
12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

1. Don't over-feed children, either fat or good.

The overweight rate of mainland children has exceeded 30% Obesity can lead to many problems, such as sex hormone disorders, fatty liver, diabetes, inferiority and other problems, but also affect motor development.

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

Human babies are said to be the only cubs in nature where overfeeding exists.

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

2. Babies under one year old cannot eat honey.

Honey contains botulinum toxin, which is fatal to babies under one year old (the intestinal flora is not yet sound) In 1978, California, USA, tested honey samples and found that 10%-15% of honey samples contained botulinum toxin spores. It was forbidden to give honey to infants and young children under one year of age.

Japan has been reporting such tragedies for two years, when parents died after giving honey to a 5-month-old baby.

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

3. Feed the baby do not pay too much attention to cleaning, being a dirty baby may have better immunity to the child

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

A friend of mine, after giving birth to a child, can be said to have really achieved the cleanliness of feeding children, do not hold children outside the parents, hold children must wipe their hands with alcohol wipes, almost do not kiss children, children's clothes should be disinfected with high temperature ultraviolet rays, all kinds of disinfectants in the home to wipe ... In the end, I was constantly sick every day. Letting children play more, more crazy, and dirty in the early stage can better stimulate the immune system. But you still have to be a little bit of a ha, and you can't mess around.

4. After feeding complementary food, try to change the pattern every day, and give the baby more stimulation of different foods, so that it is not easy to be allergic in the future.

5. Children's fever must be paid attention to, especially before the age of 3, children's fever must be actively controlled.

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

Before the age of 3, the neurodevelopment of children is not sound, the outer myelin sheath (insulation layer) has not yet grown well, once feverish, it can lead to high fever convulsions (that is, convulsions, mouth foam, stiff limbs, commonly known as sheep epilepsy). Therefore, if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to actively cool down, you can drink more water, rub your body with warm water and take ibuprofen. Febrile seizures are too frequent and can affect a child's brain development and can even translate into epilepsy.

6. Second-hand smoke is an important cause of rhinitis and allergic asthma in children

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

Please do not smoke in front of children, if you smoke, please wash your hands, change your coat and go to hold the child. This point is particularly difficult for the elderly to communicate, I do not smoke, but my father smokes, every time he smokes to hold the child, said countless times, caused a lot of contradictions, said that we do not give him to hold the child. Therefore, it is recommended to popularize the relevant knowledge of these old smoking guns before having children.

7. Don't give your child alcohol and don't feed it as much as you want

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

I know of a tragedy, a 2-year-old child was fed a glass of wine by relatives, a chopsticks from his father, a chopstick from his uncle, a chopstick from his grandfather, a chopstick from his uncle, and finally brain death from alcoholism. The Big New Year's Day is a human tragedy.

8. Prevent young uncles and uncles who do not have children from bringing children.

I had epilepsy before, and the cause of several children was that they were thrown up by their uncles and did not catch it, and they had brain bleeding on their heads... There was also an uncle who picked up, and with a force, flipped over from his shoulder and fell to the ground, suffering a cerebral hemorrhage. These young uncles and uncles have no experience with babies, they can't hold babies at all, and some of them are particularly bold and make all kinds of fancy moves. Even if you let them hold it, you have to keep an eye on it yourself!

9. Desiccant, coin cell batteries, medicines and other things must be placed in places that children cannot reach.

Desiccant, coin cell batteries, these dry to the esophagus, directly burned through, it is difficult to save life.

10. In winter, do a good job of skin care for your baby.

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

Prevents dry skin, dry skin can lead to eczema in small babies, causing itchy skin.

11. After the child is burned, rinse with cold water immediately, do not apply toothpaste. Don't puncture the blisters.

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

12. Take children to the dental dental fluoride regularly

12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

Fluoride is not expensive, but it is good for teeth. Cultivate the good habit of going to the dentist in your child. My teeth are very bad, hey, still a doctor, but there are no good oral habits (our generation was relatively poor when they were young, lack of awareness in this regard, I was in my 30s to wash my teeth for the first time, and I was disgusted by our hospital dental sister)

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12 points to pay attention to feeding your baby, parents get it!

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