
The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

Wen | Yuan's mother's parenting diary original, welcome to forward and share personally

Many parents pay special attention to the cultivation of their children's personality, but ignore the cultivation of children's emotions and personality during the fetal period.

Some parents believe that the fetal period is enough as long as the pregnant woman has sufficient nutrition. But in fact, the mood and emotions of pregnant women will have an impact on the fetus, and whether the pregnant mother is happy and whether she feels happy, the fetus can feel it.

Whether the child is cheerful or taciturn after birth may be directly related to whether the mother is crying or laughing during pregnancy, whether she is happy or depressed, which is not just nonsense.

Small babies are "in high demand", perhaps because their mothers were once unhappy

It is said that mother and child are connected to the heart, how deep is this degree of intimacy? A newborn baby can cry and tell the world whether his mother is in a good mood during pregnancy.

A mother who had just given birth witnessed this magical scene in the ward, and another little baby who lived in the same ward with her had been crying non-stop since birth, while her own little baby was not affected at all, and slept sweetly and lovely.

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

When the two mothers chatted in their spare time, she learned that when the little baby who always loved to cry was in the abdomen, the pregnant mother often got angry with the baby father, and it seemed that this was the little baby helping the mother to "sing unevenly".

Babies with high needs and crying have more needs for security.

Mother-child emotions can really be contagious

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? Many people may not believe it, but this is actually scientifically based.

When the pregnant mother is emotional, the secretion of a variety of hormones in the body will fluctuate, which will directly affect the fetus;

When the pregnant mother is frightened or stimulated, the fetus will also make a frightened expression such as panic or covering her mouth in the mother's stomach;

When the pregnant mother is happy, other hormones that affect the excitement will increase, and the baby will naturally become active under the mobilization of these hormones, and occasionally show a happy and smiling angel expression.

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

I have also seen a smiling teacher share on the Internet before, she still maintained a cheerful personality during pregnancy, laughing is the norm of her life and work, laughing at meals, laughing during class, and laughing when walking.

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

It is such a happy mother-to-be, and the same thing passed on to the baby is laughter on life. After the birth of the child, the facial expression was originally very peaceful, but when the mother proposed to let the baby laugh, the little guy did not know whether to understand or the emotions accumulated in place, and actually showed a bright smile.

This moment was ridiculed by the mother, who was born with a humorous temperament: My baby was forced to open for business at the birth.

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

Feeling happy and smiling, the little north nose will not be very bad when he grows up, and optimism, cheerfulness and open-mindedness should be his "natural temperament".

In addition to mood, emotional fluctuations in pregnant mothers may also affect fetal nutritional intake and affect growth and development.

When the pregnant mother is depressed, the appetite will decrease, the intake of nutrients in the body will decrease, at this time, the baby who obtains nutrients through the umbilical cord will naturally have to "starve", the nutritional supply is insufficient, and how to maintain a good growth state every moment?

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

Pregnant mothers have a good idea

During pregnancy, expectant mothers inevitably suffer from morning sickness, body deformation, body heaviness, insomnia and frequent urination, so emotional instability or occasional depression are inevitable.

In order to keep themselves happy, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to the following aspects.

First of all, arrange some baby products in the room, always remind yourself that you are giving birth to a new life, this sacred sense of mission can bring happiness and responsibility to pregnant mothers, and when you are unwell, you will have more perseverance and courage to overcome difficulties.

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

Secondly, maintain a regular work and rest time every day, let the pace of life slow down, and minimize the fatigue of the body.

Family members should have more companionship and care for pregnant women, so that pregnant women can always feel everyone's concern and reduce the loneliness of "fighting alone".

Finally, it is recommended to listen to more music to relax your mind.

Music is the healer of human emotions, pregnant women listen to their favorite music, can bring spiritual pleasure, not only can cultivate the rhythm of the fetus, but also soothe the mood of pregnant women, is an essential "happy artifact" during pregnancy.

The emotions of pregnant mothers indicate whether the child is good or not? It's not just nonsense

Of course, if you are a pregnant mother, who has been angry often before, or is already a mother, and you are often unhappy during pregnancy, you don't have to worry too much.

The child's personality development is not overnight, the innate influence does not play a decisive role, as long as from the moment, pregnant mothers or mothers and their families can begin to pay attention to emotional management, so that children feel a happy and warm family life, everything is not too late.

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