
Food sharing: Garlic pork ribs, strange flavor chicken shredded, red date simmered elbow simple recipe garlic pork ribs strange flavor chicken shredded red date simmered elbow

author:Healthy food

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > garlic pork ribs</h1>

Food sharing: Garlic pork ribs, strange flavor chicken shredded, red date simmered elbow simple recipe garlic pork ribs strange flavor chicken shredded red date simmered elbow

500 grams of pork ribs, 8 garlic cloves, 1 spring onion, 10 grams of dried chili peppers

50 g wheat starch, light soy sauce, 1 tbsp cooking wine, black pepper, salt

1: Use kitchen paper to absorb the water from the surface, add chopped onion, ginger and garlic, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 2 grams of salt, a little bit of black pepper, stir and marinate for half an hour.

2: Wrap the marinated ribs with a layer of dry starch and fry them in a frying pan of 160 until the surface is golden brown. You can use chopsticks to measure the oil temperature, and chopsticks can be put in and there are even and fast bubbles around it.

3: Fry the pork ribs first and drain the oil for later. Take another wok, pour a little oil and heat it up, sauté the minced pesto and dried chili peppers. Then put the fried ribs in, add a little salt and stir-fry well.

4, see the surface of the ribs are wrapped in minced garlic can be out of the pot, plate embellished with a little chopped shallots to complete.

It's crispy and delicious, and the garlic is rich in flavor, which is particularly delicious.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > weird chicken shreds</h1>

Food sharing: Garlic pork ribs, strange flavor chicken shredded, red date simmered elbow simple recipe garlic pork ribs strange flavor chicken shredded red date simmered elbow


1 chicken breast, 1 cucumber, green onion and ginger, 1 handful of peppercorns, 1 star anise, tahini

Sesame sesame oil, soy sauce, aged vinegar, cooking wine, chili oil, peppercorn powder, salt, sugar

1: In a cold underwater pot for chicken breast, add 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, then add green onion, ginger slices, star anise and peppercorns.

2: Bring to a boil on high heat, then turn to medium heat and continue to cook for 8 minutes, then cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Boiling first and then simmering can lock in the moisture of the chicken breast, and the taste will be more tender.

3: When cooking chicken breast, we mix a strange sauce, 1 tbsp of sesame paste added to 1 tbsp of sesame sesame oil, stir well. Then add 2 grams of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of aged vinegar, 1 tablespoon of chili oil, and continue to stir well. I like to eat the taste of hemp, and you can also add some pepper powder.

4: Then we fish out the cooked chicken breasts, put them in a plastic bag, and use a rolling pin to break them up. Then tear along the chicken texture, so that the chicken shreds will be more complete and not too broken.

5, finally we take a plate, with cucumber shredded bottom, and then put on the chicken shredded, drizzled with the good season of strange sauce, sprinkled with some white sesame seeds can eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > red date simmered elbow</h1>

The accessories are also full of sincerity, one plus yellow peach to increase the fruity aroma, two plus red dates more sweet, three plus lilies to add freshness, four plus dates to taste good. Soft to the extreme, the taste of soft and tender in the mouth is really wonderful, trembling, sexy and soul-destroying... Now,

Food sharing: Garlic pork ribs, strange flavor chicken shredded, red date simmered elbow simple recipe garlic pork ribs strange flavor chicken shredded red date simmered elbow

1 pork front elbow, 10 red dates, 10 dates, 4 yellow peaches, 30 grams of lilies, 100 grams of rock sugar, 20 grams of green onion, 15 grams of ginger slices

1, lilies in advance with warm water to soak hair, elbows cool underwater pot, add white wine, blanch the blood foam after fishing out, fish out the elbow with warm water to clean.

2: Place the shallots, slices of ginger and red dates at the bottom of the pot to prevent the elbows from sticking out of the sticky pan during the stewing process, and then add the elbows.

3: Pour oil into a wok, heat over low heat, add 70 grams of rock sugar and a small amount of water to fry the rock sugar, after the rock sugar is completely melted, add warm water to dilute the sugar, pour the sugar water into the pot of stewed elbows, and then throw in the remaining rock sugar.

4, pour into the broth or water and elbow flush, simmer, at first the soup will be white and lighter, after a long time will stew a beautiful sauce, I stewed for almost 3 hours.

The longer the elbow becomes, the softer it becomes, and it can be adjusted to your liking.

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