
Grasp the key points of parenting at the age of 7~12, and children can stand out and truly win at the starting line

Grasp the key points of parenting at the age of 7~12, and children can stand out and truly win at the starting line

Each age group has different psychological characteristics and corresponding parenting priorities.

Children aged 7~12 years old are just in elementary school.

This seemingly small age group is a very critical stage of growth in a child's life.

Every stage of growth has a certain pattern.

Raising children should follow the laws of children's physical and mental development, and if parents can grasp the parenting priorities of their children at each age, then children can stand out.

01 Grade 1 – Focus on cultivating children's learning habits and individual independence

Many people say that the early education of preschoolers is important, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But in fact, children are also very important when they are just in the first grade of primary school.

Three years old looks big, seven years old looks old. The age of seven here can be seen as the child's first grade.

If a seven-year-old child can be cultivated well, it is related to his or her development in the following years and even in the future.

Seven-year-olds have their own inherent psychological characteristics.

For example, seven-year-olds will no longer be as free as they are in kindergarten, and they will begin to care a lot about what their teachers and parents think of them.

This is a great educational opportunity for parents.

We can use the psychological characteristics of children to cultivate children's independence in life, learning independence, independence in doing things and learning habits.

If the child can lay a good foundation in the first grade, it will be conducive to subsequent development.

Grasp the key points of parenting at the age of 7~12, and children can stand out and truly win at the starting line

For children at this age who are particularly concerned about the opinions of teachers and parents, we can give children more encouragement and create more opportunities for children to succeed, which will greatly help improve children's self-confidence.

In learning and life, we must also consciously cultivate children's independence.

For example, how to accompany children needs to have a clear phased training goal, and the ultimate goal is to help children achieve the goal of independent learning without accompanying reading.

Children who are independent in learning, living, and doing things will not be overly dependent on their parents.

02 Grade 2 – Focus on cultivating children's view of right and wrong

When the child reaches the second grade, almost at the age of eight, it is necessary to put the cultivation of "right and wrong" on the agenda.

From this time on, children should initially establish a "view of right and wrong", and should clearly know what is good and what is bad; Know what's right and what's not...

Establishing a "view of right and wrong" is very important for children, which will determine their moral character in the future.

Grasp the key points of parenting at the age of 7~12, and children can stand out and truly win at the starting line

For example, the recent Internet incident of "Jinhua mother and daughter cut into the queue was stopped from rushing on the spot" at least exposed the problem of the lack of "right and wrong" education when these two mothers and daughters were young.

Compared with seven-year-olds, eight-year-olds psychologically want to be recognized by their parents and care about the evaluation of others.

Therefore, as a parent, on the one hand, you can achieve the purpose of accompanying your child through channels such as "parent-child reading" and "chat" to meet your child's psychological safety needs; On the other hand, it is necessary to consciously guide children correctly in terms of "right and wrong".

03 Grade 3 – Greatly improve children's learning ability

Many children have experienced a sharp decline in grades in the third grade, falling into the crisis of the "third grade phenomenon", which has also become a problem for many parents.

Fundamentally, it is because children do not develop good learning habits and reading habits, and the lack of these two habits will cause low learning ability.

Whether it is a study habit or a reading habit, in fact, it is necessary to start cultivating from the first grade, and by the third grade, it should enter the stage of consolidating and consolidating these good habits.

Grasp the key points of parenting at the age of 7~12, and children can stand out and truly win at the starting line

When children really develop learning habits and reading habits, it is accompanied by the improvement of children's learning ability.

This will lay a good foundation for the next middle and upper grades.

04 Grade 4 – Respect your child's wishes, let go and let your child grow independently

Fourth grade is the transition stage between middle and upper grades.

Children at this age begin to rise in self-awareness, greatly improve their thinking skills, and dare to question what they think is wrong.

At this time, they need to be respected by their parents, do not like their parents to treat them as children, and do not want to be too interfered and disciplined by their parents.

Therefore, parents need to pay attention to these aspects in the process of raising their children, otherwise, it is very likely to arouse the child's rebellious psychology and become more and more fond of talking.

Specifically, parents should follow the psychological development characteristics of children at this age, respect the child's wishes, let the child grow independently, develop the child's interests and hobbies, and so on.

Grasp the key points of parenting at the age of 7~12, and children can stand out and truly win at the starting line

05 Grade 5 – Cultivate children's sense of competition

Fifth graders have improved significantly in terms of self-awareness, self-control, and personality development.

At the same time, children's sense of competition has also begun to increase, and they have begun to pay attention to their grades, especially worshiping top students and top students.

This makes some children in the fifth grade very concerned about their grades, and once the results are not satisfactory, there are often bad behaviors such as imitating parents' signatures and falsely applying for test scores.

In addition, many signs of rebellion that parents least want to see begin to appear in them.

For parents, it is necessary to completely change the outdated practice of giving children empty reasoning, and be able to think and solve problems from the child's point of view, so as to reduce and eliminate the child's rebellious psychology.

06 Grade 6 – Guide children to prepare for junior high school

When children reach the sixth grade, they gradually enter adolescence, they begin to pay attention to the opposite sex, and their sense of autonomy is at the strongest stage in the entire elementary school stage.

Of course, most children in this stage have also fully developed in terms of self-evaluation and self-education ability.

They no longer accept the authority of teachers and parents unconditionally as before, which makes many teachers and parents often feel powerless in educating their children.

From the perspective of parents, they should change their roles, such as guiding their children as friends, helping them adjust their learning mentality and prepare them for junior high school; Communicate and talk with children on an equal footing to win their trust; On the basis of the original "view of right and wrong", guide the child to establish the correct "three views", and so on.


Raising children is a practical educational problem that every parent has to face, and children at each stage have their own characteristics of development.

On the basis of understanding the physical and mental development characteristics of 7~12-year-old children, parents should grasp the key points of parenting at all stages, so that children can stand out and truly win at the starting line.

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