
Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

Wen | Yingma

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

Xiu Xiu and her mother-in-law broke out the first war when the child was 7 months old. The fuse is whether to add salt to the child when adding complementary food!

The mother-in-law said that the child should add some salt to cook porridge, otherwise the child does not like to eat, and the child does not have salt to eat, there will be no strength, and Xiu Xiu said that when I went to the pregnant class before, the doctor mentioned that the child did not need to add salt before the age of one, and adding salt would increase the burden on the child's kidneys, which was not conducive to the child's health.

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

My mother-in-law said that my 4 children before me began to give them salt at 6 months, and now they are not healthy and healthy? All of them went to college, and one of them graduated with a Doctorate, and that doctor's degree is not as high as my son's!

Xiu Xiu was almost laughed when she heard her mother-in-law's nonsense, and she hugged her son and said, "I made the child's supplement!" "You always raise children according to the old experience, so you go back to your hometown."

When her husband returned from work in the evening, the mother-in-law began to add fuel to her son: the daughter-in-law rushed back to her hometown, and as a result, Xiuxiu and her husband had a big fight in the evening.

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

Just because of the topic of adding salt to the child, Xiu Xiu had two fights a day, which was really exhausting, fortunately, he explained the reason to his husband later, and his husband also expressed understanding. On the second day, he coaxed his mother-in-law to return to his hometown, and then let Xiuxiu work harder and take the child by himself.

The elderly will have a lot of old experience with babies, but many times these experiences are outdated, and if you raise children according to the experience of these elderly people, it is very likely that you are pitting children.

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

The elderly raise a baby, the common 5 kinds of parenting experience, in fact, it is very bad, the mother does not believe

The first kind: add salt to add complementary food

The main component of salt is sodium chloride, whether the child should add salt or not, depending on whether the child needs to take sodium from the salt, the child needs 500 mg of sodium per day from 6 months to one year old. Daily children drink breast milk or milk powder and eat rice noodles, vegetables, meat in the sodium can reach 500 mg, if you add salt to the child in these foods, in fact, it is equivalent to increasing the burden of the child, because the unwanted things children must be excreted through the kidneys, in the discharge of excess sodium, but also take away the child's body zinc and calcium, is not conducive to the child's health.

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

Type 2: No nutrition after 6 months of breast milk

Breast milk after 6 months of no nutrition, mainly selling milk powder people with their mothers said, you see your breast milk is very thin, where there is any nutrition, have you found that the child's recent weight growth is getting slower and slower, height growth is getting slower and slower, mainly your breast milk nutrition is not enough, so you have to change the milk powder for the child.

In fact, breast milk is the child's customized food, the child needs to add complementary food after 6 months, so the nutrition in breast milk will be fine-tuned, but the child's protein, calcium and other nutrients are still mainly ingested from breast milk, and supplementary foods can supplement some.

After the child reaches 6 months, whether he drinks formula or breast milk, his height and weight growth will slow down.

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

Type 3: When your child can eat, don't drink so much milk

Many grandmothers with children in the child about 10 months can eat a bowl of rice, will consciously reduce the amount of milk of the child, that is because the grandmother feels that the milk is water without nutrition, to give the child more to eat in order to grow tall in order to have strength, in fact, the child before the age of one try to maintain a daily milk amount of about 800 ml, more conducive to the child's growth and development, after all, the child's gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients in the milk will be better, and the child to one year old, although the amount of milk is reduced, but can not lack of daily guarantee 400 ~ The amount of 600 ml of milk is more conducive to the growth of the child's height and the growth and development of the child.

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

Number 4: It is better for the child not to climb and walk

Some parents think that when the child climbs will make the clothes very dirty, and the child climbs when it is very troublesome, it will consciously not let the child climb, but hope that the child will slowly stand up to 10 months, 11 months to learn to walk on the feeling that there is no need to climb, the child can walk on the line, anyway, the child grows up is mainly walking, but do not know that crawling for the child's body exercise is very comprehensive, can exercise the child's balance ability, exercise the child's sensory unity ability, can make the child's touch more sensitive, let the child be more flexible, Children who can walk without climbing are less developed in movement and less sensitive to sensation than children who climb regularly.

Raising children before the age of one, mothers should avoid these parenting experiences and stop being a child

No. 5: Juice nutrition is good for children to drink

Fruit juice is a liquid food made from fruit. Many parents feel that children can't eat much fruit, squeezed into juice children can eat more, do not know that fruit becomes juice, dietary fiber is destroyed, vitamins will also be lost, fructose will increase. Fructose, for the growth and development of children is more harmful than beneficial, children often drink juice will hurt the health of teeth, but also let children consume too much fructose, fructose is easy to cause obesity.

So these old experiences are actually rumors, and mothers should not listen to them.

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