
"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

To say that one of the most delicate relationships in the world, the mother-in-law relationship is definitely on the list. Especially after having a baby, most people need mother-in-law to assist with the baby, in this case, the increase in the intersection between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law may bring more contradictions, if not handled well, even chickens and dogs jump.

If the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good, it is very important to "win with wisdom"

Wen Wenzheng happily unpacked the courier, and the 4-year-old daughter suddenly said: "Mom, Grandma said you are a loser!" ”

"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

Even if I was angry, I thought in my heart, how the mother-in-law always made something out of nothing, and still in front of the child, this is how to educate the child after I am a mother. So with anger, talking to my mother-in-law is also prickly. At the end of the day, my mother-in-law and the children were not feeling well.

In the evening, my husband came back from work, saw the dull atmosphere at home, and casually asked what was wrong. The daughter whispered to her father, "Grandma and Mommy had a fight." ”

My husband looked puzzled, and I told the story again. My husband smiled and comforted me: "I'll go talk about mom." "Then I went out with my daughter.

"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

Only to see my husband pull my daughter in front of what I bought today, and said to my daughter: "These dishes are to be eaten, paper towels are to be used, story books are for you, clothes are prepared for dad, incense is to make mom more beautiful, calcium tablets are for grandma to supplement nutrition." Do you think mom bought these things wrong? ”

"They're all useful!" The daughter answered seriously.

"That's right! Therefore, Mom is not a loser at all, and Mom did it right and saved a lot of money! "The mother-in-law just passed by and was a little embarrassed to hear these words.

The husband just gave the calcium tablets to his mother and said: "Mom, your daughter-in-law filial piety, the other day heard you say that the leg cramps, just happened to encounter the mall discount, bought you calcium tablets, can help your son save a lot of money, I can marry such a daughter-in-law, is your son's blessing." The mother-in-law was ashamed after hearing this.

"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

A mother-in-law and daughter-in-law contradiction was resolved in the light breeze of her husband. It not only maintains the image of the mother in the child's heart, but also makes the mother-in-law understand the daughter-in-law's hard heart. Most of the mother-in-law is not evil by nature, but why is there always a mother-in-law in reality, and it is not pleasing to the eyes to see the daughter-in-law? We still have to understand the reasons for this.

Why does the mother-in-law always look at the daughter-in-law unfavorably? We need to understand the reasons for this

Misunderstandings and discomfort caused by the generation gap

We and my mother-in-law often contradict each other due to different concepts and habits, not to mention the generation gap between us and our mother-in-law. Not only is there a generation gap, but the mother-in-law and you live in the same family, contradictions are more likely to occur at once, resulting in a lot of misunderstandings and unaccustomedness.

"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

Processing method:

While communicating frankly, appropriately maintain the free space for both parties. Also think from her point of view, find compromise solutions and communication points.

The sense of loss of a son's marriage

Don't look at the mother-in-law at the wedding, but many people will have a sense of loss, feeling that "the son has formed a new family, and his heart is empty." If this sense of loss is not adjusted, it may form the wrong concept that "the daughter-in-law stole the son". This kind of mother-in-law is especially unsightly for her son and daughter-in-law to show affection.

"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

Trick for dealing with:

Appropriately reduce the number of times to show affection in front of the mother-in-law, and say more in front of the mother-in-law how good the husband often praises the mother, so that the mother-in-law feels that her position in the heart of the son is still very important.

Tired and unfree with children

Taking a baby is a hard job, and the mother-in-law is inevitably upset due to fatigue. But many mothers-in-law feel that taking a baby is a woman's business, so they feel that they are helping their daughter-in-law to bring a baby.

"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

Trick for dealing with:

Say more: "Thank you mom for helping us both with the children", let the mother-in-law know that this is also helping her son, not helping the daughter-in-law alone. Praise your children in front of your mother-in-law, such as "Look, Grandma brought you tall and strong, it's really powerful!" ”。 In the off-work hours, it is also necessary to take the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of taking the baby, and appropriately share the housework; if the economic conditions permit, give the mother-in-law a certain amount of financial thanks.

l I think "thirty years of daughter-in-law to become a wife"

Some old people, influenced by feudal ideas, feel that they have finally "become a daughter-in-law for thirty years", so they want to give their daughters-in-law the anger they have suffered.

"Mom, Grandma said you're a loser!" The high emotional intelligence dad did this, and the whole family rejoiced

Trick for dealing with:

In front of her husband, she took the initiative to ask about the matter between her mother-in-law and her mother-in-law, and then sighed: "Mom, you are really not easy, you have suffered a lot, and you have educated your children so well, and you are so good to me, you are so great!" "In this way, your mother-in-law will also be embarrassed to continue to harass you."

Human nature is good, but it also carries some complexities. When dealing with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, on the basis of exchanging sincerity for sincerity, use some small techniques, and the effect is doubled with half the effort.

Do the sisters have more experiences to share? Speak out in the comment area, let everyone learn together, and solve this big problem!

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