
The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

Even if the older leftover women can resist the social arrangement, they may not be able to overcome themselves.

When a woman becomes an older leftover woman, there will be many reasons, from their own strict requirements, picking and choosing to become an older leftover woman in the blink of an eye, the original advantage will slowly lose its luster and be ignored.

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

There is also obstruction from the family, their own type of like and the type of parents like to be very different, parents blindly want to intervene in their marriage, resulting in their own life in the struggle to live.

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

After becoming an older leftover woman, it is even more difficult to break through the siege

As the name suggests, older leftover women are leftover women, and all women who are labeled will be treated with colored eyes by others, even if they have bitterness and experiences that can be understood, can strangers stop and listen to your explanation?

It is obviously impractical, strangers do not waste their precious time for an irrelevant person, and what does their life have to do with their past? Living well or bad just becomes your own after-dinner conversation.

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

It is precisely because the outside world only believes in their own eyes and their own experience to judge people, resulting in these women who have become older leftover women becoming meat on the board, allowing others to be slaughtered, and anyone can comment on themselves.

In this way, once the golden opportunity to get married is lost, it is more difficult for these women to regain the game, even if their careers are successful and their life experience is rich, but what role can these play in marriage?

Men are not all the same, like young and beautiful, and even do not need to be too smart, and all the characteristics of the older leftover women are contrary to it, let alone the capital and advantages of the reversal.

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

Honest and honest, men with average economic conditions

Although there is no rule that requires men to be older than women, most women will choose men who are a few years older than themselves, is it not because men mature late? Men of the same age are not so mature in their minds, let alone younger than themselves!

So when women have become older leftover women, the men who are suitable for them to marry are obviously in the same embarrassment, after the survival of the fittest, they have become a legacy of society, and do they still expect them to have superior skills?

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

For women at this stage, as long as they can find an honest and honest man, it is enough to keep to themselves, and they do not need to have too deep feelings for each other, as long as they do not dislike it, today's marriage is no longer the stage of pursuing passion, and living a life is the essence of life.

The man who was the exact opposite of what he had envisioned

It cannot be ruled out that some older leftover women are delayed by themselves, when they are young and beautiful, they will formulate a variety of choice criteria, tall, angular, athletic, filial piety, sunshine... As long as there is one that does not meet their expectations, it will be passed.

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

Once they were unwilling to compromise, they had the capital and ability, who would be willing to choose an imperfect thing? Just meet more people, you will feel something, maybe your ideals are too full, people who fully meet their own requirements seem to exist.

This truth often requires them to go through countless trial and error to truly understand, and then they will almost become older leftover women! In this case, they will eventually be compromised by the world's vision and the pressure of their parents.

Anyway, after not finding your ideal spouse for so long, you have accumulated enough disappointment in life for men, and you should choose a suitable person to marry in order to live! It's also possible that this man is the exact opposite of what he once envisioned.

The truth of the 3 older leftover women: "After 30 years old, there is a high probability that you will marry three kinds of men"

I know I will use my man

We all say that in a marriage, the use of each other is a benign relationship, men covet women's beauty, women covet men's rights, and each other maintains the stability of the relationship in order to achieve their own goals.

It has to be said that such a model is an important support for sustainable development. Because of the need, it is inseparable, because of greed, so obsessive, this seems to be a bit excessive thinking, in order to make people feel a full sense of security. Because they have this advantage, the other party will not leave.

Today's summary:

If you are an older leftover woman, what will your final marriage partner look like? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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