
What is a couple? Read it five times (too thoroughly)!

Go together in the ups and downs, whether rich or poor do not let go!

What is a couple?

There are quarrels and love, both sadness and happiness, whether poor or rich, can not abandon, life and death depend on each other, this is husband and wife.

After getting married, the two will walk into the plainness of chai rice oil and salt, assume the responsibilities of old and young, and experience the boring of the seven-year itch.

But what I want to say here is that no matter how tired you are, please stick to it, no matter how tired you are, please cherish each other.

The old saying goes: Thousands of lifetimes, the origin and extinction of the fate, are all doomed.

Being able to marry in this life is the fate cultivated in the past life, since you have signed a lifelong contract, it is destiny, please cherish this fate and walk well together in this life.


Good couples have been playing stupid all their lives

Some people say: open your eyes before marriage, and close one of your eyes after marriage.

Closing an eye means that husband and wife must know how to pretend to be stupid, and they must understand everything but do not break the realm.

There is no need to make a difference in everything, mutual understanding, and more concessions for each other is the secret of long-term marriage.

Wei Qiang and Chen Lei are two good friends of mine, they have been married for several years and have been renting a house.

Just a few months ago, the two finally plucked up the courage to prepare to buy a house in installments.

Chen Lei's mother knew and said in front of them: "When I got married, I shouldn't have no house, but now it's good, the pressure is so great." ”

Neither of them listened to the taste in their hearts.

Since then, both people have changed, chen Lei found that Wei Qiang always worked overtime, and every day her husband came home after he fell asleep.

Wei Qiang also found that Chen Lei had been a little strange recently, before Sunday, she had to accompany her husband to go shopping, and now she let her girlfriend accompany her.

After a long time, Wei Qiang felt that something was wrong.

Once Wei Qiang drove home and found Chen Lei saying goodbye to a child, only to learn that Chen Lei was tutoring other children on Sunday.

Wei Qiang didn't say anything after he knew it, and came home from work to make a big table of delicious food for his wife.

A few days later, Chen Lei was late in overtime one night, hit a fast car, found that it was the license plate number of his own car, and suddenly realized that Wei Qiang was not working overtime at night, but using off-work time to run the express.

Chen Lei ordered to cancel the order and silently waited for the bus to return home.

Wei Qiang and Chen Lei both lied to each other, but they both pretended not to know.

They both knew that the other was a foolish effort for this family, so they couldn't bear to expose this beautiful lie.

The I Ching: "Two people with one heart, their profits are broken; the words of the same heart, their smell is like an orchid." ”

Husband and wife have the same heart, pretend to be stupid with each other, and they have no obstacles together.

On the contrary, after some couples spend a long time together, they are always prone to quarrels and complaints.

The chattering argument can only bring about the rupture of the relationship between the husband and wife.

Husband and wife should learn to pretend to be stupid, do not always think of suppressing each other, silently bear and pay for each other, and the feelings between you will get better and better!

What is a couple? Read it five times (too thoroughly)!


Quarrel and blame because you love you deeply

The ancients used the case to raise eyebrows and respect each other to describe the relationship between husband and wife, but this kind of marriage is not lacking and less folk fireworks.

Lin Yongjian said:

If you quarrel once a month, you are friends; if you quarrel once a week, you are a couple; if you quarrel every day and are not separated, then you are husband and wife.

Yes, husband and wife are arguing for a lifetime and loving for a lifetime, scolding for a lifetime and hurting for a lifetime, and repeatedly working together is a lifetime.

I saw an old couple on the Internet before, both of whom are in their 90s.

The old two have come all their lives, noisy and noisy, until now they are like a little couple who have just found an object, and they will be very cute because of some trivial fights.

One day, grandpa was bored at home and wanted to go out for a walk.

Grandma felt that Grandpa's legs and feet were not good for ropes and would not let him go out.

Grandpa said that after half a day, The grandmother still did not agree, and the grandfather was anxious, went to the firewood room and took out a stick, ready to compete with the grandmother.

What is a couple? Read it five times (too thoroughly)!

The grandmother smiled amusedly, but did not show weakness, casually took out the broom next to her, and posed in a dueling posture.

Two old men who were too old to be old staged a period of Huashan sword discussion.

They were all full of energy, but they were cautious, afraid of touching each other's bodies.

That not very flexible posture, like two children playing, people who watch it will feel a warm heart.

After a while, the grandmother was ready to retreat, and the moment she turned around, she could see that the grandmother's face was full of happy smiles.

Grandpa also smiled and chased him out.

What is a couple? Read it five times (too thoroughly)!

After a while, Grandpa was tired of playing and didn't plan to go out for a walk.

Isn't the marriage of grandparents exactly what many people have been pursuing?

Their quarrel is full of deep love for the other half.

They have gone through a lifetime and know how to cherish it more than we do.

As the old saying goes: Don't let the husband and wife have a thousand cartons of food, as long as the husband and wife are good to discuss.

In marriage, we are never afraid of quarrels, and we are afraid of arguments without love.

The most beautiful scene in the world is: after the quarrel, you will make your favorite braised pork, continue to wash your stinky socks after the fight, and cover you with a quilt in the middle of the night after the grievance.

The two of them live together, not seeking glory and wealth, not seeking to eat and drink spicy, only to have talk and laugh, white head to old age.

The real couple is a bedside quarrel, a bedside reconciliation, a quarrel every day, a long and long life!

What is a couple? Read it five times (too thoroughly)!


Rise and fall, do not abandon you

After the two got married, they signed a lifelong contract, whether it was windy, rainy or lightning and thunder, they should share it together.

If in the face of danger, the person who betrays the oath and turns away must also be the person who is not worth holding hands with you for a lifetime, and there is no need for such a person to feel sorry for him.

If he works with you through the difficulties with practical actions, then you must grasp this person well.

Zhang Jie is the technical director of a company, handsome and humble, and everyone has a good impression of him.

He was a workaholic who worked overtime almost every night, and his wife often drove to pick her up at night.

Everyone envied him, a successful man with a double harvest of work and family.

But not long after the good times, his wife suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and lost the ability to take care of herself.

Zhang Jie had to put down the work at hand and take a long vacation to go home.

"She is my wife, I am her husband, and I will bear the heaviest burden." Zhang Jie said, "Since we are married, I will not leave her for the rest of my life." ”

Zhang Jie did what he said, accompanied his wife every day, talked and chatted, wiped his body, and fed food and medicine.

He has never done housework, and now he is handy in washing and cooking, and is a father and a mother to his children.

For several years, Zhang Jie patiently took care of his wife and did odd jobs to support the family.

Taking care of patients is a very laborious thing, in the long run, Zhang Jie's hair has become loose, the body can not eat, often in the middle of the night on the waist pain can not sleep.

Fortunately, he has a better mentality, firmly believes that his wife can recover, and is full of hope for the future.

Perhaps Zhang Jie's efforts touched the heavens, under his care, his wife slowly became able to speak, and after two or three years, she could even get out of bed and walk.

More than 2,000 days and nights of protection, the feelings of the husband and wife are getting deeper and deeper.

The children are also in junior high school, their academic performance is also good, and the family is getting better and better.

Zhang Jie said: "As long as their mother and daughter are good, our family is happy." ”

It is said that when his wife encounters this kind of illness, Zhang Jie can not abandon it, and take the initiative to assume the responsibility of being the other half, move forward side by side, wind and rain in the same boat, is this not the most beautiful scene in the world?

I saw a video online before:

A small bird, lying upright on the ground, showed no sign of life.

Another companion, anxiously calling at him, did not have the slightest intention of leaving after calling for half a day, tried every means to rescue, and finally the emperor did not pay off the bird...

This video has triggered a hot comment from the majority of netizens, saying that "husband and wife are originally the same forest bird, and the big disaster is about to fly separately," but the bird's action has made many of us ashamed.

Birds can have such true feelings, let alone people?

It is easy to accompany you to the world, but it is difficult to suffer when you are down.

It's easy to walk with you in the sun, but it's hard to accompany you when it's raining.

It is easy to say that the Sea Oath Mountain Alliance is very easy, but it is really difficult to be able to live and die together.

The really good couple is that the ups and downs go together, whether rich or poor do not let go!

What is a couple? Read it five times (too thoroughly)!


Husbands and wives are companions who support each other to the old, boats that walk with wind and rain, and mountains that depend on each other.

The two sons live a plain life, snuggle up with each other and walk together, poor and poor, not abandoned, flying yellow Tengda and Ganlin.

I am willing to suffer with you, you are willing to shield me from the wind and rain, and I believe that it is you, and I will not change my original intention.

I know all your flaws, I know all your tempers, and since you and I are husband and wife, I can tolerate everything about you.

No matter how annoying, no matter how tired, no matter how noisy, no matter how wronged, always be steadfast, never give up.

Outwardly rebuke you, heart spoil you, cherish each other, love each other.

Husband and wife in this life, in the next life, we will sleep with you!

May all the couples in the world be able to grow old and stay together for a lifetime.

It's not easy to get together, please cherish it for the rest of your life!

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