enthusiastically interacted with him.

As the times changed, Hao Dongmei's parents were sent to labor reform, and she became a helpless duckweed overnight.

Zhou Bingyi did not dislike her downfall, but instead got closer and closer to her, taking her home to study, eat and chat, and give her warm care.

Later, Zhou Bingyi went to the corps, Hao Dongmei went to the farm, and the two were diligent in their respective posts.

Because of his excellent performance, Zhou Bingyi was transferred to the division headquarters as a propaganda officer the following year.

The leaders attached great importance to him and wanted to transfer him to a foreign country as a secretary, turn him into a regular soldier, and promote him to a deputy regimental cadre.

In the face of such a once-in-a-lifetime promotion opportunity, Zhou Bingyi was not happy.

Hao Dongmei's parents have a special status, if they want to successfully join the army, they can only part ways with each other.

But Zhou Bingyi believes that it is extremely irresponsible to abandon her parents with an uncertain life and death.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to give up his promotion and formally proposed to Hao Dongmei.

Hao Dongmei was accidentally injured when she went to the countryside, which indirectly led to infertility.

Zhou Bingyi would rather accept than leave her.

In order to avoid others gossiping, he also took the responsibility on himself.

Although the marriage of the latter two also had no small twists and turns, they still relied on each other's righteousness and supported each other to live most of their lives.

As the old saying goes, "Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when they are in trouble." ”

When life is a major ordeal that challenges human nature, any initiative seems to be justified.

However, no matter what happens, both husband and wife insist on solidarity and advance and retreat together, which is the real responsibility for the feelings.

The two sides cherish the fate of knowing and loving each other, and do not forget the kindness of helping each other in the same boat, and will eventually reap the fruits of happiness.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

Life doesn't have to be rich and prosperous to be stable and happy

We are taught every day how to be successful, but few people tell us:

How to be a happy ordinary person.

The other day, saw a big V said:

"It may be that I am older, and now I like an ordinary and stable life, do not catch the waves, do not take any boats, and feel satisfied with my own sea."

Do your daily work step by step, go to the supermarket with your lover to cook after work, walk by the neon river after dinner, snuggle up to each other and watch the big aunt dance square dance... A bland life like this without big ups and downs, I think it's already very good. "Indeed, life does not have to be rich and famous, and it is also very good to have some small pleasures and small tastes."

Do your daily work step by step, go to the supermarket with your lover after work to cook, and walk by the neon-lit river after dinner.

And the weekend when you can finally rest, the ability to watch a favorite movie with your lover, the monthly salary and the bonus at the end of the year, and every holiday and birthday, and the upcoming spring and the first spring rain...

Such an ordinary life is actually worth living. We all want our children to get ahead and make a difference. But we must see the truth: 99% of children, like you and me, will eventually go to the ordinary.

"The World of Man" exploded, exposing the truth of parent-child education, and loving your "scum" children!

We can't use a single standard to measure the good and bad of children.

Nor should the ordinary be despised.

Instead, we should embrace our child's imperfections.

Accept the child's ordinariness.


Our children may not be the best among men,

May not be the social elite,

But as long as they are of good character,

Do not act contrary to your conscience and principles,

Healthy, happy, down-to-earth to take every step of life,

In fact, it is a successful life.

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