
Frequent milk spills? What should I do with the excess breast milk? Some people give their husbands a drink and don't do it

Frequent milk spills? What should I do with the excess breast milk? Some people give their husbands a drink and don't do it

Peach Mommy said 2022-04-22 15: 03

Although the living conditions at home are getting better, with the improvement of mothers' education level, they will basically breastfeed their children, and with the popularity of breastfeeding benefits, many mothers have also lengthened the time for breastfeeding.

After the child is born, the main food is mainly breast milk, and after 6 months, supplementary foods are added to slowly reduce the amount of breast milk feeding, so as to be able to provide a more balanced nutrition for the child. Each mother's breast milk situation is also different, some mothers after giving birth to the baby, there is no breast milk, anxious to catch fire, often because the lactation method is not right, mastitis will come to the door. Some mothers have sufficient breast milk after giving birth to their babies, and sometimes they prepare a lot for their children, which is basically wasted.

Frequent milk spills? What should I do with the excess breast milk? Some people give their husbands a drink and don't do it

The length of breast milk preservation is also limited, and after the child can't finish drinking, how does everyone deal with the remaining breast milk?

Before the colleague Zhang Jie said that her daughter-in-law's breast milk children could not drink, basically for their own son to drink, otherwise waste is also waste. After Sister Zhang's daughter-in-law gave birth to her little grandson, the little grandson always had jaundice, illuminated in the hospital, and did not go home. Daughter-in-law is also no way, can only use breast pumps, but also to prepare breast milk for the child, the daughter-in-law's body conditioning is very good, breast milk is very sufficient, so the breast milk prepared for the child is also very much, the daughter-in-law will be well sealed in the refrigerator for sealing and preservation.

Frequent milk spills? What should I do with the excess breast milk? Some people give their husbands a drink and don't do it

But after the time has passed, the child can not drink, before Zhang Jie is to let her son drink, feel that the nutritional value of breast milk is high, the son work is also more hard, just to be able to supplement some of the nutrition in the body.

At the beginning, the son still drank, and later, the son did not drink much, perhaps because of psychological reasons, or because of taste.

The doctor derived the truth: do not give breast milk to the husband to drink, useless to return the diaphragm

Frequent milk spills? What should I do with the excess breast milk? Some people give their husbands a drink and don't do it

1. More breast milk for the husband to drink, no nutritional supply

Children drink breast milk because, in the child's body, from amniotic fluid to air breathing, the development of various organs is not perfect, therefore, the mother's breast milk for newborns, nutrition is very rich, but breast milk for adults, nutritional value may not be more than an egg.

In addition, the gastrointestinal digestion of adults is basically mature, and adults can only absorb some iron, protein and amino acids for breast milk. These nutritional values eggs and milk can fully meet the daily nutritional needs of adults, and do not need to be supplemented by breast milk.

Frequent milk spills? What should I do with the excess breast milk? Some people give their husbands a drink and don't do it

2. It will hurt the husband's face and cause resentment in the heart

Some boys are still relatively macho in their hearts, if in order not to waste, and force their husbands to drink breast milk, it will cause a certain degree of psychological disgust, and may also have unnecessary misunderstandings with their wives, resulting in quarrels between two people and the run-in of husband and wife feelings.

3. It is easy to cause bacterial infection of the baby

After the breast milk is preserved, it should be minimized to contact with the outside world, so that the bacteria will be less, but if the breast milk is given to adults to drink, often move the bag, adults often drink to the mouth, if there is no serious and strict disinfection, it will produce bacteria breeding, if the child drinks the breast milk inside, it will easily cause bacterial infection.

Frequent milk spills? What should I do with the excess breast milk? Some people give their husbands a drink and don't do it

Finally, parents should be advised that if the mother's breast milk is more sufficient, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-8 days, and the best drinking time is 3 days. The more time refrigeration, the more bacteria will grow, which is easy to disturb the child's intestinal flora environment.

If the excess food can be placed separately in the freezer, so that it can be stored for 4-6 months, so that the mother's breast milk can be saved until the child eats complementary food, so that when the child adds complementary food, the breast milk can be poured into the seasoning, so that the child can receive the supplementary food as soon as possible, and can better transform from breast milk to complementary food feeding.

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