
Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

Every child has his own personality, which is inseparable from the parents' family education of their children. Because of the love of parents and mothers, many children are accustomed to self-centeredness, do not consider the feelings of others, and speak and do things will appear to have low emotional intelligence. If the child gradually changes this situation as he grows older, it is fine, and if the child is always like this, it will affect the future development.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

"Annoying, I don't call her" 8-year-old girl has low emotional intelligence and annoys people to stay away

There is a girl named Xiaoxiao in the neighbor's house, who is 8 years old this year. There were many people in the hallway, but she rarely greeted us. Because this child has been a little ignorant of human affairs since childhood.

Her mother always spoke to us warmly when she met us, and my daughter always warmly called her "aunt", and she began to instruct her daughter: "Call aunt." However, sometimes her daughter didn't look at me for a moment, easily called "auntie", and sometimes said loudly: "Annoying, I don't call her." ”

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

Such scenes are very embarrassing for adults, and her mother always explains: "This little child is so naughty." "In order not to embarrass ourselves, we rarely interacted afterwards. It can be seen that this child's emotional intelligence is not high, and she never considers her mother's feelings.

Getting along with people with high emotional intelligence always gives people pleasant experiences, and getting along with people with low emotional intelligence always wants people to escape. Three years old to see the old, if the child always has these few words when speaking, eight achievements are a child with emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

Children like to talk to others to raise the bar, "No, I don't want it, I want it." ”

Some parents take their children to some party activities, and the children look smart and clever, but they just don't give their parents a long face. Some parents like to let the child and the elders say hello, and the result is that the child is very uncooperative, or is very cold to say a word, and sometimes says: "I don't want", so that the adults are very unable to come to the stage. Sometimes, when parents don't let their children do something, the child will say, "I don't want it, I want it." ”

Children talk and do things without considering the feelings of their parents, what their parents do not let them do must be done, and what their parents let them do is not done, and they love to raise the bar.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

It is a small matter to humiliate parents, if the child grows up, or do it specifically against others, it is easy to offend people, interpersonal communication will be more difficult.

Saying things like "absolutely, definitely", the child speaks self-righteously.

Most things in this world cannot be absolute. However, some children like to use a very affirmative tone when they speak, "I will definitely ...", "Do you think not...", the words are too full, it is not easy to overturn, and it is also very disgusting. Therefore, children who do not give themselves room to speak are also manifestations of low emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

Children like to talk dirty and often speak with the word "dead".

People are still relatively taboo about the word "death", but some children often hang on their lips to form mantras, "angry to death", "happy to die", "to die", "to kill you".

Most of the children's oral language is learned with adults, giving others feelings of chagrin and anger. There are many ways to express excitement, and swearing is the least level of swearing, and if our children "export dirty", they are bound to become annoying people.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

"It's not me, it's all about you", children always like to shirk responsibility.

When children always do something wrong, it is a good quality to change when they know it is wrong, and it is also a manifestation of a child's high emotional intelligence. However, some children obviously have things in front of them, but they are cooked ducks - hard mouths. When parents or others point out his mistakes, they always say, "It's not me, I blame you."

Arguing according to reason is an ability, and if it is unreasonable to stir up three points, it will make people speechless. If the child always shirks responsibility, it also means that he is a person without a sense of responsibility, which makes everyone hate.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

Helping children improve their emotional intelligence is not something that can be done in the classroom, and we parents need to guide our children in life.

Cultivate a good character in children.

Children with low emotional intelligence often do not control their emotions well due to personality reasons, and have some inappropriate words and deeds.

Therefore, when parents cultivate their children, they pay attention to the cultivation of children's personality, cultivate their children's confident and kind personality, behave civilized and generously, children can control their emotions well, and high emotional intelligence will be reflected in children.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

Develop children's language skills.

Language expression is the most important way of socializing, but also a person's business card, children's language expression ability can be exercised, parents from an early age to educate children to speak properly, the use of civilized and polite language, will leave a good impression on others. Parents communicate effectively with their children, and children can learn good communication methods.

Guide your child to learn to get along with others.

Children eventually enter the collective life, studying and working with others. In group activities, abiding by the rules, uniting and loving, mutual respect and help are the embodiment of social skills. Therefore, taking more children to interact with others and cultivating children to get along with others and interact happily is also a way to improve emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is hidden between words, and children who often say 4 "spoken words" usually have low emotional intelligence

It is important to cultivate children's emotional intelligence, and children with high emotional intelligence will live happier and work more smoothly.

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