
"Heart Residence" finale: Gu Xin is in prison, and Ge Yue has played a big game of chess to save the marriage

I thought that the kindest woman in the whole play was Ge Yue. Although her father is a department-level cadre, she does not have the temper of a big miss, nor does she hold high and low, and she treats her mother-in-law with a broken mouth, and she is also obedient, and there is no small universe explosion.

If you change into an ordinary person, marry into a family like Gu Xin, and have such a mother-in-law with a broken mouth, your life will certainly be a chicken flying dog jumping, but Ge Yue did not, at first it was not adaptable, and she returned to her mother's house with grievances.

You know, from childhood to adulthood, Ge Yue, who has not suffered any grievances, after her father's official downfall, can also be regarded as seeing the cold and warm of human feelings, she just wants to live her own small life, more money is not important.

Logically, a girl like Ge Yue should be happy after marriage, but she chose the wrong husband. Gu Xin, this person, completely inherited the indifference of his father Gu Shihai and the calculation of his mother Su Wangdi.

The reason why he would dump his current girlfriend and climb up to Ge Yue was precisely because he saw the power in the hands of Ge Yue's father and wanted to lean back against the tree to cool off, and from then on, his career could also be smooth.

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Soon after the marriage, Ge Yue's father had an accident, the big tree of his father-in-law fell, and Gu Xin, as a son-in-law, was also implicated and excluded and marginalized in his work.

With so much bitterness in his heart, he had to buy drunk alone, and even he thought about it, to divorce Ge Yue and draw a line with their family from then on.

"Heart Residence" finale: Gu Xin is in prison, and Ge Yue has played a big game of chess to save the marriage

I have to say that Gu Xin is too unkind, and he has the smell of demolishing bridges over the river. Fortunately, Ge Yue was pregnant, and the child in her belly saved their broken marriage.

It's just that the man whose mind is not on you, even if you are pregnant, he will not stop hunting. This is not, for the performance of Feng Xixi, she took the initiative to hook up with Gu Xin, the "brother".

Although Feng Xixi looks young and beautiful and has natural advantages, after all, there is a family relationship between them, and I don't understand how Gu Xin can do anything to her.

It can only be said that men are instinctive for opening their mouths for braised meat sent to their mouths, and few people can resist the temptation. Since Gu Xin "stole food" behind Ge Yue's back, he was out of control, and his relationship with Feng Xiqian had been maintained underground, and he could not see the light.

In fact, for Feng Xixi, the reason why she wanted to tie up Gu Xin was for performance, otherwise she would be unemployed. Although she does not agree with such a starting point, it is understandable. Just Gu Xin's approach, I couldn't figure it out.

He has a wife and children, but he fights with a woman outside of marriage, and he also buys her the same valuable ring for his wife. It can be seen that Gu Xin, a person, wants both a worldly and happy marriage and an extramarital stimulation.

His greed is doomed to a good end. Even if he was careful, every time he chatted with Feng Xixi, he would delete the record, but he was still discovered by Ge Yue, and he could only say that he walked more at night, and naturally he would bump into something unclean.

"Heart Residence" finale: Gu Xin is in prison, and Ge Yue has played a big game of chess to save the marriage

After learning that her husband had a woman outside of marriage, Ge Yue did not collapse and cry, but decently reminded both parties. She lent Feng Xixi to introduce her boyfriend to verify what she wanted.

As it turned out, as she expected. Husband Gu Xin and the sister-in-law's sister actually have a leg, at this time, they can be said to be enemies on the back, on the one hand, emotional dilemma, on the other hand, work.

Originally, Feng Xiqian took Gu Xin for the sake of performance, and Gu Xin was also willing to play "edge ball" for her, but unfortunately Skynet was restored and neglected. Gu Xin's group of people was still audited and found problems.

In the latest plot preview, Gu Xin called Feng Xixi, saying that his superior Wang Fu had been arrested for questioning, he estimated that he was doomed, and at this point, he was still comforting Feng Xixi, saying that if she did not take the house, she would be fine.

Although Gu Xin was quite scummy, he still considered Feng Xixi for her. It's just that this feeling, from the very beginning, is not justified, no matter how deeply they love each other, they are also despised by the world.

Gu Xin should take the initiative to comfort his wife Ge Yue, not Feng Xixi, who entangled with him after marriage. To put it bluntly, Gu Xin is a person who can't figure out what is going on and what is going on, no wonder his ex-girlfriend will reject him when he takes the initiative to get back together.

A man like Gu Xin, he is not suitable for marriage, only suitable for love, used to grow, nothing more.

"Heart Residence" finale: Gu Xin is in prison, and Ge Yue has played a big game of chess to save the marriage

Often walk by the river, where there is no reason to get wet shoes. Even if Gu Xin was careful and cautious and tied the knot for Ge Yue's uncle, he still could not escape the audit, and eventually fell into the legal net.

Ge Yue was planning to divorce Gu Xin, but at this time, she did not want to take advantage of the danger of others, or fall into the well, but thought of waiting for Gu Xin to get out of prison and then go to divorce.

Although Ge Yue at this time was pregnant with a second child and was six months pregnant, if she was replaced by a thin and widowed woman, she would definitely not wait for her husband for three years, after all, everything now was his own fault.

However, for Gu Xin, but also to save the broken marriage, Ge Yue played a big game.

In the original book, it says:

She loves him, and if nothing happens to him, or if she gets angry, she will get divorced. But seeing his appearance now, she was really reluctant to do so. Even if you are scolded to death by your parents, you are reluctant to do so. She wanted to change herself. That cowardly Ge Yue, she wanted to dump her. She would soon be a mom of two and would visit the prison every few weeks. The days are still long, and I can't see my head at a glance.

She first comforted Gu Xin, asked him what he could do for him, what could be done to help him, and told him not to give up. After leaving the detention center, Ge Yue took the initiative to ask "Xiao Lu" for dinner and begged him for help.

In order to save his husband, the original book reads:

Her palms were sweating, and she subconsciously rubbed it on her clothes, touching her bulging belly. Mom of two. She took deep breaths, inhaled, exhaled, inhaled, exhaled again.

Soon, she approached him, and her tone became more and more gentle: "--Do you like to listen to Yue opera?" "I have a little nine sisters in my family" or "Mulberry Garden Visits Wife", I will sing to you. ”

Since then, the whole article is over, and I don't know whether Ge Yue has succeeded in saving her husband in the end.

"Heart Residence" finale: Gu Xin is in prison, and Ge Yue has played a big game of chess to save the marriage

However, clear-eyed people can see that Ge Yue played a big game of chess in order to save the marriage. When she talked to Gu Xin in the detention center, she did not agree to divorce at this time, which showed that she loved Gu Xin deeply, and she could not be as thin and widowed as Gu Xin.

Thinking that she was about to become a mother of two children, she wanted to draw a line with her past cowardly self, so she began to show her past different self, taking the initiative to care for Gu Xin and ask him how to help him.

In fact, at this time, she knew that Gu Xin was also helpless, and the reason why she asked this was to make Gu Xin look at herself with surprise. After leaving the detention center, she took the initiative to find "Xiao Lu", a man who had once admired herself and could speak to his uncle, the mayor of the town.

I have to say that Ge Yue seems to be weak, but in fact, her mind is meticulous and knows what to do to save her husband. To this end, she repeatedly practiced what she should say when meeting, suppressing the ups and downs, where to stop, where to breathe, where to look at his eyes, enhance the effect.

As for the result, why the author did not write it out is to leave the reader blank, a space for reverie. Because of a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlets. Instead of letting the author write an ending, it is better to let thousands of readers write it themselves.

Anyway, after the transformation, Ge Yue knew what she wanted and what to do for it. Although Gu Xin does not love her, she is willing to change and grow for him, which is the charm that love brings to people.

"Heart Residence" finale: Gu Xin is in prison, and Ge Yue has played a big game of chess to save the marriage

Throughout the play, Ge Yue, a woman, has always abided by her duty and has never done anything out of the ordinary, but for the sake of Gu Xin, whom she loves in her heart, in order to save the broken marriage, she is willing to "take the risk" with her body.

Some people may say that she is stupid to go home, for a man like Gu Xin is not worth it. But the child is not a fish, but the joy of knowing the fish. Perhaps for Ge Yue, leaving Gu Xin was the biggest pain in her life.

As for how the married life of the two follow-up will be, I dare to guess that it will not be too bad. Because Ge Yue has grown up, no longer as cowardly as before, know how to plan for herself, Gu Xin is also like a plaything in her hand, let her hold it, this is her strength.

However, here we must also give a wake-up call to men like Gu Xin, never eat in the bowl and worry about the pot. Since you are married, you should accept your heart, do not take chances, and pick flowers and weeds outside.

Even more can not use the convenience of work to satisfy their own selfish desires, this is to push themselves into the abyss of disaster, personally end the happiness of the rest of their lives, the price is very heavy, more than worth the loss.

How much ability people have, how much life they live, don't be dissatisfied. Life is a ball of flour, and whatever you knead it into, it becomes. The shape of the world is made by you.

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