
"Daughter-in-law is an only child with difficulties, the mother's family will definitely help, your money will be given to your brother" "I don't want a divorce"

"Daughter-in-law is an only child with difficulties, the mother's family will definitely help, your money will be given to your brother" "I don't want a divorce"

There is such a topic in Tieba bar, have you ever seen eccentric parents?

When I was in college, I had a roommate whose family preferred sons to daughters, and although her roommate was admitted to college, her parents were reluctant to bear her living expenses, so she had to go out every weekend to work part-time to earn money. My roommate told us that her parents' permission to let her go to college was already the greatest gift to her, and that in addition to tuition, her parents did not want to cover her living expenses, and she could accept it.

To tell the truth, the family situation in this girl's family is OK, and it is not that she cannot afford to pay her daughter's living expenses, but in the eyes of her parents, it is useless to go to school, and it is better to go out to work and save more money for her son instead of letting her daughter go to school. So much so that my roommate was so inferior that she rarely went out with us, and had dinner with us no more than three times throughout college.

In real life, there are many parents like this, all say that children are a piece of meat that falls from their own bodies, the palms of their hands and the backs of their hands are meat, if it is because of gender or the old saying that raising children can prevent the old man over women, we can still accept it, but have you ever seen parents who are also biased by the same sex? In addition to the patriarchal parents, there is also a type of parent who has two sons and two daughters, and they will always be partial to one of them, just like the ancient times of heavy growth and light childhood, and there is also a difference between concubines and inferiority.

Mingfeng's mother is eccentric, he and his brother are both sons of their mothers, but the two boys' status in the family is also different.

Perhaps because the mother suffered a lot of sins when the younger brother was born, coupled with the fact that the younger brother was weak and sickly since he was a child, the parents naturally cared more about the younger brother. When the younger brother was born, it was a rainy day, the mother accidentally fell, the people in the village tried to find a tractor to send the mother, in order to give birth to the younger brother, the mother stayed in the delivery room for three hours, and then lost a lot of blood to survive.

"Daughter-in-law is an only child with difficulties, the mother's family will definitely help, your money will be given to your brother" "I don't want a divorce"

Because of premature birth, the younger brother's body has not been very strong, he was always sick when he was a child, the hospital clinic is the place where the younger brother often stays, for this, Mingfeng is also very sympathetic to the younger brother, so even if the parents are eccentric, he will never say it. Seeing that his brother was weak and often sick and feverish, he, who was the older brother, felt uncomfortable in his heart, and other places could not help him, so he could only let him point.

As he grew older, his parents sent him to learn martial arts in order to strengthen his brother's health, thinking that he could exercise and strengthen his body, and finally, his brother's health was much better than before. Slowly, the living conditions of their family also improved, the younger brother ate well, and let him eat anything delicious at home, and the younger brother also gained a lot of fat and strong.

Parents are eccentric, at most just because of some small things in daily life, if you are worried about these eating and playing, Ming feng also feels that it is really unnecessary, so he never bothers to worry. However, what chilled him was that his parents' eccentricity had no bottom line, and after graduating from college, Mingfeng worked outside, and his parents asked him to send back half of his salary every month, only letting him keep some living expenses. His mother said that he was afraid of his random flowers for Mingfeng, and Mingfeng didn't think much about it, and he gave it to his parents for three years of work.

However, when he fell in love and wanted to talk about marriage and marry, and when he wanted to buy a house, he knew that his parents had already divided the money he had saved over the years, half of which was returned to him, and the other half was given to his brother.

Ming feng is the eldest brother, thick and honest, the parents do this, although he has opinions, but also did not say clearly, and his girlfriend Cheng Yu's family lineage and conditions are good, she is an only child, when buying a marriage house, the woman's family also helped them a lot, and ming feng's previous savings were just enough, he did not look for his parents to theorize about this matter.

Mingfeng felt that he had done so much for his brother, and he was already okay, but he didn't expect that his mother's eccentricity had just begun. After marriage, the mother on the grounds that Mingfeng has a family, let him send two thousand yuan to the family every month to the pension, as the living expenses of the parents, originally, the parents gave birth to themselves, Mingfeng naturally could not refuse, so he agreed to the parents' request, every month will send money to the home.

"Daughter-in-law is an only child with difficulties, the mother's family will definitely help, your money will be given to your brother" "I don't want a divorce"

Until he gave birth to a child, after having a child, the cost in the city was obviously larger, Ming Feng and Cheng Yu's salary was able to support the family, but they really could not save any money, looking at the parents can still go out to work, Ming Feng thought, can you give your parents less, if it is halved, but did not expect that the mother refused after listening.

At present, also to the age of the brother's marriage, the mother is thinking about saving money for the younger brother, this money can only be more than not less, the mother also said: "Now that you have children, the family's expenses are large, and if you have difficulties, you have to open your mouth with Cheng Yu's mother-in-law, she is an only child with difficulties, and your father-in-law and mother-in-law will definitely help you." As for your money to help your brother, Cheng Yu is an outsider after all, their family's money can be spent, but the younger brother is your own brother, you are the older brother, you must have the appearance of being an older brother, you have to help him. ”

Hearing his mother say this, Mingfeng was really cold, stunned, he slowed down for a while, and said to his mother: "Mom, I don't want to divorce yet, when I gave half of my hard-earned salary to my brother, this has been done enough, why am I married now, and I have already given the money I saved to my brother?" Don't I have a son and no home? ”

Mingfeng didn't wait for his mother to say anything after he said it, so he hung up the phone.

How chilling is it that parents are eccentric?

Once in an issue of "Teenagers Say", there was such a girl, because her father was always partial to her sister and said a long-standing heart: "Every time my sister goes to file a complaint, you don't care what the truth of the matter is, you will directly teach me." Dad, can you try to trust me once? ”

At this time, the girl had a hard time summoning up the courage to communicate with her parents, but all she got was a few cold questions from her father: "Does Kong Rong let the pear still use daddy to teach you?" You're six years older than her, and she doesn't understand things, don't you understand things? ”

At that time, my sister was still a child, and she didn't understand her father's deep meaning at all, and the story of Kong Rong's pear was good, but the pear that could go out was Kong Rong's own choice, not his parents' request, which many parents ignored. Parents know that Kong Rong let the pear be a model of respecting the old and loving the young, however, have you ever thought of letting the children choose for themselves.

If you really let the child choose, or follow the teaching, you may get the result that you are satisfied with, but what you strongly demand is that you can't be clear as a parent, age does not represent the love of parents, age has never been the standard for distributing love, you can't ask the boss to let the second brother because the boss is a few years older than the second, the real brother and brother Gong are not required, or you let him choose, or you teach well, but you can't be too eccentric.

There is a classic line in the movie "The Godfather": "Softness without boundaries will only make the other party inch; unprincipled benevolence will only make the other party do whatever it wants." ”

For the eccentricity of parents, we may have no way to choose, but the requirements of parents can not become our final decision, if parents are not clear, there is no need to satisfy them because they are parents, so that they can make progress.

Sometimes, your tolerance may not be able to make your parents happy, let your brother or sister remember your good, will only make your parents more reasonable, the more you encounter such problems, the more you should have principles, there is a bottom line.

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