
It takes fifty to understand that the true blessing of a family is that "the family has a good wife."


The famous investor Buffett once said: "The most important investment in my life is not which stock I bought, but who I chose to be my partner." ”

When we were young, we always thought that with money, there would be bread and there would be love. Even if a man is very poor in appearance, he can find a beautiful woman to accompany him.

At the age of fifty, life is basically fixed, and what to toss in the future, there will also be a kind of helplessness of "looking forward to the ocean and sighing". Therefore, it is most realistic to return to the family and be prepared for the rest of your old age.

People are like this, from small to large, step by step away from the family, and in the second half, they have to step back step by step.

According to the model of running a family, "the male owner is outside, the female is inside", the division of labor and cooperation, the work is not tired. Therefore, fifty-year-olds have a deeper understanding of the family.

As a man, you must remember to be grateful to your wife, because she is the most real "blessing" in the family.

It takes fifty to understand that the true blessing of a family is that "the family has a good wife."


Wife gentle: With Rou Ke Gang, the family has no internal friction.

The poet Li Bai said: "When I went out, my wife forcibly pulled my clothes and asked me how many days to return from the west? ”

Li Bai likes Yunyou, but his wife is not at ease with him, and repeatedly asks, when will I go home? Such a scene, how not to be touching.

When he goes out, no matter how far a man goes, he can't get out of his wife's thoughts.

The beauty of a woman is not in the appearance, but in the tenderness of the heart. If you meet a gentle wife, then the man's temper will dissipate without a trace at the moment of returning home.

In a family, with a gentle person, everyone's contradictions are easily resolved. On the contrary, each one will be incompatible, like a hedgehog party.

"Home and everything is happy", this ancient saying, full of the tenderness of the wife. When you are fifty years old, if you think back on the road you have traveled, you will find that your wife has shed a lot of tears, which is not weakness, but a heart-to-heart, worrying about the safety of her husband, missing distant relatives, and the grievances of the family.


Wife is industrious: loess turns into gold, and money is the foundation of the family.

One moderator said, "If I can be worth 400 million, then my wife can be worth 800 million." ”

There are always people who think that the wife is at home to cook a meal, wash clothes, clean the room, what is the value? Those humble chores are easy to overlook. Presumably for this reason, some men look down on housewives.

In fact, the wife is the housekeeper of the family, and whether the family can get rich has a lot to do with the wife.

If you marry a woman who dresses up charmingly, it will be eye-popping to spend every month. If you find a simple wife, a poor family will also become rich.

In the "Cautionary Tale", there is a woman named Zhao Chun'er, who is married to the landlord Cao Kecheng.

Cao Kecheng made some idle friends, spending money without moderation. After getting married, within a few days, he lost all the money in the family.

In order to survive, Cao Kecheng opened a school and worked hard to study.

One year, Cao Kecheng wanted to go to the capital to participate in the scientific expedition, but the travel expenses were uneven. Zhao Chun'er took a hoe and went to the vegetable field to rummage over, turning out a crock pot with some silver and jewelry inside. Therefore, Cao Kecheng entered the official field through scientific examination, and the couple lived happily in the second half of their lives.

Obviously, no matter how poor a family is, as long as it saves money and uses it, it will have surplus money. If the wife has such a mind, the second half of the couple's life will have a landing.

It takes fifty to understand that the true blessing of a family is that "the family has a good wife."


Kind wife: the neighbor is harmonious, and the family is born in a "blessed land".

We are accustomed to calling the place where the gods live "blessed land." There are also many people who go to the blessed land to pray for blessings, hoping that they can live as much as possible.

However, the real blessed land is the environment in which one lives, that is, the size of a small area or a village.

If you go out and see a neighbor with a face of flesh, and hear a neighbor scolding you, you will definitely not be in a good mood for a day. If your neighbors are always tit-for-tat with you, you will feel that there is a sharp edge behind your back.

Deal with the relationship between neighbors, everyone is pleasant and can help each other. The people in the family will be at ease, the children will come in and out, and the elderly will also be taken care of.

From a practical point of view, the wife's personality is a key factor affecting whether the neighbor is harmonious. Whether the wife is a long-tongued woman, a shrew, or a "gentle man and a kind person", the ending is very different.

In life, the wife often helps the neighbors, has a bottom line, is good at handling interpersonal relationships, and the family will naturally enter the "blessed land".


Wife is studious: the family has a fragrance of books, and the children have good grades.

When Mencius was a child, he was a very naughty child and often skipped school.

Once, when Mencius was returning home from school, his mother was so angry that she dragged him to the loom and without hesitation cut off the shuttle used for weaving.

The mother said, "If the shuttle is broken, the cloth will not be woven well, and you will have to start over." The same is true if the study is interrupted in the middle. ”

From then on, Mencius listened to his mother and became a thinker.

There is a saying that wives and husbands have few misfortunes, and sons and fathers have a broad heart.

At home, the wife must not only educate the children, but also take care of the husband, contacting everyone in the family. If the wife cannot teach by example, the children will not learn, the wife will not spur the husband, and the husband will not be angry.

When we see that our children have achieved success in school, we have to see what the mother has done, whether her hair is gray and her heart is broken.

It takes fifty to understand that the true blessing of a family is that "the family has a good wife."


The mother's family is rich: everyone helps each other, and the husband earns "partial wealth".

Generally speaking, the wealth that a person obtains by starting a business, the salary in the workplace, is positive wealth. In addition, it is partial wealth.

Some men, when they get married, their wives bring a "dowry", and since then they have the capital to get rich and open a new mode of life.

Some men, because their mother's family has an inheritance, he joined it and became rich; his brother-in-law had a way, he became a partner, and he became a mixed-up from then on.

Marriage, not only two people form a family, but also means that two large families combine into a larger network. If the mother's family can pull a hand, the man can rise with the trend.

Even if the wife did not bring a dowry, the mother's family did not have power, but the wife grew up eating the mother's family's food, relying on the mother's family to provide for reading, and then diligently doing things in the husband's family and making money, it is also a huge wealth.


We often say, "Long hair, short sight." ”

If you think about it seriously, you will find that because women are "short-sighted", it is only because men are "insightful". This is the relationship between red flowers and green leaves.

The best couple is "not separated from the mother-in-law, the scale is not separated from the weight", together to create a happy family, planning the future of the family.

After the age of fifty, husband and wife get along, it is the "old wife", do not lose it, do not know how to be grateful.

May you and I, self-cultivation, family unity, love, and the world.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The source network is accompanied by the picture.

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