
Manage your 35-55 years old well

The collector Ma Weidu once said:

"The best days for a man are thirty-five to fifty-five. These twenty years are your golden age, and what you have to do and do is these twenty years. ”

Thirty-five years old is like a watershed in life.

Fading the youth of youth, accumulating a certain social experience, is a period of the most abundant mind and energy of a person.

If you can manage this crucial twenty years, you will benefit yourself for life.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

Netizen @Liangxi once shared such an experience.

She and her husband have a stable job, earning about 20,000 yuan a month.

But the two people do not have any plan for money, they always use as much as they want, and they say that this is timely fun.

Until one day, the husband had a car accident on the way home from work and needed to undergo surgery immediately.

But they couldn't come up with the money for the operation, and Liang Xi could only borrow money from everywhere with a thick face.

But borrowing money is not easy to talk about, often before she finishes speaking, the other party has already put on a face, and some even directly avoid seeing it.

Although she finally managed to scrape together the cost of the operation, it also left her with a large amount of debt.

For a long time after that, in order to pay off her debts, she sent out small advertisements, worked as a waiter, and did all the dirty work that she used to dislike, and she did it one by one.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

As the old saying goes: "Eat not poor, use not poor, do not calculate a lifetime of poverty." ”

When people come to this world, they do not have to have rich financial resources, but they must have the ability to manage money.

People who can control money will have more choices and the confidence to resist life.

The planning and management of money is to prepare for the future of their lives.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

On Douban, there is a documentary with a score of 9.3 points, "Dear, Don't Cross that River", which has touched countless people.

The film tells the story of an old couple who are nearly ninety years old and have loved each other for 76 years.

It sounds quite incredible, but after watching the film, it is not difficult to find the mystery of the long love between them.

Two people living in the mountains will always make an appointment to wear couple costumes to go snow plowing together when the first snow comes.

Because Grandma was timid, Grandpa promised to accompany her to the toilet every night and stay outside singing to her.

And whenever Grandpa had an asthma attack, Grandma would patiently accompany him and tell stories to make him happy.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

Heard an interesting analogy:

"Marriage is like two people working together to start a business. Only when both husband and wife are seriously invested and carefully managed, can the enterprise operate for a long time. ”

What makes the feelings dissipate is not trivial time, but no longer walking after the passion retreats.

Those couples who can stay together until they are old are just the end of two people's careful management.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

As the saying goes, "Raising the poor and the rich is not as good as the cultivation of parents; the leniency and strict education are not as good as the parents' personal education." ”

Parents are like a mirror, what kind of person you want your child to become, you have to become what kind of person you want to be.

Mengman, a professor of history at minzu University of China, shared such a story.

Her mother, an English teacher, once happened to have a toothache attack while going to a class for a student.

At that time, my mother had eight classes a day and had no time to go to the hospital.

So my mother went to class with two buckets, one filled with cold water and the other empty.

Whenever the pain was too much to bear, she would take a sip of cold water and spit it out in the empty bucket next to the lectern.

In this way, he insisted on teaching the students and did not delay the teaching progress for a moment.

This serious and rigorous attitude of the mother has always deeply affected Mengman.

So even though she's the most popular teacher on campus today, she still prepares lessons every day, even though she's been teaching them for seventeen or eighteen years.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

I have always agreed with the saying: "Teaching is a long road, but example is the fastest shortcut." ”

The best upbringing is the example of a parent, a good example, better than the power of a thousand times of teaching.

Being able to educate your children well is the most important cause in the life of a parent.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

The hit drama "Chinese-style Relationship" has such an impressive scene:

Ma Guoliang, played by Chen Jianbin, resigned from the government unit and went to find his former "friend" to help, but was stopped by the secretary of the other party.

He told the secretary that he did not need to make an appointment, as long as he mentioned that he was Ma Guoliang, they Luo Zong would definitely see him.

However, the secretary said that Luo Zong was in a meeting, and when the meeting was over, he would go to the pass.

That night, he turned out all his business cards and called the bosses he knew.

However, the brothers who once begged to eat with him and touted him as the "Buffett of the organ world" have changed their faces.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

When we are young, we always want to expand our circle, thinking that multiple friends will have more roads.

But after half a life and seeing all kinds of people, I understand that true friends are not expensive.

Wine and meat friends, no matter how much fun they talk at the dinner table, they may not be really communicative.

Too much socializing will only make you consume a lot of time, but ignore the people who really care about you.

When people reach a certain age, they must learn to manage their own circles.

Eliminate ineffective social interaction to better self-improvement; keep the circle clean, life will become clean.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

I have heard a philosophical saying: "Everyone is their best doctor." ”

Life is in our own hands, and if you indulge, life will be a mess; if you take care of it with your heart, life will become full and abundant.

In today's fast-paced society, too many people stay up late to become addicted, procrastinate, and habitually indulge themselves.

It seems that if you don't have fun in time, you are a great disappointment to life.

Manage your 35-55 years old well

But as Zweig said:

All the gifts of fate have long been secretly marked with prices.

If you can't control your desires, your family will collapse; if you can't control your habits, disease will come.

Those bad lifestyles will gnaw at your foundation like termites day after day, until one day they uproot you.

I have always agreed with that sentence: "Self-discipline is a good medicine for life." ”

After the age of thirty-five, please stay away from the things that consume you and be your best doctor.

Always believe that only those who can manage life well can have a more outstanding life.

Entrepreneur Feng Lun said: "The real greatness of a person is not to lead others, but to manage themselves." ”

This life of a person is a self-crafted practice.

If a person cannot repair himself in time, then even the best opportunities will be in vain.

Only by continuing to improve over the years can we firmly grasp the course of life and sail to a more vast distance.

In the days to come, may you and I manage ourselves and make our lives what we want most.

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The author | Su Xuan Source: Fan Deng Reading (ID: readingclub_btfx)

The anchor | Xia Meng, warm your bedtime time with my voice.

Pictures | Visual China

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