
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!

Now shouting the slogan of no marriage and no love, more and more girls who advocate singleism, they scorn love and men, after all, they have a good income job, they can fully support themselves, and there are many girlfriends and friends around, when they go out to play, they are also lively, free and free, don't be angry because of boyfriends, don't be sad for lost love...

However, there is no perfect thing in the world, and being single has the benefit of being single, and there will also be bad things. No matter how strong girls are, there are always weak times, they also need to be loved and taken care of, live alone, there are always problems that they can't solve, they are wronged, they will also need a solid shoulder, whenever loneliness and loneliness come menacingly, they will find that they really need a boyfriend:

When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!
When do you feel the need for a boyfriend? When you find yourself as strong as a girl!

Remembering a friend's mental journey, she said, one night wore a pair of stiletto heels, accompanied by friends for a long time, feet are about to break, when back to the residence, the foot hurt so much, it turned out that the soles of the feet were bubbling, suddenly thought, if there is a boyfriend around is not bad, at least the foot hurts someone to help someone back, although before this, she is a complete single, love is also maintained a pessimistic attitude, feel that she will not love a person, nor do you need the love of others, So I think one person will only have a better life. But because of such a small thing, I suddenly felt that I couldn't live alone...

Some details of life are most likely to expose a person's vulnerability, maybe usually everything is fine, the cloud is light and the wind is light, but it may be a small thing, your usual high surface strength is suddenly crushed, and then strong and indifferent heart, there is a gap, once loneliness invades from the gap, the so-called strong will soon fall apart, only love and gentleness can be saved.

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