
A woman's happiness starts with respect for her husband!

"Marriage is a road from oneself to the other, and the secret of a happy marriage is to make 'me' a 'we.'"

A woman's happiness starts with respect for her husband!


In the era of materialism, love seems to be a luxury, money is the weight of a stable marriage, if you say "love in marriage is more important than money" when friends gather, it will only laugh generously and harvest a "love brain" evaluation.

I remember some time ago, there was a very high concern on the Internet: If your husband gave you 110,000 a month, but never went home, would you like to?

In the face of such a problem, many netizens left messages to express their willingness, and even some people said that they did not want 110,000 yuan, as long as they gave 10,000 yuan per month.

It can be seen that in the marriage of these netizens, the husband is a dispensable person, who has no contribution to the family, and they are experiencing a "widowed marriage".

Even so, it does not mean that all people's marriages are unhappy, because some people will run marriages, while others will only turn marriages into a pool of stagnant water.

A woman's happiness starts with respect for her husband!


I have a friend who has known each other for ten years, and I have witnessed the whole process of her falling in love, getting married, and having children. Watching her go from a happy love to a chicken-flying dog-jumping marriage, her husband, who was once warm and considerate to her, has also become a man with only wine and meat friends.

Her husband has a stable job, a mediocre income, and a gentle personality, while she has a strong personality, saying that she is not the same, especially under the friction of marriage and children, becoming more and more impatient, and her husband is just the father of the child to her.

I remember once went to her house to eat, when her husband helped to serve soup, there was a lot of meat, resulting in very little soup, she counted her husband down in front of all her friends, not to say, but also took out the previous Chen sesame rotten grain thing and said it again, friends here understand her temper, no one dares to interject, can only watch her husband's face turn from sunny to cloudy.

In fact, men are different from women, they don't need you to always care, show love for him everywhere, just need you to respect him in front of people, help him maintain his face, and make him look dignified enough.

Most men know how to be grateful, as long as you give him face in front of people, he must be obedient to you and willing to pay more for you. However, many women do not understand this truth, and use cold language to stranger their husbands day by day.

A woman's happiness starts with respect for her husband!


There is an old saying called "men can be relied on, pigs will go up the tree", many people think this is a joke, in fact, this is from the bottom of the heart to distrust men. A husband who has never been trusted, he will never have a chance to prove himself, life and work can only be a mess. Giving the husband a certain degree of trust is also giving the marriage more happiness possibilities.

In the Psychology Department at the University of Washington, a team of researchers who observed and studied 2,000 couples for 50 years found that the most corrosive factor in marital relationships is contempt.

When you keep hitting your husband or your wife, it will arouse his hostility toward you, which will cause greater conflicts and contradictions and put the marriage in jeopardy. Since then, he has not wanted to go near you, and you feel that he does not love you, and the marriage has come to an end.

Men's need for trust and respect is completely beyond women's imagination. A husband who is not trusted and respected, all that emanates from him is indifference and ruthlessness, and marriage and wife are only bondage and shackles for him.

And a husband who is fully respected and trusted, he will do his best to show his best side and live up to his wife's expectations. Such a man will become more and more excellent, and such a marriage can become more and more happy.

A woman's happiness starts with respect for her husband!


In the book "A good marriage is to fall in love with each other again and again" this sentence:

A good marriage is a dynamic balance: when the wife respects her husband and sees him as the dominant person, the husband will hold his wife in the palm of his hand and regard her as the most important person, the white prime minister.

A good marriage is to trust each other, to achieve each other, you become more and more excellent, I become better and better, one plus one is greater than two, and it can only be achieved in marriage forever.

Although marriage is not poverty alleviation, nor sacrifice and fulfillment, nor is it the demand and consumption of one party for the other party, but using occasional compromise to give respect to the other party can be exchanged for the other party's love and dependence on you, why not enjoy it?

A good marriage is to grow up with each other but be closely dependent on each other, help each other grow in your own way, and let the marriage move forward steadily.

Finally, please remember to share it, it will definitely help more marriages!

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