
The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now


Can a marriage be happy? It depends on whether the man knows how to maintain marriage, and if he can be happy for a long time, it must be that the man knows how to love his wife.

But if the marriage is not happy, it is 100% caused by men, so men usually do not do something that disappoints their wives, do not be confused, and do not bully her, otherwise it will be too late to regret it.

Today for everyone to talk about, a 71-year-old paralyzed uncle cried and complained: "When I was young, I didn't treat my wife well, and I didn't know that I regretted it in my old age." ”

Let's take a look at this story.

The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now

Uncle Mao, 71 years old

I am 71 years old, my surname is Mao, I have always been a very confused man, why do I say this, because when I was young, I stopped subsidizing the family, whether it was younger brothers and sisters, I would help them, because they were the most important people in my life, so no matter what, I would treat them as the most important people.

And at that time, even if I got married, I still regarded them as my only, even if my wife was angry, or complained, I would not take my wife as the same thing, anyway, sometimes I would beat her for the sake of the family, or treat her as a free nanny, at that time my wife was also disappointed in me, but she did not divorce me, because at that time we had children, and she did not divorce, and there was another purpose, that is, to wait until the day I got retribution.

My wife and I met at a party, and when I first met her, I liked her very much, because she had good conditions at home, so I felt like a good match for me, although I was not as good as her, but I was an excellent person, I had a stable job, so I didn't think I was bad.

The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now

Later, after being with her, I was also very kind to her, and I would care about her every day and greet her, but at that time my kindness to her was false, and I did this to make her love me more and not to leave me, so that I could use her as a free nanny and also ask for benefits from her.

So at that time, I kept being good to her, and later she completely fell in love with me, and she was usually willing to pay for me.

Later, when I got married, I also let her parents give a lot of dowries, and I was very happy at that time, because I got a lot of benefits, and I gave all these dowries to my parents and my brothers and sisters at that time.

When she learned of this, she did not blame me, because she knew that the conditions in my family were not good, and it was normal to subsidize the family, so she would not blame me, in her eyes, as long as I treated her sincerely, she was satisfied, so she was really stupid at that time.

Later, in order to work in her parents' company, I kept encouraging her to find a way to let me work in her parents' company, and the purpose of my going to work in her parents' company was to covet their family's property.

The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now

So at that time I was really clever, many people knew, but only my wife did not know, because at that time my wife thought I was a good man, so no matter what I asked her to do, she would agree to me.

After going to her parents' company for five years, I also successfully got her parents' company, when her parents also became people with nothing, because of this matter, her parents were so angry that they went directly to the hospital, and not long after lying in the hospital, her father died, and her mother also died because she could not accept her father's death, and then she died not long after.

After my parents-in-law left, their company was also changed to Mao's Group by me, and my wife was very angry at the time, because my wife did not expect me to be such a clever person.

But I didn't take my wife seriously at all, and no matter how much she scolded me, I ignored her.

And in the days that followed, I had a very bad attitude towards her, all the money I earned was given to my brothers, sisters, and parents, never used for her, once she complained I would beat her, several times I beat her into the hospital, before I was not violent, but after many times, I found it cool to beat my wife, so at that time I often punched and kicked her.

The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now

At that time, not only hit her, I often brought other women back to the house, she hated me very much, but she just didn't want to divorce, but chose to endure all this, in order to be able to support herself, but also went to find a job, at that time I really thought she was stupid, I would rather be hurt by me every day, I didn't want to divorce, to be honest, such a stupid woman is also very good, when the mood is not good, you can take her to vent at that time I was really excessive, but also very arrogant.

Later, as time passed, I got older and older, and my body had various problems, and then I chose to retire and let my nephew take over my company, although I had children, but I felt that my children were unreliable, so I felt that it was better to give my brother's children, so I was also at ease.

But who knows that after my nephew took over, it didn't take long for the company to go out of business, and he also owed a bunch of debts, and at that time, in order to help himself pay off the debt, I also took out all the money.

Later, after helping him pay off all his debts, he didn't say a word of thanks or come to see me, and I was disappointed, but I didn't say anything more thinking that he was his nephew.

But what happened later made me understand that people can't be too nice to themselves, not even relatives, because they won't help you at all when you need it, so at that time I really regretted that I was too good to my brother and nephew.

The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now

Once I was sick and needed 100,000 yuan for surgery, at that time I had no money in my hands, although I had a pension of yuan every month, but it was not enough, so I could only rely on my nephew, who had helped my nephew a lot, so I believed that my nephew would definitely treat me.

Who knows when I asked him for money, he directly said that it had nothing to do with him, and then I had to go to my brother, and as a result, my brother also said that my things did not have a half-cent relationship with him, that I regretted it, I once paid a lot for them, and even beat my wife for them, but they returned me like this, which really disappointed me too much.

Because I didn't have money to treat the disease at that time, my surgery was not done, and my health was getting worse day by day, my wife was still in particularly good health at that time, and the cat was very young, because she had been earning money to maintain herself over the years, so I was almost fascinated by her at that time, and I didn't expect that she could still maintain her so well at a large age.

But every time I need her to take care of me or ask her to help, she won't help me as much as she used to, and when I want to beat her and scold her, she won't give me a chance, and she will contradict me, and I was particularly surprised at the time, because I didn't expect her to become stronger, obviously weak before, but since she reached her old age, she no longer looks like the weak woman she used to be, and she doesn't think I'm bullying her.

The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now

After seeing her who will refute it, I don't dare to bully, sometimes I have to run to coax her, but she ignores me, doesn't take me seriously, only cares about eating, drinking and having fun every day, and sometimes when I'm sick, she won't take care of me.

At that time, I was thinking, is she trying to get revenge on me? As soon as I thought about it, I was scared, because I was afraid that one day when I fell ill, she would take this opportunity to torture me.

Who knew that later I was really paralyzed, after the paralysis, I originally wanted her to serve me, who knew that she ignored me, even if I fell to the ground sometimes, she would not help me up, let alone cook for me.

At that time I was often hungry, but I couldn't do anything about it, because I couldn't move, and I begged many times, but she said every time: "This is the end you deserve, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and now that you have finally received retribution, I will double the humiliation I have suffered and return to you." ”

Since then I have lived a very bitter life every day, every day I am tortured by her, I regret it, but the regret is too late, if I had not treated her like that, she would not have done this to me, every time I was sick, she pretended not to know, now I am very bitter, but this fate is caused by myself, I can't blame anyone.

So here I advise all men not to hurt their wives, otherwise it will be themselves who will regret it.

The 71-year-old uncle cried that when he was young, he did not treat his wife well, resulting in a desolate evening scene now


This is the bad end for the wife, so men must not feel that their wife is weak, once they anger her, they will really let themselves live or die, because women are really terrible.

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