
The power of example! The boy with cerebral palsy fell and insisted on reciting, saying that he wanted to be like an idol, Zhang Jie replied......

author:Great Wall Net

Recently, a video of a boy with cerebral palsy who suddenly fell down while participating in a recitation competition and continued to recite even if he fell to his knees touched countless netizens.

The power of example! The boy with cerebral palsy fell and insisted on reciting, saying that he wanted to be like an idol, Zhang Jie replied......

Netizens left messages and likes, "The child is so brave, it's amazing"

The power of example! The boy with cerebral palsy fell and insisted on reciting, saying that he wanted to be like an idol, Zhang Jie replied......

According to the poster news, the boy's mother said that after the child fell, she thought it was over, but the child still did not give up, insisted on reciting, and finally won the gold medal, which made her very relieved and proud. The boy's mother said that her child took the singer Zhang Jie as an example, and Zhang Jie continued to sing after falling down at the concert, and the child said that he should be as strong as Zhang Jie.

On May 15, singer Zhang Jie replied in the comment area of the child's mother: Brave and resolute.

The power of example! The boy with cerebral palsy fell and insisted on reciting, saying that he wanted to be like an idol, Zhang Jie replied......

Netizens hotly discussed: "The power of role models is concretized", "I hope the little boy grows up healthy and happy"

The power of example! The boy with cerebral palsy fell and insisted on reciting, saying that he wanted to be like an idol, Zhang Jie replied......

(Source: Elephant News)

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