
"The first time the in-laws and 9 people gathered for dinner, when the daughter-in-law cooked for half a day to prepare for the table, only one table of scraps was left."

"The first time the in-laws and 9 people gathered for dinner, when the daughter-in-law cooked for half a day to prepare for the table, only one table of scraps was left."

Psychologist Karen Horny: The biggest gap between people is not status, rich or poor, education or beauty, but values. With different values, the attitudes and methods of the two sides will be completely different.

Emotional writer Lu Qi once said: "When you marry, you are not married to a certain person, but to marry all the social relations of this person." So what kind of family you marry, what kind of marriage will you have. ”

Marriage is the second reincarnation of women, some people rely on marriage to achieve a turnaround in life, while some people return to poverty and return to a primitive state because of marriage overnight.

In fact, marriage is so important to women, but how many women who really decide to get married after careful consideration? Therefore, the tears shed after marriage are all the water in the brain when they are in love. How casual you were before marriage, you will retaliate against you so fiercely after marriage.

"The first time the in-laws and 9 people gathered for dinner, when the daughter-in-law cooked for half a day to prepare for the table, only one table of scraps was left."

01, the more parents oppose the marriage, the more the daughter has no remorse

For the parents of an only child, the most terrible thing is not that the daughter marries a poor son-in-law, but that the more the parents oppose the marriage, the more the daughter is righteous. In the end, the daughter fails, but in turn, she bites her parents, making her parents miserable.

This truth was not fully awakened until Ding Xia first dined with the 9 members of the in-laws. It was only too late, she was pregnant with a child in her belly, and her parents were old, and they couldn't bear the toss of her divorce.

Ding Xia and her husband fell in love at first sight, and after the two sides found that each other's hobbies and interests were similar, they intentionally or unintentionally leaned together. After that, under the influence of people with hearts, Ding Xia and her husband formally established a relationship.

The two sides have only been in love for half a year, and the husband can't wait to propose. Ding Xia was overjoyed, and naturally agreed to the marriage proposal. It was only when she announced this happy event to her parents that her parents had a heavy face and strongly opposed it, saying that the man's family situation would make Ding Xia suffer a big loss after marriage.

In order to make Ding Xia give up, her parents knew that they were emotionally reasonable, but Ding Xia did not give up, but firmly lived with her husband. The parents had no choice but to agree to the marriage.

"The first time the in-laws and 9 people gathered for dinner, when the daughter-in-law cooked for half a day to prepare for the table, only one table of scraps was left."

02. "The first dinner with the 9 members of the in-laws, when the daughter-in-law cooked for half a day to prepare for the table, only one table of leftovers was cold and hot"

After marriage, Ding Xia tried her best to integrate into her in-laws' family, and according to her in-laws' preferences, she sent gifts and red envelopes every New Year's Day. And Ding Xia's generous shot did make her mother-in-law's attitude loosen. It's just that the more Ding Xia lowered her voice, the more her mother-in-law had to move forward.

When Ding Xia and the 9 members of the in-laws had their first dinner, the mother-in-law used a commanding tone to ask Ding Xia, who was three months pregnant, to cook. Ding Xia very much wanted to refuse, although she had just passed three months, but she still did not want to overwork and let the child have any accidents.

But the mother-in-law said lightly, which woman does not get pregnant and give birth to a child, you are arrogant. This is your first dinner with your in-laws, you should take out your posture as the eldest daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, cook a meal for everyone, and enhance your feelings with your in-laws.

Hindered by the affection, Ding Xia had to compromise. Originally, she thought that her cooking skills were average, and even if she cooked, her mother-in-law, sister-in-law or sister-in-law would come to help.

As a result, she was busy for most of the day, and she was alone. The sister-in-law said that she wanted to take the child, and she couldn't get out of the house. The sister-in-law said that whether she was in her mother's house or her in-laws' house, she had never cooked and did not know how to cook and cook.

Ding Xia did not dare to ask her mother-in-law, so she had to make a few special dishes by herself. However, by the time she had just finished cooking all the dishes, her in-laws were already hungry enough to take the initiative to bring the dishes to the table, and they ate them without saying a word.

Ding Xia wanted to eat first on the table, but the mother-in-law hated the dirty kitchen and let Ding Xia clean up first before eating. Looking at the dirty kitchen and stove, Ding Xia could only admit it and start cleaning. But when she finished her hygiene and was ready to go to the table, there was only one table of cold soup left on the table.

"The first time the in-laws and 9 people gathered for dinner, when the daughter-in-law cooked for half a day to prepare for the table, only one table of scraps was left."

03, the daughter-in-law overturned the table and broke off relations with the in-laws

Looking at the cold heat of the scraps of this big table, Ding Xia still had an appetite. As a result, the mother-in-law still did not let her say, everyone has eaten and drunk enough, you are pregnant and can't eat much, just eat some, just clean up these dishes and chopsticks by the way.

Ding Xia listened to her mother-in-law's instructions, and her heart was full of mixed feelings. She was pregnant, busy for most of the day, no one came to help her, even if she was sad, she didn't even leave food for her. All the delicious meat dishes were turned upside down, leaving only a few bones and a few cold greens.

Ding Xia looked at her husband, who had been talking to his brother and brother-in-law there, and couldn't take care of her at all. Seeing all this, Ding Xia didn't say a word, directly overturned the table, picked up things and left her in-laws' house.

Ding Xia's actions made her mother-in-law angry, saying that she didn't want you to make a meal, why was she so impatient? If you don't see it, you shouldn't have posted it upside down and married it in the first place. They are all upside down and married, and they still pose so high, who is it for?

Ding Xia did not answer the phone, but just slammed the door and left. Her husband also chased out and persuaded Ding Xia to go back to apologize to his parents and admit her mistake, saying that a good dinner was ruined by Ding Xia, and now everyone has an opinion on her.

Ding Xia was very tired, she did not expect that she had been busy serving the 9 members of the in-laws for half a day, and in the end she had to consider their feelings. Ding Xia sneered and told her husband directly that she would either break off her relationship with her in-laws in the future, or divorce her immediately and find her own mother.

The husband neither admitted that his mother was too much of a person, nor did he want to divorce Ding Xia. Ding Xia did not give him the opportunity to sway left and right, and directly told him that he would either choose his parents or choose his wife and children.

Today's Topic:

Do you think Ding Xia should get a divorce?

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