
She is a legend in the history of world cinema, a dream memory of that black and white era. She is a shallow smile in "Roman Holiday", a pure and unworldly in "The Nun", "Tiffany"

author:Psychological counselor Feng Zhenjing

She is a legend in the history of world cinema, a dream memory of that black and white era. She is a shallow smile in "Roman Holiday", the purity of "The Nun", the lingering tenderness in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", the "Lady of the Mystery" that amazes the world, and the eternal "Mystery in mystery"...

Some people say that she is an angel who has fallen into the world by mistake, her beauty belongs to the whole era, and her elegance is described as an eternal classic.

She's Audrey. Hepburn.

From the girl next door to the household name star to the charity ambassador, has her beauty, elegance and love ever touched you? Mo asked about the bumps in the road ahead, Mo said that the beauty was twilight. Between pitches, she had already received the most unique gift of time.

While people lament her marriage, they are also happy that she has finally found a real home. I remember someone saying that before you meet the right person, you will always learn a lot of wrong people, a long road in life, only when the thousand sails are over, you can find the person who really belongs to you.

Audrey often challenges herself, Audrey is really a perfectionist, she is always so demanding of herself, and it is for this reason that she can leave the most perfect impression in the hearts of the world.

Audrey's beauty emanates from the inside out, like the fragrance of flowers, wafting out of the flower buds with a faint taste, elegant, generous, and pure goodness in her heart. She is always sincere and enthusiastic about her friends, and she is talented, fluent in many languages, and very accomplished in ballet, not to mention in acting skills. Such a beautiful woman, we simply can't see any shortcomings, if we have to find a flaw, we can only say that her flaws are too perfect.

Audrey's beauty forms a unique style. From the inside out, there are her distinctive characteristics. This touching beauty has become eternal in the film and television industry, whether it is the external appearance, or the inner physique, mentality and even personality, it is the only one.

Kindness is like a beautiful jewel that shines in Audrey's heart. She is always ready to help others and is sincere and kind to everyone. People are obsessed with Audrey's beautiful appearance and charming figure, but her heart is more beautiful than her appearance. In 1987 Audrey was invited to be a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

Audrey was simply an angel of love, and it would have been perfect if she had been allowed to take on this position. Audrey, who loves her children, accepted the invitation and spoke from then UNICEF Senior President James Kelly. Mr. Grant received a nominal one-dollar salary there.

If everyone can extend a pair of warm hands, this world will be the most beautiful world. Audrey is indeed an angel in the world, whether it is the beautiful image left on the screen, or the sincerity and kindness shown in reality, she is the most beautiful angel, from inside and out unparalleled beauty.

Audrey died, like a beautiful angel, quietly flew away from the earth and returned to heaven.

Kindness is an outpouring of the soul in the depths of the heart. In her later years, Audrey became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, traveling to impoverished countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, bringing warmth and love to the poor children. The tears of kindness washed her charming eyes brighter and brighter, and in front of the child, she was not a Hollywood superstar or a princess, but a mother, a mother who loved her child deeply.

Audrey said: "As you get older, you'll find that you have two hands, one to help yourself and one to help others." In fact, Audrey, when she needs help from others, she is helping others a lot of times.

That beautiful angel has been away from us for many years, but we can still feel her presence. The beautiful footprints she left in the world will be people's eternal nostalgia, bit by bit, smile by smile, every detail is so precious.

Dear yourself, congratulations on finishing another book!

Come on! The harder you work, the luckier you get! The more pleasant the reading, the richer it is!

I love this wonderful world! Good night!

[Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] [Rose]

She is a legend in the history of world cinema, a dream memory of that black and white era. She is a shallow smile in "Roman Holiday", a pure and unworldly in "The Nun", "Tiffany"
She is a legend in the history of world cinema, a dream memory of that black and white era. She is a shallow smile in "Roman Holiday", a pure and unworldly in "The Nun", "Tiffany"
She is a legend in the history of world cinema, a dream memory of that black and white era. She is a shallow smile in "Roman Holiday", a pure and unworldly in "The Nun", "Tiffany"
She is a legend in the history of world cinema, a dream memory of that black and white era. She is a shallow smile in "Roman Holiday", a pure and unworldly in "The Nun", "Tiffany"

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