
Strange flavor chicken shredded Salty Sweet Spicy Spicy Sour Fragrant Fresh and full of flavors Fresh and tender With a strange flavor juice secret recipe

author:The Great Lone Wolf
Strange flavor chicken shredded Salty Sweet Spicy Spicy Sour Fragrant Fresh and full of flavors Fresh and tender With a strange flavor juice secret recipe
Strange flavor chicken shredded Salty Sweet Spicy Spicy Sour Fragrant Fresh and full of flavors Fresh and tender With a strange flavor juice secret recipe
Strange flavor chicken shredded Salty Sweet Spicy Spicy Sour Fragrant Fresh and full of flavors Fresh and tender With a strange flavor juice secret recipe


1 rooster about 1500 grams


4 green onions 3 pieces of ginger

Strange Juice:

Cooked sesame seeds 20 g Salt 5 g Sugar 30 g Vinegar 20 g Soy Sauce 50 g Peppercorns 5 g Monosodium Glutamate 3 g Sesame Oil 30 g Chili Oil 15 g Garlic Paste

Ginger juice 15 grams 30 grams of sesame paste 30 grams of puff pastry PiXian watercress 30 grams of chicken soup each appropriate amount.


1: Remove the chicken from the internal organs, wash and wash, clean and set aside. Take some of the white shredded green onion, juice the ginger and set aside.

2: Bring water to a boil, add the rest of the whole green onion and ginger pieces and bring the water to a boil. Put in the whole chicken, bring to a boil, soak in water on low heat for 10 minutes, remove the pot from the heat, soak the chicken in the original soup, let it cool and then take it out and use it.

3: Put the sesame seeds in a bowl during the period, stir in the appropriate amount of cold chicken soup, add the rest of the ingredients to make the strange flavor juice and set aside.

4: Remove the cooked chicken, cut the chicken into 3 mm thick shreds, put the shredded green onion into the bottom of the dish, and the cut chicken shreds are stacked on top of the shredded shallots, and drizzled with strange juice.


1. This method can also be used for rabbit meat, pork belly, mouth strips, duck strips, etc., to make all kinds of strange food.

2, when cooking chicken, do not use high heat to cook, you should use low heat to soak to keep it tender.

3, when mixing the sauce, the liquid seasoning should be mastered in good quantity, because it should not see the juice after mixing, and it is only appropriate to see the oil slightly.

4. Pixian douban refers to the products of pixian douban chopped finely and fried over low heat.

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