
Today I went back to see my mother and wrote down the grandson conversation. Grandson: Milk you bring ten dollars. Grandma: What do you do with the money?. Grandson: Bring money to buy a gun. Grandma: I have no money, money for your family in the New Year

author:Grandma Yao

Today I went back to see my mother and wrote down the grandson conversation.

Grandson: Milk you bring ten dollars.

Grandma: What do you do with the money?.

Grandson: Bring money to buy a gun.

Grandma: I have no money, the money is spent on your family in the New Year, your old age money, your brothers' pressure money, but also to buy vegetables.

The grandson did not say a word to get the coins that he usually had in the piggy bank.

This is a conversation my old mother had with my nephew.

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