
This is a real, precious video that lets you see the Qing Dynasty people in 1905, hurrying to hurry. The children inside are now old. It's like a lifetime away

author:Kansei asked

This is a real, precious video that lets you see the Qing Dynasty people in 1905, hurrying to hurry. The children inside are now old.

It's like a world away, and there's a sense of dialogue with the ancients. This is different from watching film and television dramas, which are made up and played by actors. Every character in this is alive, and they are all real people with names and surnames at that time.

Riding a donkey back then was like driving a car now.

In the video, the people of a hundred years ago are ancient, and after a hundred years, we no longer exist, and it is sad to think about.

A hundred years later, there are also shots of us rushing on the highway and traffic jams.

It is very precious, I imagine that in my hometown, my grandfather, my ancestors also walked on this kind of country road, how amazing life is, generation after generation has gone!

Today, what has not changed is the wheat field by the bridge, and what has changed is the people walking on the bridge.

At that time, people's lives were almost the same as now, they all had clothes to wear, they walked very fast to show that they could eat enough, and migrant workers and freelancers were estimated to have almost no pension and medical security now. Although the means of transportation are not as advanced as they are now, there are also successful people riding BMWs, the road is not as wide as it is now, but there are no toll booths, and there is no need to worry about being fined and deducted points by cameras. How was it then worse than it is now? I really haven't seen it. #Gold Powder Community ##Thousand Pink Entertainment #Video of the History of Light and Shadow

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