
Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf

Liu Xuezhou, a child who was sold by his biological parents, is now attending university in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. Two months ago, he saw that Sun Haiyang had found Sun Zhuo, and he thought that the parents who had lost their children in the world would be like Sun Haiyang, looking for children all over the world.

Their difficulty made Liu Xuezhou moved, heartbroken, and shed tears...

Yes, where in the world are there parents who do not love their children? What child is not a treasure in the hands of parents? Whose child is abducted and the parents remain indifferent?

What he thought was that at this moment, his parents should also be looking for him, right? He didn't want to see his parents go through the kind of despair, hardship and helplessness that Sun Haiyang and his wife had experienced!

Now that he knew that his life was unusual, he had to take the initiative. Tell the people of the whole country that they are the children of other people's families. But whose house is he doesn't know?

From the time he posted the news, to the time he found his biological parents, that was less than a month.

However, after finding his biological parents, he was disappointed, because he was sold by his parents, and his biological parents now not only blacked him out, but also scolded him as a white-eyed wolf, let's first look at The self-statement from Liu Xuezhou:

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf
Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf

He said that his parents had blocked him because they could not accept the accusations of netizens. Even more excessive was the ridicule and insult to him.

He said that after he was born, he was sold by his biological parents, and then gave the money as a dowry to his biological mother's family (grandmother's house).

Since then, he has become a victim of his parents' marriage. In the future, his fate is dead or alive, and his biological parents no longer have to worry, because in the eyes of their biological parents, he is a "commodity".

When a "commodity" is sold, who would ever think what the outcome of this "commodity" would be?


In 2005, Liu Xuezhou was born, a native of Gansu. His parents worked in Shanxi all year round and were born in Datong, Shanxi.

This is the real birth year he knew after he recognized his relatives. Previously, he had always thought that he was born in 2003, because after he was sold, he was changed to an age, not to be smaller, but to be 2 years older.

In later days, he also went to school 2 years earlier than his peers, and throughout his school career, he was competing with people who were two years older than himself. But that didn't affect his excellence in the slightest, and he took a wall full of awards and certificates that couldn't fit in the drawer.

Now only 15 years old, he has begun his freshman year.

His misfortune, however, was his birth, when he was born to his parents who had children out of wedlock. The marriage of his parents, he spoke of, goes like this:

The father went through 4 marriages and the mother went through 3 marriages.

On January 14, Liu Xuezhou posted his honor from childhood to adulthood, and the awards and certificates covered a wall and a bed, which he endured in the dark and tried his best to get one by one, he has worked hard to live into a beam of light, and he does not need the illumination of others in the future, he is his own sun.

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf


His biological father's first marriage was divorced.

His biological father's second marriage was also divorced, however, with one child.

His father's third marriage was born to Liu Xuezhou when his birth mother was unmarried. Later, his father sold him in order to marry his mother.

Where there is no bride price for marrying a daughter-in-law, "sell" a child as a bride price!

One dares to sell, one dares to collect, what is the human nature? They are all parents, why can you do such a beastly thing?

I think this example should be recorded in history, right?

I would like to ask Liu Xuezhou's parents, what did you really think at that time? Is that a dog, a cat? If you say that you sell it, do you have a long heart?

I would like to ask Liu Xuezhou's grandfather and grandmother, the money given to you after selling your grandson, is it fragrant when you buy meat to eat?

His father and mother sold him for a marriage and gave birth to a younger brother. This younger brother did not sell, but was raised by them, and the younger brother was much luckier than Liu Xuezhou.

The same parents have different lives, which is the reason for being born sooner or later, and can only blame him for not coming at the right time.

Faced with a life that cannot be chosen, Liu Xuezhou can only accept it helplessly. However, there is a saying called, Saion lost his horse, is it a blessing? The grass in your eyes at that time, perhaps, is a treasure that you will not be able to climb in the future.

Later, because of the intervention of Xiao San, Liu Xuezhou's father ushered in the fourth marriage.

His father and the woman had a daughter, Liu Xuezhou's half-daughter.

This is about his father's marital situation.

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf


His mother's marriage was simpler than his father's, and of course it was only a little simpler.

His mother's first marriage was divorced and childless.

His mother's second marriage, she met his father, gave birth to him unmarried, and married, gave birth to his brother.

He was sold as a bride price.

His mother's third marriage gave birth to a younger brother, a half-brother.

This means that in addition to having a half-brother, Liu Xuezhou also has a half-brother and a half-sister. Half-brother.

Plus himself, that's 5 kids.

5 children, more than one of him is not much, less of him is not a lot, sold one as a bride price, it is really not called a thing. It is also understood why Liu Xuezhou had a series of unfortunate encounters after he recognized his relatives!

Daddy doesn't kiss mother and doesn't love!

In fact, through the marriage of his parents, it can also be seen that these two people are too casual. They were so hasty about marriage, selling a son as a bride price, and they could really do it.

However, this shameless move has left the child who sold it a lifetime of wounds that cannot be healed.

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf


Liu Xuezhou was sold for more than 30,000 yuan, and his adoptive parents bought him back from a hotel in Datong, Shanxi. At that time, Liu Xuezhou was only 3 months old.

After his adoptive parents bought him, the family settled in Xingtainangong, Hebei.

In the case of adoptive parents, he should be treated well. However, the weather was unpredictable, and when he was 4 years old, his adoptive parents all left him.

The adoptive parents were doing fireworks, the factory fire exploded, and the adoptive parents lost their lives because of the incident.

He was sold by his biological parents at 3 months, and at the age of 4, he lost his adoptive parents. After that, the task of raising him was entrusted to grandpa, grandma and uncle.

However, his grandmother and grandfather also provided him with the 6th grade, and in the 6th grade, he began to work to wash the dishes and earn tuition.

He knew from an early age that he was someone else's child, not only did he know it himself, but his classmates also knew it, and often scolded him as a wild child.

This kind of insult caused great trauma to his young soul, but no one could give him a head and shield him from the wind and rain, and he could only accept all the good and bad things.

It can only be said that it is okay that his heart is strong enough, he has armed himself with knowledge, allowing himself to stand in a higher place and see some scenery that others cannot see.

He was admitted to college, and as he grew up, he would take care of the feelings of others and heal himself.

Why look for your own biological parents?

He just couldn't bear to see the hard scene of Sun Haiyang and his wife looking for their children, which also happened to his biological parents. Therefore, he must take the initiative to send a signal to tell his biological parents that he is still in the world, in Shijiazhuang, Hebei.

If you are looking for me, take a fewer detours.

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf


On December 6, 2021, Liu Xuezhou posted a message on the self-media platform, saying that he was from Xingtai, Hebei Province, and was now a sophomore in Shijiazhuang.

He wanted to find his biological parents.

In fact, when he was young, he often asked his grandmother and grandfather, was I brought here?

His grandmother and grandfather told him that the child was still young and that there were some things he shouldn't ask. When you grow up, you should let you know, Grandma and Grandpa, will definitely tell you.

At that time, Liu Xuezhou was most looking forward to growing up, and when he grew up, he would know if he was a wild child.

In 2019, the question he was looking forward to finally had an answer, yes, he was the "wild child" in the mouth of his classmates, although he had long foresaw the answer, but he was still very disappointed to hear his grandfather say it.

Pain, wandering, confusion...

Where are his biological parents?

He's thought about it countless times, and he's even posted a few times online.

However, there was no news.

Until Sun Haiyang found Sun Zhuo, taking advantage of this hot spot, everyone was paying attention to this incident, and he mentioned the old thing again. He began to introduce his situation, and went to the police station to collect blood and store it, hoping to find his biological parents through DNA comparison.

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf


On December 14, eight days after he released information about his search for his parents, things took a turn for the better.

Originally, he sent a video saying that he wanted to give up, not looking for it, and it was impossible to find it.

Look at Sun Haiyang and others, it has been 14 years since they found it, and it was so difficult for them to find their son. How can I send a video to find my biological parents?

On the day he wanted to give up, he got an important message from his grandfather. Under his constant inquiry, Grandpa turned over a proof that he had followed it to home:

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf

It is a vaccination book, and there is a very important information on this. There was his father's name, he searched the Internet, found all the phones related to the name, and then locked one that matched his identity.

He called and said he was the other's son.

However, the other party did not believe it at all, saying that he was a liar. Until the police found him, told him about the situation, and then did a DNA paternity test, it turned out that he was indeed Liu Xuezhou's father.

What is in front of Liu Xuezhou now is, how did he get to his adoptive parents' house? He was afraid that he would be betrayed, that his birth parents would not have the whole world to find information about him.

He should have regretted it, and he had said such a thing, knowing that his parents had sold him, he should not recognize his relatives.

But how did he know he had been sold by his parents? Is there really such a person in this world?

Yes, Liu Xuezhou told us, there is.


On December 27th, Liu Xuezhou recognized his relatives and began to meet his biological parents!

When talking about his origins, the birth parents said that the conditions in the family were not good at that time, and they gave him to a rich family. But the rich man gave him away again.

Not admitting that he had sold him, that was what he had been told at the time.

Later, he learned that he had been sold, that his parents had cheated on him, and that he had sold his money as a bride price. More importantly, he also has a younger brother, if the family conditions are really poor enough to not even support a child. How can there be another child?

Obviously, what his parents told him was untenable.

As his mother said later: If it were not for his adoptive parents who bought him, they would have sold him to a richer family, which is what Liu Xuezhou said before.

This is what a mother said to her child, and this shameless word came from the mother's mouth.


Liu Xuezhou found his biological parents, and he was very entangled. Sold by our own biological parents, we did not have this kind of encounter, it is difficult for us to imagine what kind of pain Liu Xuezhou has in his heart, I think this kind of despair no one can understand.

However, he still hopes that his parents can give him a home, even if his parents rent him a house, it is also a home, he is also a person with parents, and he can feel the warmth of his parents.

It's such a simple request.

However, it is one such proposal. His biological parents both blacked him out, and at this moment he suffered another major blow, even bigger than the first.

He said he was once again abandoned by his biological parents.

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf

His father also ridiculed him like this: people set up packaging, sold tragic success, network beggars, a bunch of fools eat melons and eat so hard, suddenly sent me these, but after listening, went to see it, I agreed.

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf

In the case that his son was faced with no tuition fees, he complained a few words, saying that he would not give up his studies, and he would earn enough tuition fees for a year of suspension to continue to complete his studies.

Everyone thought he was pitiful and brushed him with some gifts so that he could have school. It is because Liu Xuezhou has received the care and love given by strangers, and his biological father said that he was a network beggar.

He also said that the person who brushed gifts for his son was a fool!

There is a saying that says, born as a parent, is it said that they are such people?


Liu Xuezhou is a sensible child, after learning the attitude of his parents, he knows that he can only rely on himself, his parents can not count on, and the only people who are good to him are his grandmother and grandfather.

He said whoever was good to me, I would be good to whom.

Of course it was good for him, and there were countless strangers. Liu Xuezhou is by no means an insatiable person, because he issued a statement like this when the tuition fee was enough:

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf

His tuition is enough:

He earned it himself.

Everyone helped him.

There is also an orphanage allowance.

Originally, after he found his birth parents, the relevant departments stopped paying his orphanage allowance. However, when the relevant departments learned that he had been abandoned by his parents again, they told him to continue to pay him orphan subsidies.

What we see is that anyone can give him even the slightest bit of warmth, but he can't get it from his biological parents, and without warmth and blessings, his biological parents are full of ridicule and insults. He even said he was a white-eyed wolf, as his statement said.

A child who is so sensible, a couple who are so strange.

Liu Xuezhou is very fortunate that he did not grow up with such a person, and now his three views are at least positive, and he will definitely be a responsible and promising boy in the future.

Such an excellent Liu Xuezhou, his parents really did not deserve him.

Liu Xuezhou, who is now a sophomore, will definitely have a bright future in the future. For you now, they love to ignore it, and in the future, let those who abandon you not be able to climb high!

Selling the child as a bride price: After 15 years, he found his biological parents, who once again abandoned the child and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf

These are a few comments sent by Liu Xuezhou yesterday, and his biological father actually said that he had messed up their family's life, and how shameless people could say such things.

If you don't mess around, who will mess with your life?

Now Liu Xuezhou wants to safeguard his legitimate rights and interests, and he wants to pursue the responsibility of the people who sold him, and make those people pay the price they should have paid.

For the heartless, it can only be more ruthless than they are, using the weapon of the law to guarantee themselves and punish them. Let them raise their lessons and teach them how to behave!

Liu Xuezhou's future can be expected, and the most difficult moments have passed. Now Liu Xuezhou, as if he had never looked for biological parents, should be 17 years old and about to become an adult.

So young, so hard days have come, and now I am grown up, still a college student who is about to graduate. The future is unlimited, the future can be expected!

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