
Girls are more likely to have patella dislocation? Born! It can only be cured surgically

Girls are more likely to have patella dislocation? Born! It can only be cured surgically

Bo linger is called differently from place to place, Anqing is called "Kaili Bo", Yuexi is called "Seluopo", Tongcheng is called "Foot Slope", Tangshan is called "Neck Legele", Hakka dialect is called "Knee", Tianjin is called "Bumping Knee", Beijing is called "Bumping Edge", Sichuan is called "Prostrating Knee", Henan is called "Immortal Gai'er", Inner Mongolia is called "Pineapple Gai", Shandong is called "Gela Wanzi" and so on.

So many names, in fact, Bellengele is talking about the patella.


What is patellar dislocation?

To understand patellar dislocation, it is necessary to understand the anatomical characteristics of the patella: only one end (distal end) is relatively stable, and the other three sides (proximal, left, and right) are loose.

Near the distal tip of the patella there is a tibia nodule with a patellar ligament that connects to the lower end of the patella, also called the patellar tendon, which acts as a fixation to the patella.

Girls are more likely to have patella dislocation? Born! It can only be cured surgically

Because only the patellar bone has patellar tendons at the distal end, and the other three faces are not relatively strong tissue restraints on the proximal, left and right sides, the patellar ligament is relatively soft and has a large range of motion.

At the same time, the patella and patella tendon are very important for our knee joint, which mainly plays the role of pulley or lever, ensuring that we can complete the daily up and down the stairs, jump, squat and other actions.

Due to the anatomical weakness of the patella coupled with the frequent use and importance of daily life, it may cause these problems to occur during movement. One of the most important problems is patella instability, i.e. patellar dislocation.


Characteristics of patellar dislocation

Patellar dislocations are all lateral dislocations, and there is no medial dislocation.

Because the tissue on the inside of the patella is softer, the tissue on the outside is tighter. Especially with age, the muscles will atrophy and the instability of the patella will become more pronounced. Therefore, the lateral detachment of the patella is called patellar dislocation.

In general, there are two conditions of subluxation and complete dislocation of the patella, and after the patella dislocation, in addition to the knee joint is easy to get stuck and fall, accompanied by severe swelling and pain.


What population will have this condition?

Patients with patella dislocation are usually more young girls, and generally develop in their teens and twenties.

The most obvious feature is the lateral dislocation of the patella when the knee is twisted in the semi-squat position. Usually there will be a fall, followed by particular pain, accompanied by swelling. Usually the possibility of patellar dislocation can be suspected.

Girls are more likely to have patella dislocation? Born! It can only be cured surgically

There are also some people because the congenital lateral tissue of the patella is particularly strong, the medial tissue is particularly weak, so at a very young age, about three or four years old, the child bends the leg, the patella dislocation will appear lateral.

This situation needs to be treated more, otherwise it will affect the child's development and even fall down with each step.


Is patellar dislocation congenital?

Patellar dislocation does have a significant relationship with congenital factors. After medical scientific research, people with patellar dislocation usually have a relatively large degree of joint relaxation (also clinically called joint relaxation). Because the soft tissues of the joints and ligaments are relatively loose, they are easy to protrude outward.

Girls are more likely to have patella dislocation? Born! It can only be cured surgically

At this time, the patient's medical record is generally a torn medial ligament, or even a complete rupture, and it is almost impossible to heal automatically.

Overall, most patellar dislocations are related to innate factors. Of course, there are also some traumatic, such as being kicked to the patella or injuring the patella when kneeling, which is also common, but relatively rare.


Cause of outward dislocation of the patella

Patellar dislocations are all lateral dislocations, and there is no medial dislocation.

Because the tissue on the inside of the patella is softer, the tissue on the outside is tighter. Especially with age, the muscles will atrophy and the instability of the patella will become more pronounced. Therefore, the lateral detachment of the patella is called patellar dislocation.

In general, there are two conditions of subluxation and complete dislocation of the patella, and after the patella dislocation, in addition to the knee joint is easy to get stuck and fall, accompanied by severe swelling and pain.


How is patellar dislocation treated?

After patellar dislocation, the vast majority of people require surgery. Because patellar dislocations occur repeatedly, as long as there are two to three recurrences, the probability of recurrence is close to 100%. Basically surgery is done to cure it.

If not operated on, it will significantly affect the patient's normal activities, especially when the knee joint is half squat and twisted, it is easy to be injured. Therefore, it is usually recommended that patients have surgery. However, if the knee joint requirements are very low, such as usually only do linear exercises, no up and down stairs, squatting, etc., the problem is not too big.

It is precisely because this patellar dislocation will recur and there are congenital factors of weak medial tissue. Therefore, surgery is generally recommended for the reconstruction of the medial patella ligament. In the vast majority of postoperative patients, more than 99% will not relapse into dislocation.

Girls are more likely to have patella dislocation? Born! It can only be cured surgically

Surgery usually takes a small ligament from the self to replace the broken medial patella ligament, so that there is no adverse effect on the human body, and the best repair effect can be obtained. And part of this surgery is minimally invasive, the patient's wound is small, and the recovery is faster.

At the same time, it also has a certain relationship with the doctor's choice of surgery and technology. It is recommended to choose an experienced doctor to perform this procedure.

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