
Sichuan cuisine selection: stupid chicken, strange chicken, garlic chicken, stick chicken, saliva chicken home cooking

author:Pony food diagram

In the life of meat in addition to pork to eat the most, I am afraid it is chicken, and chicken is cheaper and cheaper than pork, in this hot summer to eat chicken is also a good choice, especially cold mix chicken, cold vegetables in the chicken eating methods there are many ways, bowl chicken, chicken shredded cold noodles, and the following stick chicken, saliva chicken, etc. are very popular cold dishes, both appetizing and cooking, do not eat at home than the restaurant are affordable, if you do not know how to do reference to the following methods, let everyone continue to defeat the epidemic in the hot summer, Eating chicken is still very lucky.

Sichuan cuisine selection: stupid chicken, strange chicken, garlic chicken, stick chicken, saliva chicken home cooking

Lollipop chicken

Ingredients: Chicken thighs, ground peanuts, cooked sesame seeds, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, peanut butter, chili oil, sesame oil.

1. Cook the eggs, cool them thoroughly, remove the bones, gently break them with a wooden stick, tear them into strips and plate them. Mix the various condiments well, pour over the shredded chicken, sprinkle with ground peanuts and cooked sesame seeds.

Sichuan cuisine selection: stupid chicken, strange chicken, garlic chicken, stick chicken, saliva chicken home cooking

Confused chicken

Ingredients: three yellow chicken, pickled chili pepper, pepper noodles, green onion, ginger pieces, minced garlic, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, salt, chicken essence, chili oil, sesame seeds, chives, cold chicken soup.

1. Soak the three yellow chickens in water and wash the blood. Ginger pat loose and set aside.

2. Add water to the pot, add ginger, green onion, salt, cooking wine, boil over high heat, add chicken, reduce heat to cook, fish out, put in cold chicken broth for 30 minutes and then take out, cut into strips, plate and set aside. Pick the chili peppers and finely chop them, add sugar, vinegar, chicken essence, garlic grains, pepper noodles, chili oil to form a sauce, evenly drizzle on the cut chicken strips, and finally sprinkle sesame seeds and chives.

Sichuan cuisine selection: stupid chicken, strange chicken, garlic chicken, stick chicken, saliva chicken home cooking

Weird chicken

Ingredients: chicken, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, pepper oil, chili oil, chili pepper, peanut butter, green onion, ginger pieces, peppercorns, ginger and shallots.

1. Put the chicken into the pot, add the shallots, ginger pieces, peppercorns, salt, cooking wine and cook, then fish out, change the knife to the plate, sprinkle the green onion and ginger shreds.

2. Salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar, pepper oil, chili oil, minced chili pepper and peanut butter are mixed together in a bowl and poured over the chicken.

Sichuan cuisine selection: stupid chicken, strange chicken, garlic chicken, stick chicken, saliva chicken home cooking

Chicken with garlic

Ingredients: Chicken, salt, minced garlic, monosodium glutamate water, sesame oil, spring onion.

1. Wash the chicken, cook it in a pot and chop a note.

2. Mix the minced garlic, MSG water, sesame oil and salt, drizzle over the chicken and sprinkle with green onions.

Sichuan cuisine selection: stupid chicken, strange chicken, garlic chicken, stick chicken, saliva chicken home cooking

Spit chicken

Ingredients: Baby rooster, black sesame seeds, crispy peanut kernels, peanut butter, chili oil, pepper noodles, salt, monosodium glutamate, cold chicken broth, spring onion, sesame oil.

1. Wash the shallots, cut into green onions, stir-fry black sesame seeds, and smash the crispy peanuts with the back of a knife into minced pieces. The baby rooster is slaughtered and cleaned, boiled in a pot of boiling water soup until it is just cooked, then cooled and chopped into strips, and plated for use. Stir the peanut butter in sesame oil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chili oil, cold chicken broth, pepper oil, black sesame seeds, and crispy peanut kernels, mix well, mix into a spicy sauce, drizzle over the chicken, sprinkle with green onions and serve.

Friends who like to eat chicken do not miss, like, pay attention, collect, forward, share, here are many ways to eat chicken, and other delicious dishes, incidentally recommend a cold mix cold to eat chicken feed, let's see how. Thanks for your support of this recipe.

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