
In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June. Cold words are more difficult to let go than physical injuries, scars can be healed, but the thorns stuck in the flesh cannot be removed.

Verbal violence, directly stinging people's hearts, will not speak well, and is often the beginning of the breakdown of couples' feelings.

I often wonder if it is because the two people are too familiar that they repeatedly lose their minds in quarrels, and then the knives that stab each other are extremely sharp.

Husband and wife are intimate and cooperative, and the two prerequisites for good cooperation ensure good interest matching; personality should be absolutely respected. So don't be emotionally focused on the moment, completely forget the other person's good, forget how the two people came together, just talk harshly.

In ordinary life, we should also pay attention to the fact that a sentence and two things, changing attitudes may lead to very different results. In addition to these, before speaking, you must also have a brain, whether it is right or not to be worthy of your own conscience.

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife!

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

1, said that you do not understand, ask what to ask.

Maybe she doesn't understand or wants to understand, but she loves you, cares about you, cares about you, just wants to know what happened to you. As a result, your words immediately pulled away from each other, making her feel that she was self-inflicted and embarrassed.

This sudden grievance and heartache can easily lead to the relationship between husband and wife slowly moving towards estrangement and strangeness, and no one wants to commit another crime.

Also don't bring your emotions to him, no matter what happens to you, you can't solve it, that's your ability problem.

Equally hurtful, there is also "I don't want you to take care of my business." Is this to draw a line or what? Even in the face of a stranger's concern, there should be at least some politeness, too ignorant.

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

2, which woman did not come this way.

To be a man, there must always be a man's temperament and richness, as well as tolerance and tolerance of women's resilience, so that when you can let go, you will give way. When you go home, see if there's anything you can do to help, instead of always posing on a high pedestal and enjoying married life strongly.

Marriage is the marriage of two people, the home is the home of two people, how to have children, the trivialities of family affairs have become a woman's business.

All attitudes that are taken for granted are unconscionable. Not every woman comes this way, it's just that you don't have the ability to make her happy and make excuses for your incompetence.

When you have hard work, women also have, originally care about two sentences, two sentences of comfort, emotions can pass, the result of your one sentence, in addition to causing contradictions, chilling, nothing else.

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

3. Don't you just take your children to cook at home?

In a word, denying all the women's efforts and sacrifices is selfish. So selfish people are always like this, only themselves in their eyes, while enjoying the efforts of others, but also have to pick and choose the efforts of others, or feel dissatisfied with the efforts of others.

I only feel that I am the hardest, I only feel that I am the least difficult, and I forget that even if it is a full-time wife, she bears no less than you.

That kind of work is indescribable.

Maybe in this world, there is really no empathy, unless there is exactly the same experience, only by personally experiencing the difficulties of women, the content of life that they bear every day, can we truly understand the hardships of women. I kept cleaning up after the child, I couldn't see what I was busy with, but I wasn't idle for a moment.

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

4, do you see that you are still a bit of a woman?

Objectively speaking, every woman has two versions: the hardcover version and the paperback version. The former is for others to see, bright and bright, heavy makeup; the latter is only for the most loved people, aprons and pajamas, complaining about bitterness.

A woman, her rhyme cultivation and maintenance, inseparable from three things: money, love, time.

So when you start to dislike her, you should immediately reflect on yourself. If she is with you, has money, love and time, how can she become an "ugly woman"? If you have money, you have temperament, you can dress up when you have time, and you can become warm with love, otherwise you don't have enough money, not enough love, and not enough time.

Serving a family every day, supporting the operation of the family, and ending up being rejected by you is also too chilling.

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

5, I was really blind to marry you.

In a word, it is useless and worthless to belittle the other party, even if she is really bad and married by yourself, then you have no right to regret it. Moreover, in this world, there are no really useless people, there are no perfect people, everything is their own subjective judgment.

You can't see the advantages in her, then she falls into your eyes and it's all shortcomings. As the saying goes, the world has never lacked beauty, but it just lacks the eyes to find beauty.

The more emotionally you are, the more you must restrain yourself and don't say harsh words, that is all buried thunder.

Don't compare your partner with outsiders, the comparison is very unfair, just take the shortcomings of the partner to compare the advantages of others.

In marriage, the five words that cannot be said to a woman hurt more than a knife

These chilling words, do not say them again in the future, for your marriage, family, life, there is no benefit. If you hurt the other party because of this, and let your partner completely despair and die for you, then there is no possibility of reconciliation. It is easy to hurt a person's heart, but it is difficult to think about the heat.

You may feel that it is just a sentence on the gas head, but don't forget that freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

The Weakness of Human Nature says:

"If you want to provoke a deadly resentment, just make a little harsh criticism." Pay attention to key words: resentment, unforgettable, mean, critical. What people have said, what people have heard, there is no real sense of turning the page, it will be deposited little by little.

It's very serious, it hurts very much, even if a long time has passed, when you suddenly think of it at a certain moment, there will still be that kind of heart-wrenching colic. I don't want the husband and wife to drift apart, keep their mouth shut, and if you can't say something, you must not say it.


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