
In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children

"The World of Man" is currently airing.

Seeing that many people on the Internet have said that after this drama is performed here, it is almost time to abandon the drama, because the plot behind it is sad and bloody.

Speaking of dog blood, I have always felt that works that can win the Contradictory Literature Award will not have too much dog blood.

But seeing everyone's intermittent spoilers, I still saw different dog blood.

For example, this drama is actually a famous scene of raising other people's children, and in the whole play, a total of six characters are other people's children.

In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children

First, Feng Yue

Feng Yue is the most elementary child of someone else's family in the play.

Because, Feng Yue was living in the house of his little aunt.

But anyway, since the age of three, Feng Yue has always been in Zheng Juan's belt.

If this is put aside now, because of Feng Yue's problem, the little couple must not fight every day, and Zheng Juan raised Feng Yue little by little, even if Feng Yue is not grateful at all, Zheng Juan feels that there is nothing.

In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children

2. Zhou Nan

Zhou Nan was Luo Shibin's son, and Zhou Bingkun raised him as his own son.

Zhou Nan had never known about this matter since he was a child.

In fact, the sadness and joy of the whole drama are also because of the existence of the character of Zhou Nan, if Zhou Nan does not exist, perhaps there will not be so many problems at all.

Without Zhou Nan, there would be no early Zheng Juan's ordeal; without Zhou Nan, there would be no zhou Bingkun's imprisonment disaster in the later period; without Zhou Nan, there would be no grief after Zhou Bingkun Zhengjuan lost him.

In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children

Third, the light

Guangming is the child picked up by Zheng Juan's adoptive mother, and after picking it up, she found that the child's eyes could not see, so she named it Guangming.

Hey, it's miserable that children born with disabilities are abandoned.

Fortunately, guangming grew up to become a monk with huigen, and now Zheng Juan goes to ask for help from guangming whenever she has something to do.

This tells us that the country opens up the second and third children for the good of our children.

In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children

4. Zheng Juan

Zheng Juan is also a child picked up by her adoptive mother, unlike Guangming, Zheng Juan does not have any disabilities and looks like a heavenly immortal. Therefore, Zheng Juan's parents must have some unavoidable bitterness to abandon Zheng Juan.

According to everyone, Zheng Juan's identity is very unsimple.

Zheng Juan's birth parents were high-ranking cadres, but after Zheng Juan was born, just in time for the changes in the family, so the parents entrusted the child to relatives, but the relatives did not fulfill their responsibilities, so Zheng Juan was lost.

For so many years, Zheng Juan's parents have been looking for Zheng Juan, and it is said that Zheng Juan's mother will recognize Zheng Juan with a huge amount of property.

In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children

5. Zhou Bingkun

The three children of the Zhou family, Zhou Bingkun was the most unproductive, when Zhou's father said something hurting Zhou Bingkun at the railway station, there was also a conversation with Zhou Bingyi, saying that Zhou Bingyi was the hope of the Zhou family, some people commented, sure enough, it was not his own birth, it was really possible to say anything.

It is said that zhou Bingkun is not his own child, and even Zhou's mother does not know it.

Because this matter was the bag that Zhou's father dropped, when Zhou's mother gave birth to a baby, after giving birth to the baby, the baby died prematurely, and Zhou's father did not dare to tell Zhou's mother, just when the child of the comrade-in-arms lost his parents, Zhou's father took the child and raised it as his own son.

In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children

Sixth, water self-flow

How the water has grown up, we dare not say.

However, the water self-flow is Hao Dongmei's long-lost brother, and also Zhou Bingyi's long-lost brother-in-law.

Therefore, the water artesian flow is also another child raised by another family.

As for what kind of plot development there is behind the water artesian and Hao Dongmei and the Zhou family, it depends on how the screenwriter writes.

In the world: a large-scale famous scene of raising other people's children, six characters in a drama are other people's children


In general, there are only two children whose identities are mysterious and raised by others, but there are six people in this drama, and Governor Hao's family has lost two sons, that is to say, in addition to the water flow, there is another person who is also the son of Governor Hao's family.

So, ah, this drama is the scene of large children raised by others.

Sure enough, the dog blood of those years was abundant in TV dramas.

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