
Women failed to get married after getting engaged, refusing to return the bride price was enforced, netizens: well done!

The bride price is very familiar to everyone, it is a dowry when the man and the woman agree to get married, and the man proposes to the woman.

In the past, people paid attention to three media and six employments, but now most of the bride price is both men and women, according to family conditions and their respective requirements, and finally discuss a plan that can be accepted by both families.

Generally speaking, the man gives the woman how much bride price, if the woman accepts, it means that the two have made a marriage contract, that is to say, it is only one foot away from the marriage, and the marriage can be completed at any time.

Women failed to get married after getting engaged, refusing to return the bride price was enforced, netizens: well done!

But not every unmarried couple after the engagement can smoothly enter the wedding hall, since the marriage can not be completed, the bride price given out must be refunded.

Recently, there was a woman in Fuyang, Anhui Province, who was put on a silver bracelet because of the dowry.

After the woman and a man were engaged, they did not successfully enter the palace of marriage, and after the marriage contract between the two was dissolved, the man offered to get back the bride price given, but the woman was unwilling, so the man sued the court, and the court ordered the woman to return part of the bride price.

The matter should have ended here, but the woman still refused to return it, so on February 22, 2022, the day couples gathered to get their marriage licenses, the woman was put on a silver bracelet.

Women failed to get married after getting engaged, refusing to return the bride price was enforced, netizens: well done!

Netizens have ridiculed that this is a gold bracelet without a silver bracelet, and the wedding car does not sit in a police car.

However, according to the latest news, the woman has returned the bride price.

Netizens applauded

For the punishment of the woman, netizens have applauded and supported the woman to return the bride price, after all, no one's money is blown by the wind, and the woman cannot get it for free.

From the attitude of netizens, it can also be seen that everyone hates this behavior.

Although it is not known what the reason for the two people who are engaged but not married is, the court has already decided that there must be a basis for it, and the woman should also implement it according to law.

Women failed to get married after getting engaged, refusing to return the bride price was enforced, netizens: well done!

The bride price is premised on marriage, and once the marriage is yellow, it is also a matter of course to return the bride price. Moreover, under the premise that the court has already ruled, the woman still wants to pay the bill, really does not eat toast and eat penalty wine, and must force others to make a trick.

For the increasingly high bride price, many families with marriageable young men already feel very stressed, and if such a thing happens again, it is really worse.

In addition to the bride price, the engagement banquet, there are other miscellaneous miscellaneous sums up is also a large amount of money, even if part of the bride price can be returned, for the man's family, it is also the end of the chicken and egg fight, but the loss is a little more or less.

Women failed to get married after getting engaged, refusing to return the bride price was enforced, netizens: well done!

Women have to have a bottom line

Netizen QingChun Zizhen said: Don't spend other people's money if you don't like people, this is the bottom line of a woman.

For this point of view, Sister Bo also agrees, men and women in love, certainly can not be everything is calculated, both sides will have some economic exchanges, but as a girl, if you do not like each other, do not give him hope, do not accept his gifts, this is indeed the bottom line of being a person.

Even if you are happy with each other, during the love period, you should stick to your own principles and bottom line, and do not casually accept expensive gifts from each other. Although gifts can express feelings, feelings cannot be measured by money and gifts, and it is better to stop at the right time.

Women failed to get married after getting engaged, refusing to return the bride price was enforced, netizens: well done!

Be cautious about marriage matters

Marriage is a big deal, can not be a child' play, from the realization of engagement, there must be a period of mutual understanding during this period, if you really do not like people, you must say it as soon as possible, and you do not have to get to such a bad point.

Whether it is a man or a woman, a blind date or a free love, marriage should be treated with caution. Before making a decision, get to know each other more, start from your own feelings, abandon external interference, be responsible for the decisions you make, and don't rebel, so as not to ultimately harm others and harm yourself.

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