
87-year-old woman, 5 children, only the youngest daughter took care of her for 7 years, but she said: I have 1 million will not give my daughter a point, the daughter is bad. When the eldest son came back to see her, she actually locked the door

author:July flowers

87-year-old woman, 5 children, only the youngest daughter took care of her for 7 years, but she said: I have 1 million will not give my daughter a point, the daughter is bad. When the eldest son came back to see her, she actually locked the door to prevent the eldest son from leaving. The reasons behind this are unacceptable.

Li Wutong is 87 years old, has 3 sons and 2 daughters, 3 sons are settled in other places, 4 daughters are also married in other places, only the younger daughter is nearby.

The youngest daughter, Wang Meiyun, is 55 years old, in addition to taking care of her own small family, she will also go to her mother's house every day to wash and cook for her mother, clean up, but in the past 3 days, she has not come to see her mother.

Li Wutong's thighs and feet are not good at age, he can't see things clearly, life can't take care of himself, he can only tremble and go downstairs to buy bowls of tofu brains and small steamed buns to maintain a day's life.

But this is not a long-term solution, find the TV station for help, why is Wang Meiyun suddenly unwilling to take care of her mother?

There was a sudden knock at the door outside the door, and after seeing that it was Wang Meiyun through the iron door, the old man suddenly said with a frightened face: I am afraid, she is always looking for me to quarrel.

When Wang Meiyun heard this, she turned around and went downstairs, and everyone immediately asked her what was the contradiction between her and her mother? Wang Meiyun shook her head and said there was no contradiction, and then left.

Everyone accompanied Li Wutong to her daughter's house, the distance was only 50 meters, but when she went downstairs, Li Wutong panicked and said that she was very scared, and the mother and daughter quarreled as soon as they met.

Wang Meiyun said bluntly that her mother had beaten her with crutches to bleed, and Li Wutong accused her daughter of coveting her property, Wang Meiyun explained that when her father died 7 years ago, she had 50,000 funeral expenses.

The mother's legs and feet were inconvenient, she went to collect it, and after receiving it, she gave the passbook to her mother, but the mother said that she wanted it.

Subsequently, Wang Meiyun also said that her mother was 87 years old and had more than 100,000 in her hands, but she was guarding her everywhere, she took care of her mother for 7 years, and still did not have the key to the door of her mother's house.

Li Wutong retorted: Don't say that I have more than 100,000, even if there are 1 million, I will not give you a point to this bad woman, you and your husband will only persecute me.

Wang Meiyun did not want to say more and turned to leave, and Li Wutong returned home trembling and said: Whether it is the door or the door key inside, she will not give her daughter.

Because there were 2 times before that after the daughter came to cook for her, her money was lost, there were only 2 people in the family, and it must be the younger daughter who took her money.

Saying that, the old man immediately rummaged through the cabinet to find out the passbook, changed to a more hidden place to hide, and then locked the cabinet.

At this time, Wang Meiyun called and proposed to meet alone, choking up and saying her grievances.

It turned out that Wang Meiyun talked about her boyfriend when she was 37 years old, and every time her boyfriend asked her to dinner, she would be reprimanded by her mother: Is there no food at home? Why go out to eat? You just don't want me.

In addition, the boyfriend had been married and had a well-behaved and handsome son, so Wang Meiyun decided not to have children after marriage.

The husband is recognized as a good man, taking the mother to live with, the mother is unwilling, the husband still has 2 suites, it is impossible to covet the mother's 60 square meters old house.

Since her mother did not want to live together, she cooked for her mother every day, once, her mother said that she wanted to eat hamburgers, only to give 10 minutes to go out to buy, she went downstairs, she saw her mother standing on the balcony shouting for help, unknowingly thought she was not good for her mother.

Usually, when her mother is not happy, she will also open the iron door, stand at the top of the stairs and loudly count her down, saying that it is for several hours, so that she has no reputation outside.

Is this true? Everyone dialed the phone of the 4 daughters, and the 4 daughters revealed that the mother is a troublesome person, so let everyone not believe the mother's one-sided words.

Neighbors also said: The old man is very defensive, and no one but herself believes anything.

The community worker said: The two have mediated more than 10 times, and the old man said that his daughter was not good for her every time, but the familiar ones said that her daughter was very good to her.

Another person revealed that the contradiction between the two was mainly because of the son-in-law, who did not like the son-in-law and felt that the son-in-law had robbed the daughter, and the daughter ignored her after marriage.

At first, the daughter still came to wash and cook every day, but as soon as the old man saw his daughter coming, he scolded in various ways, so the gap between mother and daughter became bigger and bigger.

The old man choked up and said: She just wants warmth, other children are too far away, I hope my daughter will accompany her more, so she will make a big noise to attract her daughter's attention.

The next day, everyone came to the old man's house again to negotiate, as soon as they opened the door, they smelled a strong smell of coal, only to find that after the old man finished cooking, he went to sleep without closing.

This is too dangerous, everyone immediately contacted the eldest son, the eldest son is nearly 70 years old, has long retired but is still working, he also said: sisters 5 appointments in the field of money, by the little sister to take care of the mother, they give enough money for the mother to live a rich life, that is, the mother is too paranoid.

He came back to see his mother every year, and this year he also came back 20 days, but when he left, his mother locked the door and did not let him leave, and he finally did not even take the suitcase to leave.

He also wanted to take his mother over, but her mother refused, at this time, Wang Meiyun was still relieved that her mother would rush over again, and the mediator suggested: send the old man to a nursing home.

Li Wutong refused again, saying that she had lived here for decades, did not want to leave, and walked slowly to the upstairs neighbor's house.

Upstairs is also an old grandmother, although the children are not around, but every day will take turns to come back to accompany her, so that Li Wutong is particularly envious.

In the end, after 2 hours of persuasion, the mother and daughter reconciled, and Wang Meiyun was more tolerant and continued to wash and cook for her mother every day. #Emotion#

@July Flowers

In fact, the old man is hateful and pitiful, when she was young, her husband worked outside the home for many years, she took care of 5 children at home alone, and it was difficult to wait until the children were all married, but they went to other places.

It is rare to come back once a year, and the old man is alone most of the time, so he puts his hope on the youngest daughter, but the daughter also has her own family.

The old man is paranoid and suspicious, noisy and noisy every day, not only has a gap with her daughter, but also affects her daughter's marriage, she blindly accuses her daughter, but she did not think that her daughter paid the most.

In the eyes of the sons, they gave enough money, but they did not think that the old man was older, and what he needed most was not money, but the warmth of home and the companionship of affection.

Some people also say: Recent children are often the most paid and the least pleasing to their parents, what do you think?

87-year-old woman, 5 children, only the youngest daughter took care of her for 7 years, but she said: I have 1 million will not give my daughter a point, the daughter is bad. When the eldest son came back to see her, she actually locked the door
87-year-old woman, 5 children, only the youngest daughter took care of her for 7 years, but she said: I have 1 million will not give my daughter a point, the daughter is bad. When the eldest son came back to see her, she actually locked the door
87-year-old woman, 5 children, only the youngest daughter took care of her for 7 years, but she said: I have 1 million will not give my daughter a point, the daughter is bad. When the eldest son came back to see her, she actually locked the door

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