
The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

On October 5, 2012, at the entrance of a detergent factory in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, a middle-aged woman with a six- or seven-year-old child on her back sat in front of the factory and cried bitterly.

The middle-aged woman was wearing a blue overalls, her hair disheveled and her face was vicissitudes.

The little girl she was carrying on her back was wearing a pink blouse and a thin bed sheet wrapped around her.

The little girl seemed to be unable to feel the outside environment, her eyes were looking ahead blankly, and her face twitched from time to time.

"Please, don't drive us away, I only need half of my salary, leave me and my daughter behind."

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

"Big sister, I'm just a part-time worker, your daughter made the dormitory so dirty, the boss really can't leave you behind."

The security guard at the door could not bear it, but still resolutely refused the middle-aged woman's request.

What's going on here?

We have known each other since childhood, and we have known each other since childhood

On November 30, 1982, a girl named Wang Yongxiang was born in a remote rural village in Beng'e Township, Yanshan County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

Wang Yongxiang is the fourth oldest in the family, with two older brothers and an older sister.

Although Wang Yongxiang's parents did not receive a modern education, they were not eroded by feudal ideas, and they were very kind to every child.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

Wang Yongxiang and his brothers and sisters are not much different in age, and the relationship between several people is also very good, and they have been united and fraternal since childhood.

Because there are many children in the family, Wang Yongxiang's parents work very hard.

At dawn they went to work in the fields, and it was not until dusk that they would go home to rest.

In this way, the young Wang Yongxiang spent much longer with his brothers and sisters than with his parents, and his relationship with several brothers and sisters was also closer.

Later, Wang Yongxiang's parents went out to work, and several children stayed at home to be cared for by their grandparents.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

The children of the poor have long been in charge, and Wang Yongxiang's brothers and sisters, although young, are unusually sensible.

They knew that their grandparents were old and had no energy to work, so they took the initiative to do laundry, cooking, farming and other work.

Wang Yongxiang, who is only five years old, is already a good hand at cleaning up the housework, and it is not a problem to stir-fry vegetables and raise pigs.

The village is not big, people in the village know each other, and children of the same age also like to get together and play.

After Wang Yongxiang finishes cleaning up the housework, he will also be unable to suppress the nature of children and run outside to play with children of the same age.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

She knows all the children and is able to call out everyone's name skillfully, so the children love to play with her.

Among the many friends, Wang Yongxiang's favorite is a little boy named Hou Qiang.

Because Hou Qiang's mother is skillful, she is very good at making food, and she will generously distribute food to children.

Although most of the food is made of wild vegetables from the mountains, Wang Yongxiang still likes to eat them.

She loves her aunt, who makes bitter wild vegetables into delicacies, and loves Ya and Wudi and loves to play with her son.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

But the good times did not last long, when Wang Yongxiang and Hou Qiang were seven years old, this clever woman died of illness.

When Wang Yongxiang saw Hou Qiang crying so loudly, he kept comforting him, and sometimes took him home to play.

After hou qiang's mother died, his father did not remarry, but single-mindedly guarded the child's life.

He has a young son and a pair of sick parents who need to be cared for.

Instead of working outside the home as his wife did when she was alive, he stayed in the countryside to work as a farmer while taking care of his family.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

After working hard in the countryside for a whole year, the income was very small, and his parents did not leave the soup medicine, so for a while, the family became poor.

Wang Yongxiang saw that his friend's life was getting worse and worse, so he couldn't help but secretly help him.

Every time she went to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, she would secretly dig a little more behind her brothers and sisters' backs, and then quietly give the excess part to Hou Qiang.

Hou Qiang is also a child who knows gratitude, and every time he finds wild fruits in the mountains, he will share them with Wang Yongxiang.

In this way, their relationship is getting better and better, and in the process of getting along, they have gradually developed feelings beyond friendship.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

Living in poverty and having children at home

Wang Yongxiang lives in a very remote and backward village, and there is only a primary school in this village, and only the town has a junior high school.

If you want to go to town to study, you need to walk over the mountains for three hours.

Because of the inconvenience of transportation and the fact that the family conditions are not very good, Wang Yongxiang and Hou Qiang did not study in junior high school.

After graduating from elementary school, they began to help their families.

Relatively speaking, Wang Yongxiang's family conditions are slightly better, his parents are working outside, and although his grandparents are old, they are also disease-free.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

The conditions of Hou Qiang's family can be described as miserable, the grandparents need to take medicine all year round, and the father's physical condition is not very good.

After working at home for several years, Hou Qiang went to the city to work to earn money and subsidize the family.

Even though he works very hard to make money, he still can't make ends meet, and the whole family is still struggling on the verge of subsistence.

Wang Yongxiang did not go out to work, but concentrated on doing farm work at home, taking care of his growing grandparents.

Because of Hou Qiang's relationship, she is also very concerned about Hou Qiang's family, and sometimes goes to his house to help take care of the elderly.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

Gradually, both families saw a hint and guessed the unusual relationship between the two.

In the eyes of Wang Yongxiang's parents, although the conditions of Hou Qiang's family are not good, the two families know the roots, and the young man is also what they watched grow up, so they are very relieved about him and acquiesce in the two people's interaction.

Hou Qiang's father and grandparents originally felt that with their own conditions, the children might not be able to marry their daughter-in-law.

Now it is found that he has secretly found the object, and this object still takes good care of the Hou family, and he has a great affection for this diligent and kind girl.

In November 2001, with the mediation of Hou Qiang's relatives, 19-year-old Wang Yongxiang began to communicate with Hou Qiang in a fair and bright way.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

At the end of 2002, under the control of the parents of both sides, Hou Qiang and Wang Yongxiang held a simple wedding in the countryside and became a family.

Since Hou Qiang has not yet reached the age of 22, the two only held a wedding and did not go to the local civil affairs bureau to get a marriage certificate.

Even so, Wang Yongxiang was still very happy, and she felt that it was already a very happy thing to be able to marry Hou Qiang.

After getting married, she went to work with Hou Qiang in the city's electronics factory to earn money to support the three elderly people in the family.

A few months later, Wang Yongxiang became pregnant, because her reaction during pregnancy was very large, so she could not continue to work.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

In order to save money, Wang Yongxiang returned to his rural hometown alone, taking care of the elderly while installing a fetus.

Wang Yongxiang lost his job, the family has a small amount of expenses, in desperation, Hou Qiang's father can only give two sick old people to his daughter-in-law to take care of, he followed his son out to work.

Because there is no concept of obstetric examination, and because the family conditions are relatively poor, Wang Yongxiang never went to the hospital to do a maternity examination when she was pregnant.

In order to save money, Hou Qiang's grandmother advised her granddaughter-in-law to give birth at home, and her husband agreed with her grandmother's decision.

Wang Yongxiang has always taken her husband's opinion as the first, and when she saw that her husband agreed, she nodded and agreed to give birth at home.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

On August 12, 2003, Wang Yongxiang successfully gave birth to a son at home.

The birth of the child made the four adults in the family very happy, and the two elderly people were very happy, and they ignored the sick body and shared the good news with people from house to house on crutches.

However, they did not enjoy the happiness of the four generations together for long, and after more than a year, the two old people passed away one after another.

Because the child is young and inseparable from his mother, Wang Yongxiang has to continue to stay in his hometown to take care of the child.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

The daughter was born, but two years later she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy

In the second half of 2005, Wang Yongxiang became pregnant with her second child, and Hou Qiang and his father took special leave to visit them.

After that, they continued to work in the city, hoping to make more money before the birth of their children.

This time, Wang Yongxiang decided to still give birth at home, and Hou Qiang also promised to come back to accompany her before the child was born.

She also did not go to the hospital for obstetric examination, and continued to raise a baby at home with the psychology of luck.

In July 2006, Wang Yongxiang was nine months pregnant.

Because there are still a few weeks left before the expected production time, Hou Qiang and his father are still working in the city and have not returned.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

On the night of the 10th, Wang Yongxiang squatted on the stove as usual to boil water, but suddenly felt a pain in his stomach.

Suddenly, the pain was unbearable, and Wang Yongxiang realized that the child in his belly might have to come to life early.

However, at this time, she did not have the extra strength to call the midwife, she sat on the stool uncomfortably, and gave birth to the child.

It took a long time for Wang Yongxiang to wake up from the severe pain of childbirth.

Regaining her senses, she suddenly realized that she had not heard the child's cry, and immediately stood up from the stool in pain to find the child.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

At this time, she found that the child's face was pale, and half of his body fell to the ground.

She couldn't take care of the discomfort and stumbled out to call the neighbors for help.

Soon, the kind neighbor helped Wang Yongxiang back to the bed, and also simply washed the little baby girl lying on the ground and put it on the bed.

The next day, Wang Yongxiang's husband and father-in-law received news and asked for leave to return to visit the mother and child.

Wang Yongxiang told her husband and father-in-law about the strange appearance of the child at birth, and they held the child and examined it carefully, thinking that there was no big problem.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

Because there was no money in the family, Wang Yongxiang also held the psychology of luck and did not take his daughter to the doctor.

She named her daughter Hou Jinhua, hoping that she would grow up strong and healthy.

When Xiao Jinhua was two years old, children of the same age could run and jump, but she still couldn't speak or walk.

Wang Yongxiang, who found that the child was not right, was very flustered in her heart, and she took the only thousand yuan in her hand and carried the child to the hospital for examination.

After the consultation, the doctor told Wang Yongxiang that the child was hit hard in the brain when he was born, because there was no timely treatment, so it caused cerebral palsy.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

"Children are cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and long-term rehabilitation treatment is necessary to achieve self-care."

Holding her daughter's diagnosis results, Wang Yongxiang couldn't help but lean on the corridor of the hospital and cry bitterly, regretting that she did not bring her daughter to the hospital in time to check her body.

Later, she told the news to her father-in-law and husband, hoping that they would think of a way to treat her daughter.

After they knew that the child needed a high cost of treatment, they all in turn persuaded Wang Yongxiang to give up treatment and accept reality.

In desperation, Wang Yongxiang could only carry his daughter home and asked the village Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe a little herbal medicine to treat the child.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

The husband ran away from home and worked part-time to collect money for the children's medical treatment

In November 2011, Hou Qiang told his wife that he was going to work in other provinces to earn money and treat his children.

Wang Yongxiang was very happy after listening to her husband's decision, because the child's condition had become more and more serious, and the five-year-old little Jinhua still could not walk or speak.

She dropped her husband off at the train station and reluctantly said goodbye to him.

She hopes that her husband will find a job as soon as possible, send money home early, and let her children receive treatment as soon as possible.

However, for a whole year, Hou Qiang did not send a penny to his family, nor did he bring a letter to his family.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

After her husband left, the elders of the Hou family no longer paid attention to the two children, and Wang Yongxiang, who was aware of it in hindsight, finally realized that he had been abandoned by her husband.

Suddenly, Wang Yongxiang was so grief-stricken that he even wanted to jump into the river to commit suicide.

But thinking of his son, who was still in elementary school, and his sick daughter, Wang Yongxiang was reinvigorated again.

In February 2012, she borrowed a sum of money from relatives in her mother's family, sent her eldest son to boarding school, and then took her younger daughter to the city to find a job.

However, jobs are not easy to find, and many factories see her with children and are reluctant to recruit her.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

A dozen days later, Wang Yongxiang, who had no choice, even proposed that only half of his salary be needed.

She cried and told her boss, "Please, don't drive us away, I only need half of my salary, leave me and my daughter behind." ”

Because of this, she struggled to find a job in a detergent factory.

After work, Wang Yongxiang could not take care of his daughter all the time, and could only lock her in the dormitory.

Little Jinhua life can not take care of themselves, often incontinence, the weather is hot, the smell will drift out, so that the entire floor of the dormitory has a peculiar smell.

After a long time, the nearby workers could not bear it, and the boss could only give her a little compensation and fired her.

After that, Wang Yongxiang could only carry his daughter on the street and continue to look for a job.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

A few days later, Wang Yongxiang received a call from the hostess asking her to go back to work.

It turned out that when the lady boss went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, she saw this poor mother and daughter who had nowhere to go on the side of the road, and her heart was very uncomfortable, so she accepted them again.

She provided them with a more remote dormitory to ensure that other workers would not be disturbed, and paid her back and stopped her from working with half her salary.

Although the hostess took good care of them, Wang Yongxiang's life was still very difficult.

The son needs tuition, he and his daughter need living expenses, and Wang Yongxiang still has no extra money to give his daughter rehabilitation treatment.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

In desperation, she could only learn massage techniques on her own and help her daughter do rehabilitation training.

In 2021, Xiao Jinhua is already 15 years old, but her condition continues to deteriorate because she has not been systematically treated for a long time.

On November 5, the factory owner's wife learned from a friend that a hospital in Kunming had policy support and would provide subsidies to patients with cerebral palsy who came for treatment.

She told Wang Yongxiang the news and borrowed tens of thousands of yuan for her, asking her to quickly take the child to the treatment.

After that, Wang Yongxiang came to Kunming with his daughter and was admitted to the hospital.

The woman gave birth to a baby at home alone, and two years after the birth of the child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her husband was so angry that she ran away from home

The doctor examined Jinhua's condition and found that she not only had cerebral palsy, but also had different degrees of deformities in her left hand and legs.

They informed Wang Yongxiang of the situation, "The deformity can be recovered through surgery, but cerebral palsy requires a long period of rehabilitation." ”

After that, Wang Yongxiangdong cobbled together a sum of money and paid the child for surgery.

In the end, Xiao Jinhua's surgery was very successful, and now she can walk on crutches and train herself.

I hope that Xiao Jinhua can recover her health as soon as possible.


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