
Some advice to unmarried people: Get married for less than a year, but see through the marriage


Recently, I was struck by a friend's story, which gave me a new perspective on marriage.

This friend is the wife of a friend of a friend, and because they are friends with each other, they used to come out to get together often when she was not married. After marriage, there is not much contact.

Two days ago, she told me she was getting a divorce.

I remember that she was married for less than a year, and at that time I just saw that her circle of friends simply sent a few pictures, she was thirty years old when she got married, and she didn't do a wedding with much fanfare, but just invited relatives and friends to come and celebrate.

He didn't even wear a wedding dress, just an evening gown to toast relatives.

Some advice to unmarried people: Get married for less than a year, but see through the marriage

Later, I asked her, why is this so, is it rare to get married once in life without getting a sense of ceremony?

She said that she didn't have any hopes for marriage, and now that she had just met someone she wanted to marry, other forms didn't seem to be so important.

I thought in my heart, you don't pay attention, since the other party wants to marry you, you will also give you the wedding you want, but I didn't say it, because I was afraid that she would think too much.

Later, I rarely saw her dynamics, just remember when I was not married before, as if they were very happy together, and I thought she was married to happiness.

But in less than a year, their marriage was coming to an end, something I hadn't expected.

In my impression, she was a very good girl, with her own job, and she did well, her English was particularly outstanding, at that time I was quite envious of her, capable, beautiful, down-to-earth.

After getting married, it seems that everything has changed, she got pregnant not long after she got married, and at first she was still working, after all, the salary was quite good.

Later, she resigned at home for her children, and suddenly she became a housewife with no income, and then she had to rely on her husband.

I thought that the other party could see her sacrifice, but when she was waiting for delivery at home, her husband would look at all kinds of faces, buy something and say all kinds of words, at this time she realized that there was no job in the original way.

After giving birth, she could not quickly put into work, or grievances she had brought her child at home for half a year, at this time her mother-in-law was also at home to help, resulting in various contradictions.

Some advice to unmarried people: Get married for less than a year, but see through the marriage

My friend always thought that she had married a very good man, after all, he showed that he was gentle and meticulous, would take care of his emotions, and was also very talented.

Unexpectedly, I got married and had a baby to re-acquaint himself with his family.

He married her with the most ordinary meals and the least worth mentioning, the so-called sincerity, and thought that her concessions and understanding could be exchanged for each other's cherishing.

As everyone knows, no matter how sensible you are in the eyes of the other party, you will feel that you are not worthy, and you should be the girl who will cry and will be delicate, so that someone will spoil you.

In a year at home, she tried to change human nature, and the true face of a man, and even in the end, the man wanted to completely buy out her children with two hundred thousand.

Men don't want children, so they say that they give 200,000 at a time to let their friends leave completely, and the house will not be distributed to her.

It didn't cost much to marry her, and now I want to spend a little child support to completely send her and the children away. The problem is that in this marriage, she didn't do anything wrong, the only thing she did wrong was not really recognizing how he really looked.

Someone in this world wants to marry you home, maybe because you cook a good dish, maybe because you're understanding and not well-behaved, or maybe because you're capable and fit to be a wife.

But always understand that the person who really wants to marry you must not value these things, but from the bottom of their hearts, they want to shield you from the wind and rain, and share for you.

Some advice to unmarried people: Get married for less than a year, but see through the marriage


In fact, regarding their marriage, I don't want to comment too much.

I only hope that when women choose to get married, they will be more cautious, consider more about what kind of person the other party is, take more time to contact, and don't choose at will because of age and family pressure.

A good marriage will make you feel worthwhile in the world, while a bad marriage will cost you a lifetime.

I believe that many times, you will be eager to get love, but before loving a person, you must learn to love yourself, only with the ability to love yourself, others will cherish you.

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