
Students, happiness is a struggle

A happy life is achieved by hard work, and this sentence should be told to all children.

Students, happiness is a struggle
Students, happiness is a struggle

Nowadays, many children have not suffered from life, they have lived in an environment without material pressure since they were young, and they may not know the meaning of struggle and hard work. Please tell them: the current happy life is the struggle of parents and elders, and your future happy life must also rely on your own struggle to obtain, so that life is meaningful!

Students, happiness is a struggle


Learning is never an easy task

But those who have achieved a certain amount of achievements, they have gone through hard work. There is no pie in the sky, only through their own unremitting efforts and hard work can they have the possibility of success. Learning is the same, only hard work can be learned. Children may not be mentally mature, and it is inevitable that in the process of learning, they will sometimes feel that learning is boring and tedious. Therefore, we should help children find ways to relieve stress when learning, edutainment, happy growth, and subtly achieve breakthroughs.


Studying hard is also a responsibility

In the process of cultivating children, parents should let their children know how to pay, cultivate their courageous spirit and strong sense of responsibility. In the reading stage, children's main task is to learn, which is their responsibility. Therefore, it is not so much to cultivate children's ability to learn independently and the spirit of hard work, but rather to help them establish positive and responsible excellent qualities, which is an important goal in the child's learning process.


Work hard to choose the life you want

Some parents say, "Child, I ask you to study hard, not because I want you to compare grades with others." Rather, it's because I hope you'll have the right to choose, to choose meaningful work in the future. "One day, children will grow up and shoulder their own lives. Studying hard and learning some skills does not necessarily make a child rich, but it can at least make him choose a job he likes, rather than being chosen by work. Opportunities are always left to those who are prepared, because hard work will have more opportunities. Strength makes the classic, and success is not accidental.


Only when you are excellent can you have more opportunities for progress

Everyone knows that making some good friends can benefit children for life. When children interact with excellent friends, they can learn a lot of beneficial nourishment from each other, such as responsibility, persistence, good habits, etc. These exchanges allow children to better understand themselves and more clearly understand their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, like-minded friends can make children grow together, progress together, and become better together. However, if you don't study hard, it is difficult to make these excellent friends, because different values may not have a common language and it is difficult to communicate.


Finally, please tell your children that happiness is all struggle, and the efforts now are all for the opportunity to have more choices in the future.

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