
"Grassroots Women": Women learn these 3 points, and life is no longer confused

Marco Aurear said in his Meditations: "Our lives are formed by our thoughts. ”

Everyone has a choice of direction for their own life, and the cognitive direction is different, then naturally it will cause different concepts of thinking.

No matter how unsatisfactory life is, but try to change your personal thinking and practice, then you will reap a surprise.

Sir William Osler said: "For the unknown future, we do not have to invest too much energy, the most important thing we should do is to grasp the present and do what we can from this moment on." ”

Women want to live their own lives, so start with these 3 points.

"Grassroots Women": Women learn these 3 points, and life is no longer confused

 1. Let go of anxiety and think hard

Adult single women will be anxious because they are urged to marry, because in their view, a person's life will always be freer. When you get married, you have to take on more responsibilities, because you don't just take care of your own parents, but also take into account the father's parents.

In the book "Grassroots Women", the author is the heroine of the book, she is a girl from the countryside, working hard in the big city, and the wages earned in the past ten years have been sent home.

The traditional conception in the author's family still exists, and the preference for sons over daughters has led to her being ignored in the family. At first she was angry and sad, but after a few years of precipitation, she let go.

She recounted that most rural girls in grassroots women get married, then face to have children, and after being promoted, they live the life of a housewife, resulting in various contradictions in marriage.

Girls should not be influenced by those around them before they get married, thus losing their direction and purpose. For entering into marriage too early, if you enter marriage without knowing it, and you have a child without understanding, this is not what you want.

Women want to have their own plans, may wish to seriously think about what should be done now?

As the author said: "Many people are anxious about the future as a whole, but they do not realize that the future is composed of countless todays and countless presents, solve the problems of the moment, and conscientiously do what should be done today, and the future will be extended in the problems solved in the present. ”

"Grassroots Women": Women learn these 3 points, and life is no longer confused

 2. Don't lose your curiosity

The author is curious about anything, there are bird nests in the trees to go up and see, a bunch of people gathered there, she will also go over to see.

During her time at work, she found that the Japanese food shop would be paid more in Japanese, so she began to teach herself Japanese. Sure enough, after two years of study, she passed N1 in Japanese, and her goal in doing so was to make more money.

She didn't have a high degree, but she traded her personal efforts for what she wanted.

It can be seen that curiosity about a thing, and having the perseverance to try to rush forward, then it is not difficult to succeed.

Curiosity stimulates people's imagination, and if curiosity can be used to stimulate interest, it is not an effective motivation for learning.

"Grassroots Women": Women learn these 3 points, and life is no longer confused

 3. Love cannot be indulged

In fact, love is sweet in the initial stage, when time slowly precipitates, but gradually find that the other party has no longer the feeling of the heartbeat of the year, and some are just plain daily life.

Love is illusory, it exists only in the mind. In the face of various realities in life, then some unbalanced ideas will pop up, just as everyone thinks differently.

The people who fell in love and walked together in the beginning were like strangers in the end.

Love can not be eaten as a meal, only when you become strong, and the other party is also a person who progresses with yourself, such a marriage can be more lasting.

In the book "Grassroots Women", the author said: "Whether your relationship can be harmonious and lasting depends not entirely on love, but also on whether you can grow things in the fields of cooperation, harvest more rice than one person labors, and create greater value." ”

The author met Peter through "Skype", the two started a business together, and now the two have lived a relatively good life.

If two people can live better together than one person, then the relationship is the best match. If the relationship only makes you worse, then leaving in style is the best option.

"Grassroots Women": Women learn these 3 points, and life is no longer confused

I am not a supporter of the women's liberation movement, but I am extremely reluctant to lose my independent personality and inner freedom after marriage, so I have repeatedly stressed that after marriage I still "do my own thing" or I will not get married. - Sanmao

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