
@家长, five things that can ruin children's interest in reading, have you ever done? (with countermeasures) | Selected

@家长, five things that can ruin children's interest in reading, have you ever done? (with countermeasures) | Selected

Summer vacation is a precious opportunity for parents and children to read together, and now many parents are aware of the importance of reading to their children, and will deliberately cultivate their children's interest in reading, but if the methods are not appropriate, it will often be counterproductive.

For children who like to read, the reason for liking is roughly the same, that is, they feel a lot of joy from reading; But children who don't like to read, the reasons for not liking it vary widely. For children who are not used to or do not have the ability to read independently before school, the wrong way of reading together will make children more disgusted with reading.

To this end, the following list of five typical representative reading misunderstandings, come and see if there is your figure in it?

@家长, five things that can ruin children's interest in reading, have you ever done? (with countermeasures) | Selected

Myth one

Do not consider the child's current interests, and force the child to read together

"Baby, mommy is coming to tell you a story."

"I don't want to hear stories right now, I'm building blocks."

"Come on, this story is good."

"Oh, okay." The child got up helplessly.

Has such a conversation ever appeared in your home?

If you find that your attention is not on the book you are reading, and you may be wandering away from the unfinished brick castle, you can imagine that this will be a co-reading that does not arouse much enthusiasm in the child.

If co-reading is often associated with "interrupted play", not only the original good intention of reading together, such as "enjoying intimate parent-child time" and "enriching children's imagination and vision", can not be felt by children at this moment. In the long run, it will also make children dislike co-reading.


In addition to reading, children need other, richer experiences

We often say that reading cannot, and should not be, the only thing that matters in a child's life. As the saying goes, "it is better to read ten thousand books than to travel thousands of miles", children should have more experiences besides reading, such as games, hiking, etc., so that children can live happier and healthier.

So, in order to cultivate children's good reading habits, how to arrange reading time? The time of the day to read together, you can choose a fixed period of time before going to bed (such as no less than 20 minutes a day), so that the agreed reading time becomes the child's daily expectation. The rest of the time, feel free.

Myth two

Book selection, guided by the parents themselves, not the children

"Mom, read "Hungry Little Snake" to me."

"Oh, you're 6 years old, and you still read such a childish book, you read this one when you were 2 years old."

"Then you read to me 'Who's Who's on My Head'."

"Now that you have grown up, let's take a look at popular science stories like "Insect Notes"."

The child took the book and turned away without a word.

I don't know if you've ever made the mistake of holding books that you think are useful or suitable in front of your child, and rarely asking them if they really like it. If the child's long-term reaction to reading is cold or simply dislikes, adults often label the child: My child does not like reading. And without thinking about why children don't like to read.


When choosing a book, take into account the child's interests

If you bring a book that your child likes to your child and read it with them, there are very few children who really don't like reading. When choosing co-reading materials for children, how to take into account children's preferences and guidance? When you can agree with your child on the amount of reading each day, part of it is decided by the child freely; The other part, leave it to Mom and Dad to choose.

Myth three

When reading together, keep asking questions

"Look, what color did Xiao Lan and Xiao Huang become together?"

"What country is Madeleine a child?" Look, what is this famous building called? ”

"Okay, baby, the story of 'Little Blackfish' is over. Tell mom what truth does this story tell? ”

Children who have just been immersed in a wonderful story seem to have woken up like a dream and begin to stumble to answer questions and summarize the truth... When many parents read to their children, they always want their children to remember or know something, and if they do not ask questions or remind their children to pay attention, the book is as if they have not read it.

When questioning becomes the norm in reading, children tend to focus more on the questions that may be asked with the reader and ignore other nourishment that may be absorbed. Over time, reading ceases to be a fun thing to do, but becomes a burden, which eventually leads to a lack of interest in reading.


Let children feel simple joy from reading

What is remembered and known is far less important than what is entered and felt while reading. Return the joy of reading to reading itself, let children feel simple happiness from reading, and let reading bring children delicate nourishment.

Myth four

After literacy, emphasize that the child reads independently

"Mom, tell me a story."

"Don't you know a lot of words? You can read it yourself. ”

When your child can read some words, do you put too much emphasis on letting the child read on his own? But do you remember how you felt when you first read classical Chinese when you were in school? That's also knowing every word, but what is the whole article talking about, sometimes you don't necessarily understand?

So, too, for children, knowing the words in a book and understanding the meaning expressed by the words are not a concept. Although even if they don't know the words, when no one reads to them, they will probably perceive the content of the story through the pictures in the picture book, but the pleasure of reading and understanding the story will definitely be greatly reduced.


Even if your child is literate, set aside time to read with your child

Reading a book requires not only a certain amount of literacy, but also a certain amount of life accumulation. Therefore, we recommend that even if your child is literate, please set aside a certain amount of time to read with your child, because in this process, your child can ask you questions about things he has not yet understood, which will also help him improve his reading ability.

Of course, for children who are about to enter primary school and early primary school, who have a certain amount of life experience and literacy, they can have some independent reading, but it is still recommended that parents set aside a certain amount of time to read with their children to help children gradually transition to full independent reading.

Myth five

Replace co-reading with story audio

"Mom, tell me a story."

"Didn't I buy you the story audio? Show it to you. ”

"But, Mom, I think you speak better."

"How come, how beautiful the aunt in the audio is, mother has other things to do."

There is now a wide variety of story audio options available on the market. Some parents are afraid that their Mandarin is not standard or feel that they do not have time to read stories to their children, so they buy a lot of story audio instead of daily reading. However, it will be found that children are often not interested in the stories in the audio and still play by themselves; And when you read the story to your child yourself, although it is not as correct as in the audio, the child still listens with relish.


No matter how busy you are, please do not refuse your child's need to read together

For children, the voice of parents is the warmest and most beautiful in the world. Therefore, even if you are busy, please do not refuse your child's need to read together. Take a dozen or twenty minutes before going to bed and read a book with your child. Because for children, reading with their parents is not only about reading itself, but also about the warmth, steadiness and sense of security shared with their parents, which cannot be replaced by any kind of audio.

In short, parent-child reading is a compulsory course in family education, should not be a formality, to create a reading atmosphere should occur naturally, teachers and parents need to continue to invest great enthusiasm, so that children can enjoy the wonderfulness of reading and grow up happily.

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