
The chef shares with you the strange flavor of chicken strips full of Han Chinese, the taste is beautiful, and you learn to show your hands

author:Bin Ge Jia VLOG

Strange flavor chicken is a representative dish of cold dishes in Sichuan cuisine, which is very distinctive, and various flavors intersect and recombine to form a fresh flavor type. It is actually quite difficult to talk about authentic methods, because the taste is strange, there are many spices, and there is no fixed chapter in proportion and order. Therefore, there is no authenticity, only to judge whether the strange chicken is delicious or not by whether it is loved by the public.

Strange flavor chicken, also known as rice pot chicken, is a traditional dish common in Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality in China. Chicken thigh meat protein content is relatively high, there are many types, and the digestibility is high, it is easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, and it has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body.

The chef shares with you the strange flavor of chicken strips full of Han Chinese, the taste is beautiful, and you learn to show your hands

Strange flavor chicken is a representative dish of cold dishes in Sichuan cuisine, which is very distinctive, and various flavors intersect and recombine to form a fresh flavor type. It is actually quite difficult to talk about authentic methods, because the taste is strange, there are many spices, and there is no fixed chapter in proportion and order. Therefore, it is not authentic, it only needs to be judged by whether it is loved by the public to judge whether the strange chicken is delicious.

The chef shares with you the strange flavor of chicken strips full of Han Chinese, the taste is beautiful, and you learn to show your hands

The first time I ate strange chicken, I thought it was very tasty, the taste was delicious, and the habit of eating was not how strange, but the taste type was more complex, so I wondered why I wanted to call this taste a strange taste. In fact, the strange taste here is different from the taste of modern people, the previous dishes tasted relatively single, and people's impression of taste only stayed on the basic cognition, so the new taste of various taste compounds was called strange, not belonging to any known flavor type at that time.

The chef shares with you the strange flavor of chicken strips full of Han Chinese, the taste is beautiful, and you learn to show your hands

The best taste mastery is to balance the flavors and not to compete with each other.

Want to be weird and not crooked is the key to this dish, the number of spices can be seen in the strange taste, the best proportion of various spices is to put the spices into the need to achieve a balance of taste, hemp, spicy, sweet, salty, fresh, fragrant and both, and the taste is not abrupt, but can taste their own taste.

The chef shares with you the strange flavor of chicken strips full of Han Chinese, the taste is beautiful, and you learn to show your hands

In Yibin, Sichuan, the strange flavor chicken is more famous, about 60 years of history. In the 1930s, Yibin people made "Yibin Strange Flavor Chicken" on the basis of the production method of "Jiayang Strange Flavor Chicken". "Strange Chicken" is made with white skin and a baby rooster, and the meat is tender and refreshing. Then the chicken legs are tied tightly with hemp rope, boiled in warm water, and constantly added cold water and other ingredients to the pot, after the chicken is cooked, the shape is strange and spicy, sweet and tender. More than 20 kinds of spices such as refined soy sauce are used to make a saucer. The finished product is spicy, spicy, sweet, salty, fresh and fragrant, and the meat is tender and refreshing, and the flavor is unique.

The chef shares with you the strange flavor of chicken strips full of Han Chinese, the taste is beautiful, and you learn to show your hands

The reason why Sichuan's strange chicken is "strange" is because when making it, after using all the sugar, vinegar, ginger, garlic, onion, monosodium glutamate, etc. used for seasoning, it uses salty, sweet, sour, hemp, fragrant, and fresh, and no one can say which type of chicken this chicken belongs to, so it becomes "strange chicken". The taste of this chicken is tender and strange, and it has a different taste.

The chef shares with you the strange flavor of chicken strips full of Han Chinese, the taste is beautiful, and you learn to show your hands

Modern people's taste buds have long been different from before, spices, ingredients, methods are in contact with a lot, domestic and foreign dishes are also involved, so the compound taste in the strange chicken is not surprising to everyone. Recently, the weather has been hot, but it is very suitable for making such an appetizing cold dish.

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